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Everything posted by jaxjohn419

  1. Hey guys,    Not sure about what you guys think about joining outside groups, but I started started chatting with these guys- http://www.americansentinelsmilitia.com/index.php . Check them out and see if its something that you'd be interested in. They break their group up into regions, and TN is in the SouthEast group. There are not many Tennesseans on here yet it seems. Hopefully, some of the people on this site can help "bulk it up" a little. 
  2. and let me know also.
  3. Admin, if this is some type of violation, I apologize. Please remove.
  4. This is not spam. (Of course, thats how most spam starts out, but not with this caveat after...lol)   Hey guys.  Some of you already know that I run a 2nd Amendment page on facebook. ( https://www.facebook.com/2ndAmendmentUSA ). I got with a bunch of pages and got them to donate prizes for a big giveaway. Please go and follow the giveaway instructions to get the opportunity to win all of this stuff. ---Multiple holsters (leather, canvas, Kydex), cell phone case, tons of shirts and stickers, pistol grips for AR, raill grips, AR barrel extension & "fat comp", and more.
  5. DICK'S SPORTING GOODS IN ALCOA HAS .223 AMMO. 50 round boxes for $25. They had about 20 boxes last night.  
  6. SHARE THIS WITH FRIENDS, FAMILY & GROUPS/PAGES THAT YOU FOLLOW. Use this link below to get their contact info.-http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm Don't hesitate to call Lamar and Corker to ask them to join in on it! HERE ARE THE 14 SENATORS PLEDGING TO FILIBUSTER: Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Ted Cruz (R-Texas) Mike Lee (R-Utah) James Inhofe (R-Okla.) Richard Burr (R-N.C.) Mike Enzi (R-Wy.) Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) Jerry Moran (R-Kans.) Pat Roberts (R-Kans.) Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) Dan Coats (R-Ind.)  Mike Crapo (R - ID) James Risch (R - ID) (from www.facebook.com/2ndAmendmentUSA)
  7. This is my 2nd Amendment page on facebook. I post these stories there everyday. LIKE me if you would. I hope posting this here is not a problem. If it is I will gladly remove it, admin. I like being a member here and dont wanna get kicked out.   https://www.facebook.com/2ndAmendmentUSA?ref=mf  
  8. http://bwcentral.org/2013/02/the-resistance-begins-new-york-gun-owners-refuse-to-register/
  9. Per "Talladega Nights-The Legend of Ricky Bobby"- "Danica Patrick is sitting 'On the pole'"
  10. I am sure many of you are familiar with this story, but I have only been here 3 years and I just learned about this when someone mentioned it on my Facebook 2nd Amendment page. ( facebook.com/2nd AmendmentUSA ) This is to share with many of the new members ot TGO or new Tennesseans. Take the time to read this great history lesson about how important the 2nd Amendment really is...   Here is a link to the wikipedia story: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Athens_(1946)
  11. sounds like a plan to me. I definitely want to meet more of my TGO brethren! I have no gear besides my weapons, but I could bring plenty of ice and refreshments. (non-adult type, since we're shooting) may bring the wife and son, if there are no objections. she's extremely proficient with her Glock and CX4 Storm!
  12. Thanks Lumberjack!
  13. I attend usually every other month. I don't really socialize with you guys , so how do I find which table is David's, in what I am sure will be a sea of madness this weekend?
  14. Thanks for the votes guys. I am really curious to see a Tennessee Mountain Designed Kukri. I am sure it will be an awesome piece. Spots, thanks for having the contest. I appreciate the work in advance!
  15. I'll have to respectfully disagree, although I am not sure what you are referring to since I stopped watching Rambo movies after the 2nd one. (What are the 27 now? Just 15 short of the total Rocky movies! :woohoo: ) A kukri-style knife if bot beautiful and frightening at once! This is a blade asking to be made by a true blacksmith like Spots (No ass-kissing intended). Read this post from that I found on the web below:   The Khukuri making process: The kukri blade is forged from steel. Modern kukri blades are often forged from leaf springs collected from recycled cars/truck suspensions. A genuine authentic handmade Khukuri is made by beating and hammering a red hot steel over and over again to give it its shape. The Khukuri is then carefully sharpened by tampering the edge of the blade and the shape of the sheath is carved out. The tang of the blade usually extends all the way through to the end of the handle; the small portion of the tang that projects through the end of the handle is hammered flat to secure the blade. Then the handle made of wood, buffalo horn is attached and the blade is shined. This Khukuri is hand crafted in Eastern Nepal (Dharan) by up to 4 men (often referred to as kamis and/or biswakarma) who are the masters of inherited Khukuri who spend up to one full day for each Khukuri.   Spots uses leaf springs constantly, and that is the origin of a kukri.
  16. Tricky Nicky is obviously very smart and intelligent!   :rofl:
  17. had same idea last summer: https://www.facebook.com/events/200608056739430/?suggestsessionid=16663271801357312628     trying to start a yearly event.
