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Everything posted by cj0e

  1. Yep. What ugly said. Our 22 y/o green machine is proof. Starts with the same process mentioned by Low-power. Using that same thing, I've brought el cheapo won't start weedeaters to life. Don't flood em though. And the lubing and maintenance on a 4cycle is a pita for such a simple machine. I usually run 36:1 or 40:1, never the recommended 50:1 mix as well.
  2. Or just anyone else in general that likes building computers, or wants a chance at a freeish computer that should be rather good.   EVGA is having a 15th anniversary event.   Do the things, click the stuffs - win components, accessories, and maybe even computers.   http://www.evga.com/15/   Not a special link for me to get extra entries or anything - just the base link (don't think there is one of those anyway!).   Good luck!
  3. So, uh, radio buttons are better for voting. I clicked all three! :cool:   I probably would, at least in any rimfire shoots. Probably could only do one a month though, just because of scheduling and lack of range time/access.
  4. old pic/news but.... US Army ACUs did it already. :rofl:
  5. bbq chicken and bacon.   Or:   chicken, spinach onions, white pizza (alfredo sauce)   or   pep, sun dried tomatoes, pesto (thin crust)   or   macaroni, ham, onions
  6. How to get a tin foil hat.   Step 1.   Open a fresh roll of aluminum foil. Tear off a relatively large sheet (at least 1 foot x 5 foot of foil)   Step 2.   Proceed to fold, shape, and design your hat in whatever means and method you deem appropriate for maxiumum cerebral protection.   Step 3.   Apply newly formed tin foil hat to your noggin, press firmly to ensure proper fit.   Step 4.   Enjoy living freely, unaffected by the radio waves that control everyone else.   Step 5.   Start learning about the communist conspiracy to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids.
  7. When i started carrying - I was self conscious. Carrying more often helped me get over it. Carrying around the house got me used to it. When you're used to it - all the things that draw attention to the fact that you're carrying will stop (adjusting your belt, shirt/cover garment, pushing the holster around, the way you move your arm on the side you're carrying.   It also helps to know that everyone's so engrossed in their own life/cellphone/shopping cart that they don't pay attention to ANYTHING, let alone my OWB holster with a light shirt over it. They're not going to see a bump and think it's a cellphone - because they're never going to see the bump... unless you bring it to their attention.   Seriously, full size pistol in a raven concealment style holster - tshirt untucked over it. Only people that notice are other people that are carrying or people whose job it is to notice.   Finally, don't carry where you shouldn't; do carry where you should.
  8.   Each day at target is a differnt department clearance day Old items/discontinued models/items removed from their catalog get marked wayyy down.Clearance starts at about 15% and can go as high as 90% - each 2-3 weeks sees the next price drop.   If you want to shop their clearance, or just know what day to hit the store to find markdowns here's a link. Most target's follow that schedule, afaik.   If you/your other half shops there semi-regularly - that site is frequented by some of the "ultra-couponers".   I learned about it on slickdeals.net - I don't shop at target, but was amazed at the organization of a site devoted just to target. Guess some people love their "french emporium".
  9. Keep Calm and Carry Concealed.
  10. One of my friends who works for TDOT had a similar email sent from his account. Turns out his username/password were taken, and his email was being used to send these out. His message stated he was in the Caribbean on a cruise when it happened (not unusual, they like to travel from time to time).   Called him at his home phone - he was home, no issues. He did learn about his account being compromised and sent emails out to his contact lists stating such.   A quick security check on his computer found some malware - cleaned that up then reset passwords to all accounts, issues resolved.
  11. Gander's Price Match Policy  
  12. Whelp. Carried my Pro Tech today. Haven't gotten around to adding the grip tape to it yet - still practicing on other knives (eg. Kershaw Cryo, a cheap S&W SWAT, and a few others). I did tie some rope on - fun with knots, right?
