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Everything posted by 2Alpha

  1. We will be setting up on Friday at 10 AM.  Any and all help greatly appreciated.
  2. The stages are up for our 20 April USPSA Match - "So You Want to be a World Champion" at ORSAAP.com (click on the USPSA logo).   As always, guaranteed to be fun, though there are no cephalopods this month.  Round count - 140.    Look forward to seeing y'all at the range.
  3. We run a monthly match in Oak Ridge that less than an hour and half from you. Go to ORSAAP.com for more details.  Next match is Sunday, April 21.  You are welcome to come watch but it costs only $15 to shoot the match.  You can get by and have fun without a red dot - longest shots are less than 100 yards.  Your 870 will also be fine for your first match, you will just get some reloading practice.  You can always get a mag extension for it in the future.
  4. Still room for more shooters.  More sponsors are getting on board so we should have a great prize table. 
  5. I hope everybody enjoyed the match, in spite of the breeze and those dang cephalopods.  The good news is they are now extinct, at least I don't think you will see any more of them in East Tennessee.
  6. I want you to shoot the match - I have a 100 round box of factory ammo I will part with for $22.
  7. 1.  We do not have any on-line registration.  Just a form to fill out on match day at the range. 2.  Registration starts about 0930.  New shooters meeting at 0945.  Try to start shooting at 1000.  You should finish up by 130-2PM 3.  Cost is same as IDPA at ORSA.  $10 for ORSA members, $15 for non-members 4.  Anything else - Bring enough mags to have 40-50 rounds available on a stage.    Round count for the match is about 132 rounds, a couple stages will require a minimum of 32 rounds each, and that includes some elusive steel targets.   I guarantee you will have fun.  Lots of targets, fewer rules, more shooting/minute, more FUN.  Look forward to seeing you at the range. 
  8. Paying homage to the artistic classic "Tremors", the March 16th match at ORSA will feature  numerous cephalopods to be engaged.  Five great stages plus the classifier stage.  Guaranteed to be fun and challenging.  Also, the weather will again be perfect.  Hope to see you at the range, and remember - "Running ain't a plan."  Go to orsaap.com and click on the uspsa logo to view the stages.
  9. We are still acquiring sponsors.  A couple that have stepped up already are Coal Creek Armory and Shooters Connection.  We anticipate adding some more big names in the near future.
  10. The prize table is looking good - among other goodies there will be firearms on it.  Prizes will be given out by random drawing.  So not only does your $70 entry fee get you into a fun match, you get a free lunch, a tee shirt, and chances to win some nice prizes.  This is a great deal at twice the price.  Applications are coming in.  Don't delay as we have a hard ceiling on the number of shooters so we can get done in a timely fashion.
  11. Welcome to TGO.  I encourage you to come out to the Oak Ridge Sportsman Association (ORSA) range on a Saturday and shoot IDPA, USPSA, or Steel Challenge.  Lots of fun, great trigger time, and good people.  Check out orsaap.com for more details or feel free to pm me.
  12. Weather was clear and sunny, though a little brisk.  Bad stuff came in after we were finished.  I think a good time was had by all.
  13. Snow will happen after the shooting is done, otherwise I will have the dome closed.   BTW, we will be setting up at 10 AM Friday.  Any and all help greatly appreciated.
  14. Welcome to TGO.  If you have not already, you need to come out to ORSA in Oak Ridge.  Go to ORSAAP.com for a list of the action pistol/3-gun competitions we shoot monthly.  Briefly - IDPA the First Saturday, Cowboys the Second Saturday, USPSA the third Saturday, 3-Gun the Sunday following the USPSA match, Steel Challenge the fourth Saturday.  Come on out and join the fun.
  15. Welcome to TGO.  If you have not already, you need to come out to ORSA in Oak Ridge.  Go to ORSAAP.com for a list of the action pistol/3-gun competitions we shoot monthly.  Briefly - IDPA the First Saturday, Cowboys the Second Saturday, USPSA the third Saturday, 3-Gun the Sunday following the USPSA match, Steel Challenge the fourth Saturday.  Come on out and join the fun.
  16. Welcome to TGO.  If you have not already, you need to come out to ORSA in Oak Ridge.  Go to ORSAAP.com for a list of the action pistol/3-gun competitions we shoot monthly.  Briefly - IDPA the First Saturday, Cowboys the Second Saturday, USPSA the third Saturday, 3-Gun the Sunday following the USPSA match, Steel Challenge the fourth Saturday.  Come on out and join the fun.
  17. I have to submit the final head count for this class on Monday, Feb 11, so they can send the proper amount of supplies for the course.  If you have not yet registered for this class, Monday Noon is the cut-off.  You don't have to get me your application and money by then, but you do have to let me know you want in.   levy(dot)orsa(at)gmail.com
  18. The Theme this Month:  Love is in the Air - Valentine's Day Match   The stages are posted at ORSAAP.com - click on the USPSA logo. Six fun stages, even the classifier is fun this month.  Stages include "Tunnel of Love", "Get it On", "Get me to the Church on Time," and "I am as Good Once as I Ever Was." Round count is only about 112 this month, and there is no Texas Star to consume an inordinate amount of ammo.   Also, the weather is going to be perfect, no snow or ice.. 
  19. Standup response Instructor Jon.  I know you and Eric along with the rest of the staff at Coal Creek are working hard to change old perceptions.  
  20. We still have a couple slots available.  Please contact me ASAP if you are interested in attending.  levy(dot)orsa(at)gmail(dot)com for more details and an application.
  21. Welcome Rick.  Check out ORSAAP.com for the fun you can have at the Oak Ridge Sportsman Association range.  We have matches of some type every Saturday.
  22. Welcome to the fun.  You do need to come out to the Oak Ridge Sportrsman Association (ORSA) range and shoot some of our matches.  First Saturday of the Month is IDPA, Second Saturday is for Cowboys, Third Saturday is USPSA, The Sunday after USPSA is 3-gun, and Steel Challenge is the Fourth Saturday.  We are a friendly bunch and always welcome new shooters.  Go to orsaap.com for more details.
  23. As mentioned, we shoot IDPA at ORSA on the first Saturday of every month.  Typically 6-7 stages, lots of shooters, lots of good fun.  Also at ORSA:   Second Saturday - Cowboys Third Saturday - USPSA Sunday following USPSA - 3 Gun Fourth Saturday - Steel Challenge   Its a great range, well worth the drive.
  24. New, safe, shooters are always welcomed.  Rimfire is the way to go in Steel Challenge these days, you will go through at least 150 rounds, and probably much closer to 200 rounds.  If you want, you can also shoot pistol caliber carbines in the match.  There are a number of shooters using ARs with 22 uppers on them.  Ruger 10/22s are also just fine.   First time out, just be safe and have fun.  Unless your initials are JE, don't concern yourself with winning.   After you you get your feet wet with steel challenge, you really need to try USPSA.  Lots of shooting, lots of fun, but you can not shoot 22, have to go with 9mm or bigger.
  25. ORSA (Oak Ridge Sportsman Association), Oak Ridge TN will be hosting a Level 1 Range Officers Class on 23-24 February.  With the successful completion of this class, attendees will be duly certified as USPSA RO's.  The cost for the class is $40/student.  Students must be USPSA members (or submit membership papers and fees at the beginning of the class) to attend.  Expect a full classroom day on Saturday (lunch will be provided) and a short day at the range on Saturday.  If interested, contact levy(dot)orsa@gmail(dot)com for more details and an application.


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