  18. Now don't expect a card! This was your gift!
  19. For those of you on Facebook, here is a link:   https://www.facebook.com/events/200608056739430/?suggestsessionid=16663271801357310402   For those not on FB, here is what I am trying to start, using all of the contacts I have developed on Facebook, mostly in gun industry/gun rights: NEW SHOOTER DAY/WEEKEND Friday, JULY 19   Take a friend or family member who has never fired a gun or is anti-gun, to a range. Working safely, teach them about firearms and how to handle them properly, and with respect. Also, talk about the potential ability they gain to protect themselves and their family. Not a day to instill your views on them, just a day to let them experience our 2nd Amendment Right!  "Not a day to preach, but a day to teach."   Hopefully, I can get those in the gun community to rally behind this and spread the word. Please sign up on Facebook to join, and share with your friends/family. Also, join my 2nd Amendment page with almost 32000 other people, if you haven't already:   https://www.facebook.com/pages/2nd-Amendment/215558845416?ref=mf  
  20. Copied and pasted from the original posting:     I have always thought about having a Gurkha kukri-style blade (or khukuri as some say/spell it). I remember seeing my first picture of one back when I was in the 2nd Armored Division in 88-89. There was another private on our FIST-V that was as gung-ho as me. We would always discuss weapons, tactics and history. It seems like those kukri knives would be great not only for hacking through a jungle, but also as a self-defense weapon. Just the look of it would intimidate your opponent.   Description of the blade from wikipedia-The kukri blade is forged from steel. Modern kukri blades are often forged from leaf springs collected from recycled truck suspension. The tang of the blade usually extends all the way through to the end of the handle; the small portion of the tang that projects through the end of the handle is hammered flat to secure the blade. A kukri blade has a hard, tempered edge and a softer spine. This enables it to maintain a sharp edge, yet tolerate impacts. They are also balanced so that they will rest in a vertical position if supported on a fulcrum, such as a finger. Traditional kukris usually have handles made from hardwood or water buffalo horn. These handles are often fastened with a kind of tree sap called laha (also known as "Himalayan epoxy"). With a wood or horn handle, the tang may be heated and burned into the handle to ensure a tight fit, since only the section of handle which touches the blade is burned away. In more modern kukris, handles of cast aluminum or brass are press-fitted to the tang; as the hot metal cools it shrinks and hardens, locking onto the blade. Some kukris (such as the ones made by contractors for the modern Indian Army) have a very wide tang with handle slabs fastened on by two or more rivets, commonly called a full tang (panawal) configuration. Traditional profiling of the blade edge is performed by a two-man team; one man spins a grinding wheel forwards and backwards by means of a rope wound several times around an axle, while the sharpener applies the blade. The wheel is made by hand from fine river sand bound by laha, the same adhesive used to the affix the handle to the blade. Routine sharpening is traditionally accomplished by passing a chakmak (smaller, harder, unsharpened blade) over the edge in a manner similar to that used by Western chefs to steel their knives.   In terms of why I would like one for myself, I think it would be the perfect blade for the outside of my "Oh ####/G.O.O.D." bag. Keeping it within reach, I would have a nice back-up weapon while on the move with my family. (Assuming something happens, of course, that makes us ex-fil out of the house) I have seen cheap versions in stores previously, but nothing that I would bet my life on. To have a well-made, solid piece of steel in my hand that I had confidence in, would be a good thing for sure.   Sorry if the "essay" isn't the best, but it is honest, and a well-made kukri IS beautiful.   Great little contest, and cool giveaway, Spots!   Congrats on being a vendor! Post away! 
  21. its gonna be a madhouse. it'll be like New Years Eve drawing out the amateur drinkers...
  22. ESPN's Colin Cowherd has been on an anti-gun rant since the bob costas thig. It's a shame. I like him, but after todays view supporting jim boeheims statement, I had to turn off cowherd.
  23.     I respectfully disagree. I think it's a cool way to get people discussing Spots passion. It doesn't seem like it's a marketing thing, as much as a community involvement in knife making.
  24. Well, I am not shy so I'll go first.   I have always thought about having a Gurkha kukri-style blade. I remember seeing my first picture of one back when I was in the 2nd Armored Division in 88-89. There was another private on our FIST-V that was as gung-ho as me. We would always discuss weapons, tactics and history. It seems like those kukri knives would be great not only for hacking through a jungle, but also as a self-defense weapon. Just the look of it would intimidate your opponent. In terms of why I would like one for myself, I think it would be the perfect blade for the outside of my "Oh Shit/G.O.O.D." bag. Keeping it within reach, I would have a nice back up weapon while on the move with my family. (Assuming something happens, of course, that makes us ex-fil out of the house) I have seen cheap versions in stores previously, but nothing that I would bet my life on. To have a well-made, solid piece of steel in my hand that I had confidence in, would be a good thing for sure. Sorry if the "essay" isn't the best, but it is honest.   Great little contest, and cool giveaway, Spots!
  25. Sweet. Got mine on Sunday. Wife never checked mailbox on Saturday, so I was pleasantly surprised. I have no clue how you guys are uploading pics. I got a nice new Streamlight flashlight. Thanks to whoever sent it. I hung it next to the back door for when I take the dogs out at night.   Merry Christmas All! :rofl:


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