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Everything posted by mac12

  1. mac12

    Smith.. 642

    You are pretty tough if you put 50 +P's through it. When I first go my 442 I took it to the range and the first thing I did was skin one of my thumbs(I've forgotten which one) and I thought that I was gripping it correctly. I put about 5 or 10 of the +P's through it , then went with standard load for about 20 more rounds. That was all I wanted. I didn't realize how docile my Glock 26 is.
  2. I went to Raffertys in Jackson tonight and being a good citizen and so close to the 14th that I disarmed before I went in. There are no signs yet and really don't think there will be(???). Anyway as I was sitting there eating I noticed this man get up to go to the restroom and he was OCing. Later he stood over by the railing waiting on someone before they left. I don't know if he had his dates mixed up or just didn't care.
  3. I bought two hundred rounds of Winchester white box 9mm on the 4th of July at the Walmart in Humboldt. I was by there tonight and they still have some. In fact the ammo shelves are filling up again and it is beginning to look like it did before the election.
  4. I guess I am so lucky. Ther is a small pawn shop close by that only charges for the tics. That's it. Ten dollars and you are out the door. There is a pawn shop in Jackson that charges $10 plus tics which is not bad either.
  5. mac12


    I know that this is a little bit off topic, but can someone tell me in detail how to post a picture. I don't see any links(is it the "insert image" that I just noticed) to add attachments.
  6. I found 9mm at Gander mt. in Jackson, but it is high priced. We stopped at the WalMart in Humbolt today and they had the Winchester 115 gr in boxes of 100 and 50. I had to buy two boxes of 100 for 46.23 out the door. They had 38 and 45 also. First time I've seen that much on the shelf for a long time.
  7. Everytime I'm in a WalMart I see if I can detect a carrier, especially the guys with the shirttails out. Have yet to spot anything. I did see a young man OCing in Lowes the other day.
  8. Those prices are stunning.
  9. I thought that it was just me. My wife and I have never liked their food, but occasionally eat there as a last resort.
  10. If you can't find a S&W 642/442 at your favorite gun shop, try Budsgunshop.com. They have decent prices and ship pretty quickly.
  11. mac12

    Glock price...

    The best price that I've seen online is $469 plus $20 shipping, which is not bad. I paid the same price for a 26 almost 2 years ago from the same place.
  12. mac12

    Glock Safety Question

    Yep, I just saw a 17 with internal lock for sale at Buds Gun Shop. It looks like the price is around $25 higher for the lock.
  13. mac12

    Glock vs Taurus

    I'm looking at the LE prices from the Individual Officer Price Sheet and the actual price from Glock, Smyrna ,Ga. for the G-30 is 464.20 with fixed sights. That model also only comes with two magazines. The g17 19,26,22,23,27, 31,33, and 32 are $398.20. BTW Go with the Glock.
  14. I can't believe that no one has bid on that yet. What a steal.
  15. You owe her bigtime. Does anyone else notice how you appreciate your siblings more as you get older?
  16. I have a Glock 19 coming in probably this week. The wife said that that will be the last one. To be continued..........
  17. Congratulations. Just have your grandchildren first.
  18. My brother-in-law finally found a box of 380's for $17+ for 50 rounds. He had looked in Memphis, Jackson, and about 20 websites. As you all know, nobody had any. Would you believe that he found the box in his local hardware store? Who would have thought it?
  19. I went to a gun shop in Dyer County today to browse around. My brother-in-law had purchased a new pistol and needed some 380 ammo, so I asked the clerk if they had any 380. Yes he had a couple of boxes of 50 and I can't even tell you what brand it was as he was showing it to me. I saw the price and immediately said no thank you. Can you believe the price was $43+ for a box of 50?
  20. I have a glock 26 that I carry IWB most of the time, but I also have a S&W 442 that is as handy as a pocket on a shirt. It is so easy to drop it in your favorite pocket holster and go. I think that you can get one from Budsgun shop for around $400. The 38sp +p packs a pretty good punch.
  21. The lady behind the counter in sporting goods at the Dyersburg WalMart told me Monday that they were going to start limiting purchases on ammo to two boxes. I told her that is what they should do.
  22. :clap:Can you believe Naifeh voted pro-gun?
  23. Congratulations. I remember when I was where you are now. Now go to WalMart and watch the sheep stare at you.
  24. I have the S&W 442 and it is easy to conceal with a good pocket holster. It is identical to the 642 other than finish. The 442 is a black finish(not the old type blue) whereas the 642 is stainless. I've had mine since last Oct. and have fired it a few times. It is not a weapon that is enjoyable to shoot, especially with the +P ammo, but it is great to slip in the pants pocket.


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