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Businesses asking for carry permit credentials
Gary Slider replied to lock n' load's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
39-17-1351(n)(1) Except as provided in subdivision (n)(2) and subsection (x), a permit issued pursuant to this section shall be good for eight (8) years and shall entitle the permit holder to carry any handgun or handguns that the permit holder legally owns or possesses. The permit holder shall have the permit in the holder's immediate possession at all times when carrying a handgun and shall display the permit on demand of a law enforcement officer. -
https://www.tn.gov/safety/tnhp/handgun/reciprocity.html Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, Texas and Virginia only honor permits from those 21 or older. TN reciprocity listing doesn’t show them as 21 only. Nevada Honors the WV Provisional which is only issued to those 18 to 20 years old. When they turn 21 they have to convert it to the WV Regular Permit. TN says Nevada doesn't honor permits issued to those 18-20 Y/O. West Virginia does honor non-resident permits from the states it honors but you must be 21 even though they issue to their residents who are 18. They removed that Resident Only from their statutes 10 to 12 years ago. I know this as I am a West Virginia Resident and a Firearms Instructor and talk to the people in the Capitol that take care of Reciprocity issues for West Virginia. Even the states don't have all the correct info. I don't believe anyone can have everything 100% as the laws are so screwy and then some Judge makes a ruling or some AG comes along and changes how he/she says they are going to interrupt this or that law or even write a new Administrative Rule. Then it really gets crazy. Gary Slider
IF you look at the SC Page at www.handgunlaw.us the map only concerns the Enhanced Permit issued by TN and not their Concealed Permit. Handgunlaw.us is working on a list of states that will honor the TN Concealed Permit. We state that below the map with a Red "NOTICE" saying that not all states that honor the Enhanced will honor the Concealed. DE, NV, PA and WI most likely will not honor the TN Concealed but not positive about that just going on what they have done in the past. Nebraska has already stated they will not honor the TN concealed. It will be a good while before we know what states will or won't honor the Concealed and that is the reason we made the Map on the TN Page only valid for those with an Enhanced TN. https://statepatrol.nebraska.gov/services/concealed-handgun-permits/nebraska-reciprocity Gary Slider
Yes you should know that laws of other states. That is the reason www.handgunlaw.us exists. You also need to know what states honor your permit. There are states that don't put out that info. They will list states they have reciprocity with but won't list the states that honor their permit. I have been told over the years at least 100 times that I list states X honoring state Y and that is false as state Y doesn't have an agreement with state X. Washington State AG states on his website: To gather this information, we send out an annual survey to each state. As we obtain updated responses, we revise the list of reciprocal states and their laws. They only list 10 states they have reciprocity with but 25 states honor the Washington permit. They don't tell their residents that. The CA AG doesn't even tell California residents that 24 other states honor the CA perm,it. There are a lot more like that, TN should do the same for their residents as they are in position to get something in writing. Many states are making a fortune on what they charge to get a permit they can at least tell those who are supporting their gun divisions who honors that permit. Stay Safe, Gary Slider
There will be a number of states that will honor the Tennessee Concealed Permit. There will be some who will only honor it for those 21 or older. Then there will be some that will only honor the Tennessee Enhanced. Time will tell and www.handgunlaw.us is looking into this and hoping in the future to have a listing of states that will honor the TN Concealed. I will tell you that the info TN puts out is pretty good. https://www.tn.gov/safety/tnhp/handgun/apply.html There is a problem On their reciprocity listing though. They state that WV doesn't honor their permit if they are under 21 which is true. But they also state WV only honors Resident permits. This is false. That was stricken from WV statutes a dozen years ago. This is my home state and I have talked directly to those in WV who are in charge of this in WV. What the permit holders of TN need to do if they want to know what states will honor the Concealed Permit is contact your Reps and Sen in the state and have them pass a bill or even just talk to the TN Highway Patrol and have Them contact every state that honors TN and ask them if they will honor the Concealed Permit. Idaho does this every year for their two year permit system. This is something that benefits Tennessee Residents who have the Concealed Permit. Government is there to assist the Citizens when they need help so this should be something they help with. They are also in position to get something in writing from the other states that will answer a lot of questions. Stay Safe, Gary Slider Co-Owner/Researcher www.handgunlaw.us
Senate Bill 1058 (Updated Additional Question)
Gary Slider replied to Gary Slider's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Feel like an idiot now. I thought I clicked on both in the left column but only one of them. It took me right to the page. Thank you again. -
Senate Bill 1058 (Updated Additional Question)
Gary Slider replied to Gary Slider's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Thank you. I never had trouble in the past and went looking this time and couldn't find a path to it. -
I am having problems finding a copy of Senate Bill 1058 as signed by the Governor. I go to this link that everyone supplies but can't find the wording of the signed bill.http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=%20SB1237&GA=109 Can anyone supply me with a link to the bill that shows the wording and changes in the law? Need the wording to update the Tennessee Page at Handgunlaw.us Thank you and Stay safe, My Additional Question is when this law goes into effect. Without a date in the bill TN law requires a bill to become law 40 days after its passage. At least that is what I am reading in TN Law. I take that to mean the Parking Lot Bill will take effect on or about May 16,2015. 40 days after the Governor signed it. Am I correct in that assumption?
