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Everything posted by bajabuc

  1. halfheimers!!
  2. No one knows how he/she will react when the rounds start whistling past an ear. You can have a plan...or not have a plan...but when it comes down to it, you either freeze or shoot back. There's many a cop/FBI/Deputy Marshal/ Homeland Security man who wonders what...EXACTLY...what he/she might do when the **** hits the fan. Training is great...mindset is great...but don't say you'll do thus and so because it ain't happened yet.
  3. you carry guys have all the fun...I would if I could but money is a problem
  4. +thisI'm thinking the next all out will be here...and it will be our army we're fighting. I don't expect to last long.
  5. I wonder how much of the money from the 20 or so cases ended up in the State coffers?
  6. I'm old so mine is: Simple enough for Joe Idiot to disassemble completely, clean and reassemble in the dark. (Light on the battlefield draws fire.) Sturdy enough to hit your enemy with when you're out of ammo...and knock him out so he can be stickered. Easy to reload single cart. on top of a near full mag...nothing gets your enemy like messing up his counting your shots. Accurate out to 400 yards or so but able to make thousand yard shots count if the shooter can see that far.. Low profile...I'm not sticking my head out any farther than I absolutely have to.
  7. Maybe I read the announcement wrong...but..."Direct gas system." Isn't that just asking for trouble?
  8. Man...they look like a hi-point
  9. Howdy...don't believe a thing you read from me.
  10. Uberti made some of the guns for the spaghetti Westerns...and most of them are wrong. LOL As an aside...if you've ever paid close attention to the guns in Dances With Wolves...the shooters shoot, the close up guns are Denix fakes. Stage props!! I love that movie but shame shame shame!
  11. take the grips off and toss it in Kroil. or Take the grips off and toss it in kerosene with a little 10 weight mixed
  12. I found 2 one is milsurp Katadyn Survivor 35 Manual Reverse Osmosis Desalinator | eBay
  13. The County court Judge in Bozeman Montana has been struck a total of 3 times while playing golf. Every time was on a teeshot and on the backswing. The first two didn't affect his performance as a Judge. The last one left him pretty much an idiot. He still performed marriages, as long as there was aomeone there to keep him on track and prompt him.
  14. there's a first addition at the pawnshop on Chapman..the one near McDonalds. $139.00 .45auto
  15. When I had to take the Mine Safety Course, the man giving the test said people with tattoos are risk takers and might have problems getting a well paying high school education only job. He also said loud music in cars may disqualify many from jobs where good hearing is required. The "thumpers" destroy the lower sounds that voices make.
  16. If you're fond of fresh water clams...rake up a bunch...put them in a food safe barrel with a bunch of cornmeal About a week and you got cornstuffed clams and that's great eating.
  17. I'll take it if it's free...or maybe not
  18. They also need to learn it's not fair for everybody. When I was a kid doesn't cut it anymore. Thanks to the Busybodies children can't be treated like I was. I've noticed the prison population keeps growing...that's because children did things that the law protected from punishment. My daughter is in court nearly day with offenders...the common thread is "Why can't I do it...I did it before I was 18...why not now." Well Jimmy, we were protecting you from your folly and hoping you'd learn from the experience. Since you failed to learn, you get to learn manners on your knees in front of Bubba.
  19. Since you mentioned it...AK47 aren't the most accurate things in the world..SKS's shoot much better. All AK has going for it is how it looks and a ton of bad press. If you're a tiny bit handy you can make your own. YouTube bending an AK flat. Not only does it look like fun but it's cheaper and you can build a good one from parts.
  20. I've met some great people on Facebook...and some others
  21. They make a reverse osmosis Hand Pump. it's not very big but you could pee in it and pump it and drink the water. so they say. They're not cheap but if you don't buy one more AR you could get one. The junk in our water is man's fault...too many people doing their business too close to beavers. Wyoming Game and Fish say there's no water in North America that's free of Giardia. BTW...giardia is no fun and it can and has killed.
  22. Ammunition To Go : 100rds - 6.5 Carcano Prvi Partizan 139gr. FMJ Ammo [PP6.01] - $64.95 100 rounds...reloadable
  23. Are they innovators or is the general quality of education leaving us unprepared?
  24. We got my wife a gun because she was afraid where we lived. Bucnball taught her how to shoot safely. She's a big woman with small hands and the CZ70 fits and she can SHOOT it.


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