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Everything posted by R1100R

  1. Where can you find a 7.62 or a .223 for less than 300.00?
  2. Really nice bike. I'm in for a ride.
  3. Good to meet you and welcome.
  4. I own both and each has it own merits. I am thinking about a compact Glock lately.
  5. Go to the Rossi web site. I got on for my Son's there.
  6. Congrats, I love my G19.
  7. D*** Magic that is TMI!!!!!!
  8. I suffer from the same problem. But it's a good problem. How do you like the SIG 1911?
  9. I saw that interview this morning. I could not believe what came out of Gen Clarks mouth. I had to turn it off.
  10. I had some that the follower was sticking in the body. I bent out the sides from inside the Mag body and they ran fine. I also used some Emery cloth to polish the follower. These mags have a lot of rough edges.
  11. Rabbi, sorry about you friend. I hope he gets well soon.
  12. R1100R

    WASR upgrade

    Very nice. Can you post the formula for the stain.
  13. Rabbi has Barnaul and wolf .223 @5.00 a box out the door right now.
  14. R1100R

    1st automatic

    +1 on the Sig P6/225. I got one from Rabbi and it is a shooter. I am going to refinish it and post pics when done. I also saw one at Rabbi shop last week.
  15. I have a SA and a Winchester Garrand. You are going to fall in love with this rifle. Good looking rifle.
  16. The 638 has the benefit of both. It has a shroud but the hammer is accessible to decock. It is SA/DA.
  17. I hunt hogs every year is SE Georgia. They use dogs often but only for deer. They run them so often that the deer are fewer every year. But there are plenty of Hogs of all varieties in the swamps.
  18. Asti and Strawberries. 1st year anniversary last night.
  19. I was a Drill @ Ft Jackson. A-8-2. Then I was at the Re-training Company on Tank Hill. I know your proud of him.
  20. Nice carbine. It does wonders for the shoulder.
  21. You should be able to use any .30 caliber brush. .32 ACP bullet is .309". Use the nylon verses the metal.
  22. Is this unique only to the 642? My wifes new 638 has a screw on grips.
  23. I had a Rhodesian friend who was in the army with me from 79-81. He was in the Selous Scouts during the war. He got out by marriage to a American/German girl he had met in South Africa when he fled. His family had been there for four generations. He told us horrible stories about what his family has endured. I remember him being one of the nicest and most thoughtful people I have ever met. Possibly the best soldier I have ever known.
  24. That is really nice. We have just started out with a small tank for my little girl. She has taken to it. Soon we will try a bigger tank.


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