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Everything posted by bajabuc

  1. Hi Teddy...it's nice to have another gun nut!
  2. BTW...the castiron grate from a coal furnace makes a great forge.
  3. Anyone been shot? Stabbed? Wrapped in the bed sheets, doused in lighterfluid, set on fire, and had the fire put out with a red hot castiron skillet? (the fire goes out with the whack but ignites again when the skillet is picked up) Any takers?
  4. I got a little ill reading this post. What it all boils down to is the Willingness of the Officer to disregard the Constitution and violate a citizens civil rights. If Police said...that's not legal and we won't do it there wouldn't be a problem. However, policy pretty much requires the officer to acquess to the administrations decision to violate. Most of what's been happening is the failing attempt to keep the alcohol industry's products to be the "escape" of choice.
  5. Seafoam is great!
  6. A good guy said, "David...come with me." Off we went. We took this little windey road up into the Crow Reservation and pulled off on a flat where there used to be a sawmill. Scattered down the slope were dozens of five and six foot circular sawmill blades. "This place closed up in the '30's and these blades have been here since then. Can you use them?" I like to have had a heartattack! Even the ones half buried in the dirt only had surface rust...some of the blades were shiny and not stainless. I made knives from a few of those blades for years. I never bothered to pay to have the steel checked, I just used it. That steel made better throwing knives than leaf springs. Naturally...I never took any pictures and my ex kept the set I made for the kitchen, so I can't show and tell...but if you know where there used to be a sawmill and there's still blades...snatch 'em up...great knife material.
  7. It was my wife's idea that I build the shed for her mom. Finally I said OK...Then came the "orders"... 3/4 marine plywood floors and gables. The gable ends need to be steeper. Use galvanized nails, bolts. Are you sure you don't want to pour a foundation? "If you don't like how I do it...you can always build it yourself."
  8. Dol...you know what fathers are ... hard lesson isn't it ...Some days are diamonds
  9. I will admit the elections are a circus
  10. LOL
  11. Fishing from the bank is totally different than fishing IN the water. On the bank you get what you get...IN the water you can pick and choose. Pick and choose is hunting. Love SCUBA hunting...not that I do it any more...licensing sure took the fun outta life.
  12. Grilling is cooking...I soak the meat in beer after I cook it...I soak me in beer before.
  13. That's why the PVC pipe Speaking of buried ammo...I've been watching youtube vids of excavations in and around Volgograd and Kiev. The things they find!
  14. My wife has this way of folding chip bags so she can fasten them with a snap (spring) clothespin. The bags hold air! I'm a salt and vinegar man myself. The frisbie..."Ya'll come back now, hear?"
  15. There was a storm?
  16. Take new sparkplugs...my lawnmower needs a new one every spring. I know it's apples to oranges but it might help.
  17. bajabuc


    Hey Verne...mine's dead...both sides. One suicided at 105
  18. bajabuc


    LA is 24/7/365 noisy...Tennessee is so quiet she's hearing the lack of sound...you, however, will go nuts in LA
  19. shoot it...if the powder stains down the case neck 1/16 of an inch you're good to go...if it powder stains down the case neck 1/8 inch... not so good to go. As always...anyone who believes my drivel about guns is just asking for trouble.
  20. My buddy bought some of those "desicator" pouches and some PVC pipe.....he sealed both ends...one with a glue on cap and the other with a cleanout.
  21. My first marriage convinced me I was wrong...I am wrong...I will always be wrong..I had better learn to apologize for her mistakes.
  22. USA Army shoots Berdan primers? I didn't know that..Thanks
  23. bajabuc


    TN-popo...your avitar is highly amusing!
  24. bajabuc


    New hole every time...biologists told me that when I asked the same question.
  25. It's tactical because that's the latest fashion statement "Oh, Dahlin' have you seen the newest from...?" "Oh...that's so last year, now" You take a military rifle...it weighs 6 pounds and that's the big selling point. Then you put one of those rails on the front and load it with 3 pounds of lights and lasers...and a a rail on the back with the latest in Low light and a flipout 20 power and maybe even a night scope...and that junk weighs 6 pounds. that's a 15 pound rifle...you can carry three times as much ammo in 5.56 than .308....do you see where I'm headed? The whole theory about tactical is "slink and make no noise." SWAT is not tactical...that's make as much noise as possible so the perp will know you're there and be afraid. If you go out with a partner...do you shake each other to see if you rattle?


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