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My wife says that grillin' out don't count as cooking!
bajabuc replied to Will Carry's topic in General Chat
Oh...I like this thread -
This is probably not as bad as I remember..but we were in altered states and it was pretty awful.
My good buddy, Bill...not Bill of the tooth and eye...Bill of the Hemi Plymouth. I haven't mentioned him before. He came to the house one night when we were in altered states and said..."You all gotta see this. Load up!" There's a little more to this that I'm not mentioning...but we loaded up in the Hemi. Vicky, Kurt, Bill and his girl, and Jo and I all crammed into a two door 426 hemi. We headed out of town going south...If I remember correctly, it was Friday Night and the Football games had just got over...I think, you'll see why in a minute. We drove south about 4 miles and crested a little hill and there, in the distance...about 3 miles, were a TON of blinking red, yellow, blue and orange lights. There were handheld flares going in circles and used ones spluttering in the ditch. Bill slowed down so we were barely moving and it was taking forever to approach the lights. The lights are getting closer and we're pretty hypnotized by them. Blink blink flash flash...every once in a while a spotlight would shine out. This is cool...until the lights disolved into police, HP, ambulances, wreckers, firetrucks and smouldering buses, cars and a fuel tanker. Evidently, the fuel tanker had pulled out, or couldn't stop and a schoolbus slammed into the tanker...it burst into flames and cars and other buses slammed into the wreck. "It was still burning when I passed it coming to your house," said Bill. He actually sounded disappointed. The house on the corner lost it's barn to the spreading gas fire. It's a mess. There are emergency workers trying to match body parts to victims and cops waving flares and we are not very happy with Bill. This was not a good thing and something we really didn't need to see. The corner was blocked so Bill pulled down to the next crossing and T U R N E D A R O U N D...And drove through the cleared lane..it smelled awful. We got stopped several times to make way for ambulances and wreckers so it's taking a long time to get through it. Finally, we're through..Bill drives a couple or yards...stops...opens the door..reaches down and picks something up and tosses it in my wife's lap! It's a hand and forearm....she's freaking and Bill pulls away...We're all cussing Bill out for it...and removing evidence...he says...it's rubber...and it was...OMG!
I got to thinking about this...the staple incident was between the leg and the single action quick draw...yup..he missed...just not the first time. Altogether he missed 3 times. I'm sorry he's dead...I owe him two!
When I was getting out of the service...BTW...I didn't do well...General Discharge under honorable conditions... I spent my time waiting at Treasure Island. I got put to work at the base library. I did my restocking in the mornings and I was free for the day. I had an open pass so I spent a lot of time on North Beach with the beatnicks...they hadn't moved to Marin yet. San Francisco is my all time favorite BIG town...To be where little cable cars climb half way to the stars. The morning fog may chill the air..I don't care. Yup..great town. I think I've always been a little different.
If it weren't for bullies in school we wouldn't have Drill Sargents
Yup...I turned 21 in 63...the change in teenagers from 1963 to 1965 was amazing...
