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About BluewaterTactical

  • Birthday 04/21/1982

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  • Location
    Loretto, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Shooting, Hunting, and Firefighting
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Kahr cw9/Glock 19

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  1. I like it in a wierd kinda way!!!
  2. Here is one for Glock 27
  3. Next will be Glock 19, 23, and 27!!!!!!
  4. So I'm at it again. This holster took 4 min to form and establish the look I wanted, the straps and way of securing it to belt 3 hrs to get right, lol. Definitely not a fast process for the first one. Couldn't find any other material other than nylon webbing for straps. Made with this homemade press
  5. Like you wanna do Duracoat with the digital stencils???
  6. OCTOBER??? Ah hell
  7. So...........When is season 3 ready to kick off?????????
  8. I know y'all hav covered who she is but that Michone (sp?) is freaking CRAZY!!! Season 3 can't come soon enough.
  9. Tried to find this and missed it in the Political thread. Sorry for the repost.
  10. http://www.foxnews.c...nty-democratic/ Obama's face on an American flag, really? Seriously, who the hell does this? This is a total disgrace to the men and women who have served and will serve our country. We have had countless deaths over OUR flag. I dont care if your white, black, green, democrat, republican this is an absolute disgrace. Where is the line drawn?????
  11. I 3rd this. I too was sucked in. Also these Handgun Combatives- Dave Spaulding Surgical Speed Shooting-Andy Stanford Liberty Defined-Ron Paul
  12. Almost everything in my safe that is synthetic has been painted, with a GOOD coat of clear its very durable especially for $15 bucks worth of stuff, which will do a lot of guns


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