Things have been going much better than I ever imagined. Thanks to everyone who has given me feedback. It has really helped! This is all still in draft form. I will say that I caused some lively debate on some state forums. Information was exchanged and laws discussed and in some cases there was no clear answer. Some depended on what the definition of “IS†is! Had to throw that “Is†in there as some laws are so hard to understand and even read. It just showed how out of touch some lawmakers are/were when writing gun laws. I have reworked the first page trying to explain that people need to look at Places off Limits etc on each States Page at www.handgunlaw.us. Plus other information they need to be aware of. I have also made the states name on each section a link to that States Page at Handgunlaw.us so they can access it easily. The states I have information for still need looked at by others and feedback on what may need added or removed would be greatly appreciated. The biggest problem is that if there is no law against something it is legal. Laws are so varied and spread out in the Statutes/Administrative Rules and Hunting Regulations it can be tough to find some of them. Then if there is not a law against it you can search forever and there is nothing to find. I have been cautious on some state entries. I just don’t have enough information and don’t want to get someone arrested and maybe lose their gun rights. That is where your feedback can assist me. Then we get to the Catch 22 again as there may be no law against it so you can’t show a statute/Rule Etc that states it is legal! Below is a link to the latest Draft. Again feedback is most welcome! This is the same link to the first Draft Document. I just updated it. Thanks again to everyone who has assisted me. It is very much appreciated! http://www.handgunlaw.us/documents/LongGunDraftDocument.pdf
www.handgunlaw.us is seeking assistance in cataloging all the states laws/regs on keeping a long gun in a vehicle all the time. Due to what is happening in the world and here at home I am seeing the question more and more about carrying a long gun in a vehicle all the time. What just happened in Canada got me 5 emails on the day it happened and at least one every days since about Long Guns in Vehicles. Loaded/Unloaded. Cased/Uncased. Trunk or back of vehicle or anywhere in the vehicle or not allowed etc etc. Information people would need to stay within the law in their state or a state they travel to with a long gun in their vehicle. Sad to say but it is us good guys/gals that only obey the law but we have to know what they are to stay within them. All this info will be assembled and put into one document for all the states. It will be available free for anyone who wishes to view the information. There is no more knowledgeable people to ask than those who live and use firearms in their home state is the reason I am asking this on a lot of different state specific Firearm Forums. The laws/Administrative Rules Laws on Long Guns can be almost non-existent or spelled out completely. Many times they can be found in the hunting laws. If you could assist Handgunlaw.us with the alpha/numeric code for a state statute or Administrative Rule or a link to the states hunting laws that spell out the states stance on carrying long guns in vehicles it would be greatly appreciated. I have to have something official from a state agency. I would appreciate an email with the info sent to admins@handgunlaw.us as I can miss PM’s etc if possible. This will takes a few months to gather all this info and catalog it as I have to check everything out. I will post a link to the finished document on every Firearm Forum that I post this request on. That link will also be added to www.handgunlaw.us Thank you for your time and assistance. Handgunlaw.us is what it is because of all the assistance I get from those who give me a heads up on law changes and help me in so many different ways to keep Handgunlaw.us up to date.
Parking Lot Storage Bill SB 1700
Gary Slider replied to Gary Slider's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Again, Thank you. I kept seeing the draft bill and saw how it really changed things. But I was not hearing much about it which if those changes had been made it would have most likely been being talked about a whole lot. WIthout that chatter out there I knew something wasn't correct with what I was seeing so this was the best place to ask. Can't beat finding out info from a state chat forum. There are always people in places like this who know exactly what is going on in their state. Thank you again. -
Parking Lot Storage Bill SB 1700
Gary Slider replied to Gary Slider's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
So just section D was changed in 39-17-1313? That replaced all what was in the original bill which I kept seeing. So not much really changed except that an inadvertent showing of your firearm when storing it is not a crime. Thank you. That is what I was trying to find out. The Draft bill would have become effective immediately but this change doesn’t until May 1. -
Parking Lot Storage Bill SB 1700
Gary Slider replied to Gary Slider's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
The Bill the Governor Signed 2/19 if the wording is the same as on this link. This is SB 1700. Another bill SB 1701 is on the Governors desk is another addition to this law. IT does clean up the bill and prohibits an employer from banning storage of a firearm on company property in their vehicle. This and some more wording were added to the law, Again if the wording in the link above is the correct wording. That is why I am trying to find the copy of the bill as signed by the Governor. It does make changes. http://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/108/Amend/SA0576.pdf (f) No person, business entity, employer, or governmental entity who is the owner, lessee, or manager of real property shall prohibit, bring criminal charges against, or take any other adverse action against any person transporting or storing personal property pursuant to this section. Any person, business entity, employer, or governmental entity that takes any adverse action, including, but not limited to, firing, disciplining, demoting, or otherwise punishing a person engaging in conduct in compliance with this section shall be liable for civil damages. Note Editing as I am having trouble putting links in. This board has a specific way to put links in. Not use to that. -
Parking Lot Storage Bill SB 1700
Gary Slider replied to Gary Slider's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
TGO, That is the link I needed. The Final Text is not available yet but should be. Only the Draft text is available at this time at the linnk. But it should show up there. Thank you.