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Everything posted by threeshot

  1. Using 3" or if your shotgun can chamber 3.5" shells of oo or ooo buckshot. Ballistics: http://www.tacticalshotgun.ca/ballistics_shotgun.html http://www.tacticalshotgun.ca/content_nonsub/shotguns/shotgun_ammunition.html Some people will prefer smaller size like #1 or #4 buckshot trying to prevent errant pellets from penetrating through drywalls. The US military uses combat tested oo buckshot for close quarters combat. I do not want to have to use two, three or four shots of #1 or #4 buckshot to get one of X bad guys to go down with a five shot capacity shotgun. Hence my preference for oo or ooo buckshot.
  2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/01/AR2008070102153.html French Army Chief Quits Over Shooting Gen. Bruno Cuche was French army chief of staff for two years. (Franck Prevel - AP) By John Ward Anderson Washington Post Foreign Service Wednesday, July 2, 2008; A10 PARIS, July 1 -- France's army chief of staff resigned Tuesday after a bizarre shooting earlier this week in which 17 people were wounded when a soldier taking part in a mock hostage rescue sprayed the civilian audience with live gunfire. Military authorities said the soldier apparently believed his weapon was loaded with blanks. Gen. Bruno Cuche, the army chief for two years, offered his resignation to President Nicolas Sarkozy, who accepted it, according to a statement from the president's office. Sarkozy, who visited some of the wounded in the hospital on Monday, was bluntly critical of the incident, saying it was the result of "unacceptable negligence." He called for a swift and "severe" response. The incident occurred Sunday at the army's Laperrine military barracks in Carcassonne, southwest France, during a public exhibition of how soldiers would respond to a hostage crisis. Hundreds of people, including many with relatives serving in the barracks, reportedly went to the base on its special "open day" to watch the drama. Toward the end of the demonstration, which according to press accounts included an actor playing the role of a terrorist intermingled with the audience, a soldier trained his assault rifle on the crowd and opened fire, wounding 17 people, including 15 civilians, among them at least three children. None of the wounded sustained life-threatening injuries, although several were in serious condition, including a 3-year-old boy. French defense officials said that the soldier who shot at the crowd -- a 28-year-old sergeant from the Third Marine Parachute Regiment identified only by his first name, Nicolas -- was taken into custody after the shootings. They said he had no history of behavioral or psychological problems. "According to his early statements, it appears that he made a mistake while loading his gun," a local prosecutor, Brice Robin, told reporters. "This act was absolutely not premeditated." On Monday, Defense Minister Hervé Morin told France Info radio that the soldier had apparently first fired a magazine of blanks and then inexplicably reloaded with a magazine containing live bullets. Typically, magazines with live bullets are colored differently than those containing blanks, making it difficult to confuse them, Morin said. He described the soldier as experienced, with an unblemished record. A statement by the Defense Ministry said the incident highlighted "grave deficiencies in the use of ammunition and in the security of public demonstrations held at regiments' open days" events. Morin had called for immediate sanctions "without waiting for the conclusions of the judicial and military investigations." After the resignation of Cuche, 60, Morin praised him in an interview on RTL radio as "a truly great soldier" who had "acknowledged his role as leader and his responsibility as leader." Elaborating at a news conference, Morin said Cuche felt the incident "revealed organizational defaults, malfunctionings."
  3. I meant to write "too many variables". I understand your point, I guess what is missing the distances are you using for point shooting vs sight shooting. Thanks:)
  4. Any luck getting Comcast to stop blocking TGO notifications? I have my Comcast email preferences set a loose as possible. I am not receiving TGO email thread notifications.
  5. I do not visit the Off-Topic section often, so I was shocked when I saw this thread. I have not personally met Eddie and Misty, however reading the wonderful replies from people that have met you both shows the true measure of one’s worth. Eddie, you will regain your love of life. Sorrow will be replaced by good memories. Love has already returned to your life in the form of friends and family. Happiness will be your friend again. God Bless you.
  6. http://legallyarmed.com/resources/countyrank.htm Knox county is number 3.
  7. When SHTF and the BG is not standing still like the paper target at the range, point shooting is likely to miss unless you practice a lot at the range using this method like the trick shooters I have seen on TV. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9737 I am not saying that point instinct shooting is worthless. I am saying that to develop the point instinct shooting skill takes a lot of time and skill to perform accurately and consistently. Thus, you should be using your sights, even if it just the front sight of the handgun. The issue I have with your post is the statement: Again, too variables regarding the self-defense situation to know when you have to shoot to protect or forcibly persuade the BG to stop their attack.
  8. A friend of mine, who is shooting enthusiast, has a laser scope mount on the top of one of his handguns. When he had me try the gun with the laser, all I can say is it greatly increased my shooting accuracy. I put the dot where I wanted it, and pulled the trigger. As long as you do not pull the gun off target when you perform the trigger pull, a properly sighted laser will put bullets on target. I have night sights on my handgun using the green dots, two on the rear sight and one on the front sight. From time-to-time I test my ability at home in the dark to sight the unloaded gun on a picture or some other objects. I noticed it took too much time to properly have all three dots lined-up. And if I rush to sight a target and think I have all three dots lined-up, I found myself sometimes with the front green dot being either the leftmost or rightmost dot in the three dot line-up. This led me to change my approach to night sighting by purposely bring my gun into the sight picture with the nose-up more than usual so that I can quickly determine the front sight and line-up on target so I do not have the gun canted left or right in the sight picture. However, it still takes me an extra one to two seconds to sight the target at night as compared to daytime. Of course, with laser scopes mounted on you handgun, you need to make sure the gun is still reliable that the added weight or mounting of the scope does not interfere with the guns operation.
