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Everything posted by bajabuc

  1. OMG... fashion trends now! My mother in law wants one in "teal"
  2. Like I said...I voted for him..I'll do it again. I will never vote for an oilman. Haslem included. ( Ol' 5buck a gallon)
  3. In Montana it's "thataway" and "you can't miss it" You can't miss it is an absolute. You will!
  4. The only thing holding the line against inflation is wages...everything else is going up
  5. If the 99$ has stories...it's a politicians gun.
  6. Hawes western (six shooter)jp sauer .22 cal pistol ... if you can find one they're the same size as a Colt 45 I loved mine. There's also a Hi Standard longhorn double 9 except it's got a 9 shot swing out cylinder and it's double action. The JP Sauer is a great one.
  7. Allergic to nanners! and grapes (whine)
  8. Strange...WalMart sells BB and pellet guns in most of their stores. (I have friends who lost teeth and eyes to BB guns) They sell baseball bats. I had a very good friend who was beaten to death with a bat) But there's one WalMart store in the Knoxville area that sells guns and ammo and it's about as far from town as you can get. Good selection though...nice bunch of BB guns too. Oh...and murder weapons (bats)
  9. Bush is the worst catastrophy this country has ever had. BTW...I never said I wanted to be a southerner. I was perfectly happy living in Montana until I met an OaK Ridger (who can trace her southern to before the Revolution on both sides of her family) on the internet and married her. I've only been here 14 years. I'm still trying to figure out the directions.
  10. Clean the chamber or the da** thing will stick. I used a 20 gauge brass brush, Hoppes and a 20 gauge mop to follow. That Cosmoline has a half life (nuclear joke) Not that it really matters...you can take a 2x4 to the bolt and not hurt it...you might do severe damage to the stock though. http://www.surplusrifle.com/shooting2005/eliminatesbs/index.asp good sticky bolt page
  11. Over 200 dead in 6 states. I read...somewhere... that the US has more tornados than anywhere else in the world. Last night was scary...until I fell asleep.
  12. A quote from an article on Yahoo: Questions regarding Obama's birth certificate have persisted for more than two years, as the president noted Wednesday at a press conference announcing the release of his long-form birth certificate. A vast array of evidence attests to Obama's citizenship--including a certificate of live birth, signed affidavits from people who viewed Obama's long-form birth certificate, confirmation by Hawaiian officials, and independent investigations by news outlets. Nevertheless, "this thing just keeps going" as Obama said this morning. Even after the White House released the long-form certificate of Obama's birth, birther leader Orly Taitz—who has filed unsuccessful lawsuits seeking to obtain access to Obama's birth certificate—sought to cast doubt on the document's authenticity, suggesting that in 1961, Hawaiian officials would have classified Obama as "Negro" rather than using designation "African," which suggests, in her view, a more contemporary concern for "political correctness." So what's fueling the dogged questioning of Obama's origins? Many critics of the birther movement say its core tenets--and its stubborn resistance to evidence disproving those beliefs--can be traced to racial hostilities. The fundamental birtherist conviction, these critics say, is that an African-American can't have legitimately won the presidency--and that his elevation to power therefore has to be the result of an elaborate subterfuge. "There is a real deep-seated and vicious racism at work here in terms of trying to de-legitimate the president," Peniel Joseph, a professor of history at Tufts University, told The Ticket. "This is more than just a conspiracy," Peniel added. "I think this is fundamentally connected to white supremacism in this country."
  13. 2 inch hail...wife took pictures... I can't load them the 2 inch was the big one...but it was 30 minutes before she could make the camera work. I broke the on switch...or at least I was the one carrying it when it fell off.
  14. Bunch of BP rifles in Knoxville pawnshop...CHEAP (the inline ones) or expensive (side hammer ones) Merchants drive.
  15. lessee now...the off duty cop entered the home....hmmm the off duty cop looked at the home resident...and shot the other guy. No knock...so far. The home resident claimed the off duty cop didn't say anything. The incident is under investigation by internal affairs... Just how far can off duty leo's go ...off duty. I know one thing for sure...the off duty cop ( I assume in civies) who invades my home had better have his badge out! There have been too many home invasions by people claiming to be cops and weren't!
  16. I know what the problem is...I'm from the cold and snowy north and I have been informed by some folks that no matter how long I live here or how long my kids live here, even down to 7 generations, we'll always be yankees. It's the same sort of deal with Obama. He wasn't born HERE so he can't be an American.
  17. Finally...the long form...take that, Mr Trump, and shove it!
  18. Gawd...you guys are fun!!
  19. They won't let you take them apart first....well, they won't let me, probably because I found a couple of unsafe guns on their rack.
  20. BP is more fun...join a reenactment group. Buckskinner bp groups in the West are very popular. I have a Lyman Great Plains flinter in .54 that I shoot and a USA made CVA flinter in 50 that that I'm altering to a Gentlemans Rifle for my father in law to use as a capture rifle. He has super long arms and the three inch extension to the stock butt is nearly too short. I took a Mikro japanese flinter and altered it to a dueling pistol for him. He does Revolutionary War reenactments.
  21. Dolomite, great advice...I forgot about flash hiders.
  22. Did any one go buy one of these? I'm getting new old gun itch! The 99$ seems like a cheap fix. I'll admit it does look awful!
  23. Years ago...lots of years... I bought a new replica 45 from Shotgun news. Even after I paid the ffl gunsmith. it was 80.00 it had a blemish in the frame. a tiny casting hole and I didn't want to send it back...so I loaded my own blackpowder .45 shells. Filled the case full and crushed it down with the bullet. (I love the smell of blackpowder in the morning) I made some amazing shots with it (amazed myself and the people I was with) I eventually traded it to someone...no idea now... And I made sure they knew about the tiny hole in the frame. "I shoot BP only in it" said I..."Ok." said he. The very next day he showed up with the whole side of the frame blown off. The tiny pinhole was a huge cavity in the bolster. We traded back. Sent the gun off to the company I bought it from...they gave me my money back but wouldn't replace the gun. In the 2 years the gun had gone from slightly over 50 bucks to 129.95. I keep thinking it was a company that started with an E
  24. I bought a nifty CZ70 .32 semi auto for the wife just minutes after being introduced to my new neighbors and neighbor-hood. Lonsdale, but it was cheap and huge with a big shed and yard. I knew I made a mistake when one of local the crack h*s came to the door and wanted to hide from her John. So...the CZ was cheap and it fit her hands. "I'm a'skeert of guns" she said. Bought 150 rounds and gathered up bucnball and off to the range. (he was a safety instructor) 10 rounds or so later she said, "This is fun!" 10 more rounds and she said "I HIT IT! I hit the red ring...7 times!" I said...good. bucnball said he'd seldom seen anyone get the idea so fast. The red ring is 4 inches and she was shooting at 50 yards. I have no idea where she keeps it but I know she can defend herself...and me.
  25. Bike nut! warning bike nut in the house! That is Sooooo cool!


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