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Everything posted by mac12

  1. That wrecker driver just learned a valuable lesson. You would have thought that the air on the tractor/trailer would have leaked down enough for the parking brakes to come on, but evidently it didn't. I'm sure the wrecker had good insurance.
  2. I won't be watching. It is not as interesting as it used to be thanks to the politics that is involved in it now.
  3. Talk about conversation pieces. WOW!!!!!
  4. Go with the Springfield XD. It'll hold it's resale value in case you want to trade it or sell it later on.
  5. Welcome to TGO. :wave:
  6. I am fairly new to carrying, but the best holster that I have found for IWB wear is the Crossbreed Supertuck. It is a combination of leather and kydek. It retains the gun well and is easy to draw and reholster. Your pants need to be a 1/2 to 1 size bigger than you normally wear for it to be comfortable. I found a Fossil belt at my local Macy's that is 1 1/2 inches wide and fairly thick leather that does a good job of holding everything together and was only $25. The MTAC holster is also a very good and comfortable holster. It and the Crossbreed are very similiar made.
  7. Thank goodness this story had a happy ending.
  8. A few months ago I posted a good deal for those of you that would like to go to Las Vegas on Labor Day. If any of you are going, email me and maybe we can eat dinner together one night. The deal is still on. It'll cost about $325 a person for flight and three nights at Treasure Island. If interested check out NWA.com, then the vacation packages. The flight I'm on leaves Memphis 9:00 am on Sept. 1 and returns Sept. 4 at noon. If anyone is going PM me.
  9. Trying to legislate what people eat is a step too far. Does anything the morons in California do surprise you anymore?
  10. mac12

    New Glock 26

    Congratulations on your purchase of the G-26. I've had one for almost a year and have put close to 500 rounds through it with no hiccup at all. I purchased two extra magazines to which I added the Pearce extensions. I left one stock since it conceals a little better and it is a little easier on the upholstery of the car seat.
  11. I received mine either Thurs. or Friday. Didn't they want to send you a bumper sticker that identified you as a carrier? I glanced at it, then trashed it.
  12. I've been spending most of the summer in Olive Branch, MS. baby sitting( It is really my wife who is sitting with my new grandson. I just watch her.). We've gone to dinner several times at O'Charley's, Chili's, Long Horn, and others. It is nice to not have to disarm before entering like in Tennessee. I interpret the law to mean that you have to stay out of the bar area in these restaurants.
  13. Hello little friend of Bubbiesdad. You look like a sweetheart. Be good to Bubbiesdad and I bet he takes good care of you. :rolleyes:
  14. After looking at the fees some of these dealers charge it is obvious that they don't want your business. Fifty dollars is absurd. I know that I was lucky but a local pawn shop dealer only charged me the $10.
  15. I think that I saw somewhere that the handgun permits section is being moved to be under the TN. State Trooper division. This was because of all of the complaints about taking so long. Has anyone else heard this?
  16. It makes me feel good that the robbers were unsuccessful and got what they deserved. I hate people who think that they can take what they want when they want it. Three cheers for the manager.
  17. I also have the crossbreed supertuck and find it to be very comfortable. I have a pair of shorts that are about 1/2 size too big and I use a heavy belt. The kydex makes reholstering very simple and safe. I assume that the CB and the MTAC are very similar holsters. Adjust the cant and experiment with the positions. It has made me a fan.
  18. mac12

    1st automatic

    Welcome to TGO. Now, where might you be carrying a large amount of cash?
  19. mac12

    SA Champion

    Nice looking piece. Now get the permit so you can go to Wally World and watch people stare. :rolleyes:
  20. Management would ask you to leave. They allow concealed,but not OC.
  21. Reliable little guns that will do what they were made for. Lightweight also.
  22. I have two holsters for my glock 26. The Don Hume which is inexpensive and retains the gun very well and holds it close and tight. And I also have the Crossbreed Supertuck which I've only worn once, but it is comfortable and depending on your build, you can tuck in your shirt and the gun is almost undetectable. It also has the kydex holster that retains your gun very well.
  23. Here's one for the Beretta Tomcat by Don Hume:
  24. I got a TimberRidge by Liberty at Gander Mtn. in Jackson. I think it's 23"x30"x60" and holds up to 20 long guns or adjust the inside the way you want it. It weighs 563 empty. I should have had it bolted to the slab when I had it installed, but I didn't. I think I gave around $800 for it. It was $900 but if you applied for GM credit card they knocked off 10%. I put it in an extra bedroon walk-in closet and had to take doorjams off to get it in. It has the regular dial lock on it, which is fine. It gives you peace of mine when you're gone from home. I'm very pleased with the purchase.


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