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Everything posted by ProjectDexter

  1. Love all my esee's, thats a nice looking blade. 
  2.   Those forums are insane, they are everywhere else too, there was a car forum I frequented quite a bit when I first bought one of my cars and the vendors on there would fight like cats and dogs. It was entertaining and embarrassing at the same time. Digital egos. 
  3. I was tired of waiting and got what I was looking for at PA with an AD mount. Larue's website sucks, there is no way to tell if something is out of stock or not, PA's stock is live. Kudos. 
  4. I have heard several different stories about larue mounts eating the finish from the T rails on arfcom, the stories I've read have all been on rifles that were 10K+ rounds with the mount on. I don't know if those were defective mounts or if most people just don't put that many rounds down range to even notice the issue. 
  5.   lol, I hope I get my order sooner than that.
  6. You could also see if there are any Piano Movers in the area. A full size grand piano isn't as heavy as a safe but they ARE heavy, awkward, and extremely fragile. They generally have good moving equipment to do it with. 
  7. I ordered something from Larue and it ended up being backordered, lead time was 1-3 weeks. Has anyone dealt with them before and know if they are accurate on those times or could I be waiting months?   Thx. 
  8. Are you going to refuse to take down the classifieds section of TGO? That's what they're after...
  9. Most of us didn't see this maniac getting re-elected, I'm so done with compromising, hope congress doesn't pass jack.
  10. Speaking of scatterguns, Dickson PD uses slugs, and that's all. At least according to family member on the force, is that pretty standard?
  11. Why aren'tt hey pushing more legislation on psychotropic drugs? They Gould be the front runner in all of this
  12. Don't touch my magazines and rifles douchebag. Lulzed.
  13. They decided against the kids because of all the backlash
  14. Yikes! Put together a noveske not long ago, great rifle!
  15. Dickson police do as well, it just requires more range time and qualification.
  16. http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=2E10716E6FD870ADECD5461A6778F3AB NBC later scrubbed this to fall in line with what the other broadcasts were being told to say.
  17. Haha, his point to the un-informed was it only took 5 shots from a semi auto shotgun to make the same number of holes as 25 shots from an AR and in less time.
  18. I'm at the point where I'm not going to give up my guns or magazines, maybe that puts me in the same boat as some of these other people called "crazy". I know certain LEO around here aren't going to go door to door collecting them either, that would be a suicide mission. There are people still living with dirt floors and don't go grocery shopping, right here in middle TN, I lived in Ohio for 5 years an worked extensively with the Amish community. They don't need the govt. They don't need electricity, they don't need the grocery stores, they don't need the banks. I laugh at people, especially people who work for the govt, that say YOU NEED THE GOVT.
  19. Lol after recent events, you may be right. I don't know anything about the guy, I just thought the AAR seemed to line up with what happened in the video.
  20. After watching the video and reading the reports of that "incident" with Yeager, I guess I don't get what everyone is saying, any tactical training course I've ever been to will tell you that a car is NOT cover, get to real cover, and return fire. That's what the video and report show he did. I would have just driven away , guess that makes me a coward too.
  21. This is all just a media frenzy, you know he's still carrying those glocks with or without a permit. What irks me is that I could grab thousands of videos from the Internet that would put what Yeager said to shame and yet nothing has been done to those people. You got libs talking about mass murdering gun owners because THEY'RE GUN OWNERS! This is all happening because the guy has a large platform of followers through his company and someone sitting in a comfy chair on the top floor somewhere thinks that could be dangerous.


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