A good guy said, "David...come with me." Off we went. We took this little windey road up into the Crow Reservation and pulled off on a flat where there used to be a sawmill. Scattered down the slope were dozens of five and six foot circular sawmill blades. "This place closed up in the '30's and these blades have been here since then. Can you use them?"
I like to have had a heartattack! Even the ones half buried in the dirt only had surface rust...some of the blades were shiny and not stainless. I made knives from a few of those blades for years. I never bothered to pay to have the steel checked, I just used it. That steel made better throwing knives than leaf springs. Naturally...I never took any pictures and my ex kept the set I made for the kitchen, so I can't show and tell...but if you know where there used to be a sawmill and there's still blades...snatch 'em up...great knife material.