Aren't we so nit picky?? LOL
I thought the episode was pretty good, nice to see more action than usual.
When there is a dialogue between two of the main characters, isn't it odd that nothing happens, no threat of zombies and the characters know it too. Seems to me, I'd be on hyper alert when the threat of someone dying exists in the sick bay pretty much at any moment.
I'm a little tired of Gramps concerned about the kids seeing him kill a zombie, doesn't this just put everyone else in more danger? And what's the point anyway? That God fearin' former alcohol lovin vet doctor has a tender side?
Operating rod...I can get past that, hell, if 200 zombies were coming my way, I'd probably call it a thingie too.
The Governor standing in the woods...Geesh. I didn't care for him the first go round and he isn't bad enough of a character for me to care if he came back. Too cliche for a drama and only a few have ever made it work well. I think of Krycek from the X files when every time he showed up, we mumbled "Krycek" under our breath. The Governor? get over your dead zombie daughter already.