  13. It's definitely not anything like what you've listed so far... but here's an interesting option.   A Longines Legend Dive Watch from their heritage collection.   That'll be firmly topping out your budget.   If you want a dive watch at the lower end of that budget - but it'll be a "big" watch (I don't like big for dressy, personally)   Check out Deep Blue   If you want a dive watch, that wears small, and as such will pass the dressy factor easily, and won't break the bank. At all....   Seiko 007 or Seiko Sumo.   Good luck! There's just way too many out there!   @btq96r .... no fair reminding me about watchrecon. no fair.
  14.   I'm a little conflicted - it's difficult to recommend a watch here:   Reasons:   1. Price classes of watches. Please elaborate on what you can spend, and what you would be comfortable spending and what you really WANT to spend. Biggest issue of them all, here - Breitling/Omega are at the higher end of the spectrum, step down to Tag Hauer/Movado/Bulova - these are highly dependent on the model/movement. Seiko and Citizen - also depends on the model/movement.   2. Movement/power source - Mechanical : Automatic, Hand Wind ... Battery/solar/"kinetic"/electromechanical   3. Design: It seems like you want a dive watch - is this correct? That's the only design queue I've picked up on from specific models listed (Superocean/Seamaster) - You want it to stand out? How much so? As in "loud" or just unusual? Is this watch a "statement piece" as in "i've made it" or "I don't care about your rules" or "hot damn this is the coolest watch that's ever graced a human wrist?" Or do you just want a super classy wristwatch, that you can be proud of and later hand down?
  15. How bout this?
  16. Not sure if serious...   Ok, saw new replies. Was serious.   That appears to be a legit 10 dollar bill. 1950 series B. They probably tried a counterfeit marking pen on it, which won't work properly on old paper money like this. If the material feels right, I'd say it's likely legit, and has been sitting in someone's drawer/mason jar for the past 60 some odd years.   Hang on to it just because it's a cool old piece of currency. Or spend it somewhere that people aren't all trusting of the iodine marking pens.
  17. R_Bert, that's awesome. My dad got his a couple years back (2012, I think). It was a huge endavour for him.   Congrats man. That rocks!
  18.   It is not matter. Have must remember, Knife is Knife. Number is number. Knife good. Slice many potato, feed family. Only no have potato. Cannot afford after buy knife. Family starve. Hear knock on door, say "Who is?" Answer, "Is Potato Man, here to bring free Potato". Open door, is no potato man. Is secret police. Send family to Gulag for enage in kaptialist knife buying.   I'm happy with the knife. My second auto, after a Benchmade Auto Presidio that's been loaned out to a friend of mine for the past year. This thing fires wayyy harder than the Benchamde ever did. And came way sharper out of the box, as shown by my new forearm stubble.
  19. Mine arrived yesterday - it's definitely getting some grip tape. Because fancy or not, it's going to be carried. I don't own shelf knives.   Almost had it jump out of my hand deploying it opens so hard.   Was hoping for a prime number :shrug: 56 will have to do though.
  20.   How about tree-fiddy?   [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7UI7nC2KFg[/media]   (apologies for video quality - best I could find on the youtubes - couldn't insert media from southparkstudios directly)
  21. How has this not been posted yet...   [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQSRB_feUJ8&feature=kp[/media]
  22. Found this a while back - always good to save links to these instructables.
  23. cj0e

    Gun dealers in TN?

    Hi, I'm not a gun dealer, but some google fu turned up this:   https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/388/~/permanently-exporting-a-firearm,-gun,-handgun,-rifle,-shotgun,-pistol,-etc.   I'd be willing to bet that you will need an Import license to bring the parts back into Great Britain as well.   Good luck.
  24.   I know, right? Saw the thread was bumped and got super excited. Back to the wait. This is just patience training for my Form 4. Which I suspect won't be back till sometime next year 'round this time. :rofl:
  25. Man, Forgotten Weapons has some of the coolest stuff. I remember watching this episode a while back, still unbelievable.


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