  9. This topic reminds me of a thread from another forum I read a few years ago. There was a lot of debate regarding informing verses not informing people you know like friends and family that you carry a firearm. After reading the pros and cons, I came away the following: 1) Never tell anyone that you carry. 2) Never tell anyone that you have a CCW or HCP license. Why? Simple. To avoid problems caused by other’s actions. Besides it is no ones business but your own. There were posts in that thread on how certain friends or even family members would behave more foolishly since they knew you carried and that you “got their backâ€. And as seen in this thread, there can be certain friends or family members that just have to tell everyone that you carry. You should consider keeping your carry information confidential. Not because you are ashamed that you carry, but to avoid other people putting you into a bad situation that could have been avoided. I am not doing justice to the other forum thread that I mentioned, however I doubt I could find it today.
  10. The information from the FBI regarding Handgun Wounding Factor and Effectiveness has insight that you do not see on internet forums. http://www.firearmstactical.com/pdf/fbi-hwfe.pdf This is good to read several times to absorb all the nuances. First, I agree shot placement is the most important. From the FBI report, do not rely on JHP to expand in order to create a larger wounding cavity with sufficient depth. Use the largest caliber to create the largest permanent wounding cavity with minimum penetration of 12” and preferably 16 or 18” deep. .45 ACP Winchester 185gr Silvertip JHP (Glock 30) http://www.firearmstactical.com/test_data/45acp/win45-185st-g30.htm .45 ACP Federal 230gr Hydra-Shok JHP (Glock 30) http://www.firearmstactical.com/test_data/45acp/fed45-230hs-g30.htm .45 ACP Remington 185gr +P Golden Saber JHP (Glock 30) http://www.firearmstactical.com/test_data/45acp/rem45-185gs+p-g30.htm
  11. For those people who are not aware of Forty, Lee Paige was an DEA agent providing a gun safety class at a school. Watch the video: [ame] [/ame]Paige did what any highly trained in handgun safety DEA special agent would do when held up to public ridicule: He sued the government. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0411061foot1.html The complaint filed: "As a result of the disclosure... by the DEA, Mr. Paige became and is the target of jokes, derision, ridicule, and disparaging comments. Because he became highly recognizable as a result of the disclosure of the videotape, Mr. Paige has been unable to act as an undercover agent and he is no longer permitted or able to give educational motivational speeches and presentations." How many of the Cooper's four gun safety runs were broken? 1) All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are. 2) Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. (For those who insist that this particular gun is unloaded, see Rule 1.) 3) Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target. This is the Golden Rule. Its violation is directly responsible for about 60 percent of inadvertent discharges. 4) Identify your target, and what is behind it. Never shoot at anything that you have not positively identified.
  12. Marswolf, You are just what the anti-gun group’s need for their campaign. A gun advocate that says no civilian should own a Glock. Glocks are just for professionals like forty. Seriously, for all the Glock haters on TGO, I do not see any posts of Glock owners bashing other gun makers. Maybe I am not reading the posts of Glock owners bad mouthing other gun manufactures that causes this resentment from the moderators on TGO. But this Glock bashing is getting old. Do the Glock owners a favor and click the next thread button instead.
  13. While in my home, if I felt the need to always have a gun with me, near me at all times or have various guns hidden throughout the house, I would move to a better zip code. Otherwise, it makes you look like Day or night, I always checkout the person at the door and make my own determination if I will open the door or have a conversation through the door. If I am unsure about the person and I decide to open the door, then I will open the door 2" and have the door braced with my body and one foot to prevent entry and possibly have a long knife in my hand that they cannot see.
  14. I have fixed my post using cut-and-paste from Word 2003 into the Post Reply box. I have no idea what happen and I did not notice the issue after posting.
  15. Unfortunately it requires a special attachment for the water hose.
  16. Remember what the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on">US</st1:country-region> government did to the <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pNew Orleans</ST1:p</st1:City> residents after Katrina? Does anyone remember seeing the Feds attacking an 70 or 80+ year woman with a news crew capturing the event inside her home? Why? Because she had a revolver and they wanted her to surrender her firearm and leave her home.
  17. I understand that form 4473 it is not required for in-state private sales to go through an FFL. If I wanted to CYA during the in-state private sale, then you would use the FFL correct? All I am trying to achieve is a clear paper trail of the sold firearm from me to the buyer.
  18. Agreed. Poor choice of words. However, the essence of my question is more about creating a paper trail from private seller to private buyer in case the sold firearm is used in a criminal activity by the private buyer or if the firearm is stolen from the buyer. I have seen a thread about creating your own firearm transfer document that the buyer must sign, however, I would rather have something that is considered official and can withstand the government scrutiny. DaveTN, Both. How would I know if someone has any felonies in a private sale? A person's looks can be deceiving.
  19. Could you force the private in-state resident sale to go through a gun shop (form 4473) to at least have paper trail from one owner to another owner via the gun shop? That way if the sold firearm is used in a criminal activity, you have a copy of the form 4473 to show you sold it to a person.
  20. http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/108553
  21. http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/108361
  22. A friend of mine at work that has attend the show at Smyrna and now it's new location in Franklin thinks it is better.
  23. http://www.legislature.state.tn.us/House/Members/h81.htm
  24. I think we all agree that HCP holders need to be model citizens. Lowering the HCP qualifications in my opinion is a poor idea. The volume of negative news regarding shootings means that the HCP holders need to show the anti-gun groups why the HCP citizens should be allowed to carry a firearm. Making a mistake during your life journey can have negative consequences that can last a lifetime depending on the crime. I understand your point that a convicted felon may choose to obtain a firearm illegally. However, I cannot condone any law that would allow felons to legally purchase firearms.
  25. Thanks for the review et45. How did you get them to send you the first video for free?


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