I have had no issues. I use the VA in Murfreesboro. I am also a Chief Medical NCO in the Army, so I have an idea what care should look like.
The first thing that needs to happen is he must be registered with the VA. A DD214 is also required. Due to the back log in some areas at the VA they have recently issued a new card that authorizes you to be seen by a civilian health care if you can not get a appointment within 30 days. At every Hospital there are Veteran Service Officers (VFW,American Legion, etc etc) that can assit with the process. Services are not always free, it depends on if you have income or insurance. With a wartime service DD214 you are normally entitled to 5 years of medical care not service connected.
There are a lot of things that come into play with so little information you have given. Glad to help if needed.