Reports I've seen is that most were never or seldom fired...they are cosmolened "really well"
And it Starts with an EARTHQUAKE and I FEEL FINE (maybe our last Friday)
bajabuc replied to vontar's topic in General Chat
extraterrestrials can not be possible...we are, after all, the end all and be all of God's creation. -
I got given a bunch of riding mowers over the years...none of them worked. I think I got one in Wyoming I paid 75 bucks for...it didn't work either
Potluck Saturday...going about 4pm...I want a good seat
When we got married, my wife made the best spagetti dinner I'd ever had (You better say that buster) and the next day I had leftovers...that night...spagetti...leftover for lunch. This went on for a week when I finally said, "You're a country girl...you're supposed to know how to cook...what's up with the spagetti?" She starts bawling..."I worked with the horses...Shirley worked in the house...she can cook..I can shoe???" Off to the used bookstore...Betty Crocker...Then she branched out...polish...german...chinese...PIZZA!.. She started making her own bread...8 loaves at a time... MMMMMmmm hot bread with farm fresh salted butter. Fry Jacks...Cinimon (spelling) rolls...But she would never tell me what it was when she set it in front of me.. I'd ask...Fried Chicken...Everything was fried chicken...even if it was chicken and dumpling. Or Polish stuffed cabbage...fried chicken. When we were in Wellington...this is after the cowboy incident...she decided to make a cherry pie...her first...she told me she was going to do it and I was READY! I came home from a hard day at the illegal fish pond and she's crying. "My pie...my pie...it's not right...I did like the book said...I added pectin until it started to get thick...added sugar...it stopped getting thick...more pectin...more sugar...more pectin...more sugar...Look at it." she tossed it on the table (it's one of those 1930's metal tables...white ceramic coated with a raised edge and a black line painted around the edge. I'm pretty sure it was in the house in 1930...the table is 40 years old.) The pie hit the table with a CLANG...not thud...CLANG...it wobbled like a spun quarter and the table collapsed. I sat there...drooling...the pie looked great but it was a trifle heavy. We fixed the table..I got out the knife and tried to cut it...no dice...ain't happening. I beat on it...the knife snapped. Eventually the pie got discarded...dented the trashcan when it hit. Jo went to the neighbor...she said..."what did he do to you this time?"..Jo explained about the pie...the neighbor lady had her go through the steps one by one...the second time pectin was mentioned she started to laugh. "The pectin is a thickner about a teaspoon is enough...how much did you use?"..."A whole can"..."how much sugar?" ..."8 pounds"...
They make an extremely thick..6 mils...ziplok baggie for archaeological use. IT WILL NOT LEAK to about 60 feet. It is chemically neutral and will not affect metal in any way. I suggest you use one for your gun. don't get one that fits...get one big enough so you can actually use the gun.
He's from Tennessee...
what is on your adult beverage menu for the evening?
bajabuc replied to Mike.357's topic in General Chat
I believe I've mentioned I have an unopened mason jar of Popcorn Suttons Squeezins. -
I did my preaching in Texas and Wyoming...I know C.W. Goforth.
BTW...I realize my present appearance is that of wild and wooly...On the day I retired I stopped shaving and have refused to cut my hair. I spent the last 30 or so years presenting a neat and tidy appearance and I got sick of it. Although my biblical quotes may not be KJV and they may not be exactly correct in their wording they do express the essence of 13 years as a Penetcostal Evangelist. Yup...I've done a lot of different things in my life...lived it, mostly. I've found out, over the years, that the simple act of getting out of bed presents decisions that must be made and those decisions will change your life. The only people who have lives that never change are the ones who don't get up...and that's a decision too. I'm diagnosed bipolar and I just switched from funny to morose....heck and shuckydarn
But...but...but...the funniest stuff was under the influence... and I'm not kidding
I'm wondering...who is going to be offended when I happen to mention I was a child of the Sixties...with all that involves?
And it Starts with an EARTHQUAKE and I FEEL FINE (maybe our last Friday)
bajabuc replied to vontar's topic in General Chat
These guys are predicting the end...RIGHT NOW...not in 380 years. As far as the prople who die of what ever causes..the end is NOW. Because the Bible tells us "There is no sorrow there (heaven)" those who die in Christ tomorrow won't have a clue that everybody didn't go...they won't know because they can't be "sorry" for the ones who didn't make it. Remember..."A day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day." Sorry...soapbox... Acts 2:38 -
Check your battery...todays computers need a full charge to operate correctly. If your computer is "under funded" it affects the entire system.
You can come change mine...
And it Starts with an EARTHQUAKE and I FEEL FINE (maybe our last Friday)
bajabuc replied to vontar's topic in General Chat
You guys do realize...for the 50 or 60 thousand people that die tomorrow...there's that many everyday world wide... The calender was right?