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Everything posted by Larkin

  1. I don't post much in this thread but I will say this....you know you are really hooked on a show when you spend 45 minutes reading posts from people you don't know on a message board about the show AND genuinely interested in the comments.
  2. Larkin

    Season 4

      I laughed at that OS.   Honestly, I enjoyed this episode.  I was a little iffy after the last one, but I liked the action and the fact that confusion ruled the day as it would when chaos rules.   The blade through the spine of the Governor should have killed him on the spot, if he comes back at any point in the show other than a Zed, I will turn it off and not watch another episode.   Hated to see Hershel go, but good guys die too.     I thought it was interesting how everyone forgot about Rick behind the bus INCLUDING the governor.  Come on!!    I try not to be to critical about the firearm usage and how everyone is capable of shooting one shot head shots including little girls.   I think Drunk Medic black guy is the one doing the rat things,by the way.
  3. Larkin

    Season 4

    Aren't we so nit picky??  LOL   I thought the episode was pretty good, nice to see more action than usual.   When there is a dialogue between two of the main characters, isn't it odd that nothing happens, no threat of zombies and the characters know it too.  Seems to me, I'd be on hyper alert when the threat of someone dying exists in the sick bay pretty much at any moment.   I'm a little tired of Gramps concerned about the kids seeing him kill a zombie, doesn't this just put everyone else in more danger?  And what's the point anyway?  That God fearin' former alcohol lovin vet doctor has a tender side?   Operating rod...I can get past that, hell, if 200 zombies were coming my way, I'd probably call it a thingie too.     The Governor standing in the woods...Geesh.  I didn't care for him the first go round and he isn't bad enough of a character for me to care if he came back.  Too cliche for a drama and only a few have ever made it work well.  I think of Krycek from the X files when every time he showed up, we mumbled "Krycek" under our breath.  The Governor?  get over your dead zombie daughter already.
  4. Larkin

    Season 4

    Overall, I like the show.  But here is one thing I find interesting...in the apocalypse, isn't food always a main concern?  One of the reasons why I liked Adrian's Undead Diary was the constant threat of running out of food and having to go get it.   Lately, there has been a lot of staring into each others eyes in the show.  I get it, you want to develop character stories, but the main characters are OVER developed it seems.   I will continue to watch it, DVR and fast forward through commercials is the best way.
  5. Agree on the hate on Ward, UGA and Steeler player...glad he's a zombie.
  6. Unfortunately, they had a zombie eat Lori, would have been nice to see her get brained again...was that too harsh?
  7. I have an E2D LED Defender, Can anyone tell me if A) This is a good light to mount on an AR15 and  b) what would be the best mount? THanks
  8. not unlike your avatar Nobanstan
  9. Thanks for posting, very nice report.  Piers Morgan = Alex Jones though in my humble opinion.  They are both blow hards for their own agendas.  If Alex would tone it down a few notches and not throw spit on everybody, then maybe his point would be received better than "how many monkeys fit on the head of a pin".
  10. is it even worth going on Sunday?
  11.   remember , there were originally 19 points.  Point #18 is what's called "throwing a bone" my friend.
  12. How about the "Even Ronald Reagan, RONALD REAGAN (You remember him, the conservative's savior right?), supported a gun ban.  See, I'm just like Ronald Reagan! He and I were best buds and we loved gun control!
  13. Good point David about the Private Sellers comment.  He said 40% of guns were sold this way...If you have no way to track private gun sales, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NUMBER?
  14. That was a LOT of grandstanding.  If you look at foxnews.com you can find the 23 items that he "signed".  None of them were banning anything and nothing is taking action right now. 
  15. Lucky you, filed on 3/3, checked the office, has been approved but not printed....2 more weeks
  16. Thank u for the information patriot and to the others who responded as well.
  17. Thanks for the responses, still trying to find if using the different barrel than the stock 40 barrel with th g27 presents any problems
  18. Thanks Danny. I agree on the smooth shooting with the XD, my XDm is awesome, makes me wonder if the range gun I had was too well worn
  19. Hey everyone, first post and need some help on the G27. My eyeballs are basically bleeding from reading threads on the internet from some severely biased for or against Glock so it is hard to tell if I am getting a straight answer. Maybe I can get some honest opinions here. I'm relatively new to guns and currently waiting on my carry permit (4 weeks, ugh). I have been trying to decide between the G27 and XD40sc, I've shot both and really don't see too much of a difference. I own an XDm40 and absolutely love it but I don't have enough experience to be brand loyal yet. One of the tipping points for me was the ability of the G27 to be converted to 9mm or .357 by purchasing the barrels and magazines to fit. I haven't read where you can do that with the XD, if so, please let me know. Ok, questions: 1. Are there problems that I haven't heard of down the road by fitting the G27 with a different barrel? 2. There isn't a tac rail on the G27 like the XD, for you owners of the G27 or G26 for that matter, do you wish you had one? 3. Is the Pearce extension a must have? 4. I'm thinking about a LaserMax laser as well, any thoughts on that with the G27? Can't find much about it with this gun. Thanks for the help.


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