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Everything posted by R1100R

  1. +1 on Gladeville. For the Mrs., there is all kinds of shopping/stores within a 10 to 15 min drive. Schools are really good in the area.
  2. This soldier has built a one for me. Top notch work. He is out of country right now, but his wife is handling the shop. http://www.neverenoughguns.com/default.html
  3. In all fairness when I came in (still in) some Cav and Armor units were wearing the black beret. The Rangers were wearing their Ranger Patrol Cap with the tab on it. They took them away from armor to give the Rangers. I still don't care for the black berets. Most Armies around the world have been wearing them for the most part of fifty years.
  4. I hope I get to retire before I wear those Class B's. I am glad about the smaller service stripes on the new blue's. The last set of the full sleeve service stripes set me back $160.00 to have sew on. I am not crazy about the beret either. I know a few years back when were surveyed on this, all the lifers wanted to go back to the WWII fitted Pink's. Khaki's were a great uniform also.
  5. I was there today from 3-4:30. I was shooting a Springer 45 and some SIG's and a loud ass CZ 52 with sub-gun ammo. The finished with a .22. My hand was sore. Nice day for shooting. +1 on a nice looking pistol.
  6. +1 to Hero Gear. I been carrying that damn spoon for 32 years.
  7. I don't think it has anything to do with rank. It has to do with the values influenced by the way you were raised. Mostly your comrades become your family after your second tour. The military has favored the Republican Party due to them looking after the military's welfare. I have been soldiering now for 32 years. It's just my observation. I know on my last deployment ,Guard and Reserves were not allowed allotments. All my money went home. I had a special Visa account money was put into. Hell there was no where to spend it anyway. It appears to be a very small percentage donated anyway. I wonder how they track it. FWIW: Out of four E-4 and below that I have in country, three have extended their one year tour already. I have talked to two and asked why. Both stated in different ways that they thought it was the right thing to do.
  8. R1100R

    AR-15 Q

    It looks like someone is about to contract the BRD.
  9. I wear a Full Face and the Ballistic BMW Gear. I never worry about my riding. It's always the people around me that scare me. That's why I don't ride in town anymore.
  10. I called last week on my renewal (90+) days. Today I received a letter from them that gave me permission to carry until my new permit came in. It was on Department letterhead. I guess renewals do not apply to this law. It seems in the time it took to write the letter they could of issued the permit. I will call again this week.
  11. My son has a Rossi Youth combo. 22 $ .410 barrels with a carry case for about 120.00 from Academy Sports (Dick's has them too) it has been a great little rifle. My daughter wants a cub-t in pink from Savage. The Savage's are more like a real rifle and very accurate according to my brother. Take look at the Savage cub series rifles.
  12. I called today on my renewal that was sent May 13. The lady told me she was backlogged an ti takes about 90 days. She is sending me a letter for a temp. I reminded her this was a renewal and I had the yellow copy the station gave me. She said that was all she could do and to call back in a couple of weeks.
  13. When I got mine a few years ago this first shot had to be DA if you had a DA/SA semi auto pistol. The PD Instructor where I took mine stated it had to due with theway you carried. My Father in Law used my 1911 and started at cocked and locked. This was four years ago. Might have changed.
  14. The ABC's of Reloading by Bill Chevalier is a great book to start on. There is a 7th edition out. I got mine off Amazon.com. You can get new and used books on the subject there. Most of the powder manufacturers give reloading data off their site for free. +1 on buying used equipment.
  15. Thanks for the feedback so far. I am open to all options right now. I do want something to stand up to use. It will be used for maintenance of my cars and bikes.
  16. I have just finished building a new two story garage. The bottom floor is standard finished concrete. I want put a epoxy/paint/tile covering on it. Has anyone one on here has ever used any of these products or can give me any recommendations it would be greatly appreciated. It will be used to park vehicle,motorcycles and four wheelers on. The upstairs will be my new toy/play/work room. a place to get away from reality. Thanks.
  17. She's a beauty. What brand is it?
  18. Congrats, It was the happiest day of my life when my little girl was born.
  19. You left out High Standard and a Ruger Single Six in 22/22mag. I have had a HS for over thirty years and my other 22 auto will never stand up to it.
  20. You will probaly be at the top of there S*** list when you get there just for asking.
  21. Who has the phone number to check on your permit?
  22. I have come real close to buying a PPS. I have held both the 40 and the 9mm. But at 650-700 it is a pricey handgun. They have not been out there long enough to get a good working over.


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