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Everything posted by bajabuc

  1. had the small frame contender ... put a 30/30 14"  and took it elk hunting in Wyoming.  freaked a warden right out.  "you can't use that...it's a pistol."  "Cartridge is longer than the state minimum."  I said.  With the original wood grips I got a blood blister on my right palm every time I shot it.
  2. stuff it flush with fffg...3F  ...ram a 451 ball on top crushing the load,  smear a little grease around the caps and shoot it...you can't break it.
  3. Riverton is a nice little town.  been there.
  4. At least you used a real wood stock
  5. The Radom 35 was perfect.  Nazi stamps and Polish markings too.  Very accurate.
  6. Mark took me and several new to him pistols to the Moose range Saturday.  A Beretta .22 that was unbelievably accurate out as far as the first berm...paper plate accurate.  Way past social distances.  A Olympia .22 that refuses to swallow Remington ammo, a French P1 9mm that has a pretty fair accuracy, a Ballister that had a new barrel and was a great shooting .45.  The Radom amazed me.  Excellent with bulk 9mm.  Great gun.  I wish I'd kept mine.   The oddball of the day was the Webley Mk6 cut for .45acp.  Mark more or less found the revolver in the tirewell of a junk car.  It had been there for years and the water was deep...the rust was deep too.  Kroil and bronze wool.  Kroil to break down the rust and free up the works and bronze wool to remove the rest of the surface rust.  It actually shot...and didn't blow up.  Pretty good day at the Moose.
  7. Blackpowder is invasive...especially under pressure...like when you shoot the rifle with a ball in place.  The problem is that the chemical reaction caused by firing creates a residue that sneaks into the threads of the plug and rust welds the breech and barrel together.  To combat this, the original owner should have unscrewed the plug and placed a lubricating coating on the threads of the plug.  My flinter has a removable touch hole liner...at least it's supposed to be removable.  It doesn't because I forgot to grease it.  I'm going to have to drill it out and buy a new liner.  I'll probably buy a platinum one...they don't stick.  I imagine a platinum breach plug for a huntsman would cost more than three rifles.
  8. I wouldn't expect anything milssrp to be as accurate as a K31
  9. left hand is authentic.  hawken didn't make very many...but they did make them...in full stock too...and flint.  I googled S. Hawken and J&S Hawken and clicked on images.  Some real beauties.
  10. If...and I do mean if...you can find a Santa Fe Hawken by Uberti...buy it.  It's the most authentic Hawken reproduction.  The main difference between it and a St. Louis Hawken is metric threads on the screws.  Uberti stopped making them oh...20 years or more ago...but I did see an unopened kit on Gun Trader.com a couple of years ago.  If you're wanting a Hawken...uberti is the bees knees.  Slant hooked breech, .53 bore, two barrel pins.  I bought a Lyman because I didn't have the extra money.  Don't get me wrong...the Lyman Great Plains is a great gun...it's just not a Uberti.  Even a CVA Mountain Rifle is a more authentic repo than a T/C.
  11. PPSh-41.  Now there's a story.  Summer of 1967, I found one behind a panel in a bedroom closet in a house I rented.  Evidently a Vietnam bring...or send back.  I put it back..the house is gone now.  I imagine the gun is too.
  12. About time someone noticed
  13. BOX O TRUTH...refinishing stock using EasyOff oven cleaner.  Works great and doesn't 'sand' the edges
  14. The Media, who seem lately, to be the arbiter of race, have decided that a person half white and half hispanic is white...but a person who is half black and half white is black.  There are NO African Americans who are 100% black. (too many white slave owners before 1860)  Are the folks with the great tans just black? 
  15. Bucnball has two
  16. 03's can have bad metal...03A3's never do.
  17. to comment on either side of this is just plain politics....politics....and more politics.  The US of A got caught lying...they're still lying and will continue to lie because the sheeple demand it.  This is no better than Hitler lying to the German people...and they ate it like candy.
  18. I can recall a couple of Football games where 9k balloons were released...and think of the NASCAR releases ...televised!!
  19. I love mine. 1928 hex izzy and ex dragoon...perfect...it was 108 otd.
  20. the operative word here is 'brass framed'  I've been looking on ebay...lots of Pietta brass frames...not so many steel.  There's a reason for that
  21. Reading it again...I don't see why posters are mad about it.  It's the republican part of the state that wants to break away from the libs.  It sounds like a great idea...plus there's the recall petitions...Colorado isn't happy with it's government.
  22. I sure do remember when the south voted straight democratic.


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