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About Tennjed

  • Birthday 02/26/1977

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    Ruger revolvers, Kel Tecs, Makarov

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  1. The specs on it are nice. $599 for a new 1911 with all this (of course the function is the most important) -Crimson Trace® Laser Grips -3.5” Match-Grade Ramped Barrel -2-Dot Dovetail Rear, Green -Fiber Optic Front -Stainless Steel -Frame & Slide -Skeletonized Match-Grade Trigger -Beavertail Grip -Ionbond© PVD Finish Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk
  2. Been wanting a short barrel 1911 for a while. Also I am a big fan of crimson trace grips. Found a new Para Elite officer with crimson trace for $599 at sportsman warehouse today. I jumped on it with really doing any reviews, which is unusual for me. Anyone own one? Is this a good buy? I feel pretty confident that it is at least a good financial deal. CT 1911 grips are about $300 by themselves, but how is this gun? Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk
  3. Anyone have any recommendations on where to take a couple of rifles to have the scopes mounted and bore sighted around memphis? What should I expect to pay for it? Also is there a pay by the hour (non membership) range around here where i can shoot rifles to zero it in?
  4. [quote name="Deerbnb" post="1174007" timestamp="1406769517"]My ostrich and shark pocket holsters for my s&w bodyguard rt pocket, mag and light left pocket.[/quote] Wow, it that made by Adam's Holsters
  5. Nice
  6. [quote name="tnhawk" post="1172469" timestamp="1406464805"]The tough leather is good for retaining its shape allowing easy reholstering of my pistol. However the stiffness of the belt loops causes the holster to not conceal well under clothing[/quote] Gotcha, i primarily carry iwb with clips so the belt loop is not a factor
  7. [quote name="tnhawk" post="1171943" timestamp="1406309238"]Several years ago I purchased an elephant holster from Wilson Combat for my 1911. It's a beautiful, well made holster. However elephant, wasn't the best choice for concealed carry. I've acquired a box of hosters before finding those I use daily.[/quote] Do you mind if i ask why? I have carried in an elephant iwb holster for years and it carries fine. I would think the holster design plays a much bigger part than the type of leather. What in particular about elephant caused a problem concealing?
  8. Just wanted to share some photos of some exotic custom holsters i have. Feel free to share yours A full quill ostrich from JV Custom holsters for my 4" Ruger Security Six A black crocodile and brown alligator for my 1911 My pocket holsters for my Kimber Solo. Brown Shark (MTR Custom Leather) and grey Bullfrog (TT Gunleathers) My favorite holster maker and my favorite holster maker a Grey Elephant Dual Carry by MTR Custom Leathers. This can be worn IWB or OWB. Just disappears and you don't even know its there. Wonderful design and i cant speak highly enough about MTR. This is also for my Kimber Solo Also from MTR my pocket Stingray for my LCR MTR does great work. Fully lined and custom molded Also a brown Elephant OWB by BRCL in Southaven MS Here are my pocket holsters for my Colt Mustang. A brown Lizard by TT and a Ring Lizard by MTR Another of my favorite design and my main carry. A dual carry by MTR in Horsehide. Front and back so you can see how it works Lastly i have my Black Shark pocket for my S&W bodyguard, along with a brown wallet made from Beaver Tail and a Buck 110 Rattlesnake knife sheath. Also here is one more MTR just posted this pic of my newest one. I haven't gotten it in the mail yet, but here is what it looks like. Pocket holster made from Beaver Tail for my Ruger LCR 357 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10525643_298288193682880_8664226178520774952_n.jpg[/IMG] I will add some more soon. I have a, Ostrich Leg, Rattlesnake, and American Bison in the works
  9. noticed Lowes has a Fortress 24 gun safe on sale for $437.  Can't really find much about them online.  Seems to be made by Heritage.  Anyone know much about them? It does NOT have an electronic lock, which I think is a plus> The lowes website list the weight at 204 pounds which is incorrect.  I stopped by and looked at them in person and if I remember correctly it was 370lbs, it was definitely more than 204lbs just by shaking it   [URL="http://www.lowes.com/pd_533651-57013-FS24B_0__?productId=50086814&Ntt=gun+safe&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNtt%3Dgun%2Bsafe&facetInfo="]http://www.lowes.com/pd_533651-57013-FS24B_0__?productId=50086814&Ntt=gun+safe&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNtt%3Dgun%2Bsafe&facetInfo=[/URL]   ETA.  I found this listing for it (same sku#FS24b)that list the weight at 470 lbs [URL="http://www.autoweaponsus.com/detail.php?source=brands&product=41413"]http://www.autoweaponsus.com/detail.php?source=brands&product=41413[/URL]
  10. Tennjed

    Remington R1 1911

    big fan of mine
  11. I would pick one up for $300 if I ran across that deal
  12. So I have one glaring omission from my collection (ok maybe more than one). I do not have a snub nose S&W 357. I want to pick one up, not necessarily a carry gun, just want to add something I don't have. Blued or SS, doesn't matter. I would want to keep it under 750 or so (give or take $100) Off the top of my head I would probably want a 686, 7 shot. Just because it is unique. I don't care one way or the other about the internal lock. It doesn't bother me, but was wondering what are some of the older classic 357 snubs to look at? I am not well versed in Smith's models. If I could find one for $500 or less even better
  13. I have read mostly positive reviews on message boards about the Tisas 1911s
  14. Anyone know anything about Zastava Revolvers? Just browsing gunsinternational.com and came across this. I have never heard of them. If I recall correctly Zastava makes some fairly well regarded inexpensive semi autos. Kinda has a Python look to it [URL="http://www.gunsinternational.com/Zastava-M83-92-Revolver-357.cfm?gun_id=100389072"]http://www.gunsinternational.com/Zastava-M83-92-Revolver-357.cfm?gun_id=100389072[/URL]
  15. Let me add I am against Obama. Don't like and think he is not good for the country. But articles like that help Obama. It makes the anti Obama people look like foolish lunatics. Obama has done plenty wrong, no need making up foolish allegations. That article is no different than the "Evil Assault Rifle" crap anti gun people spew


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