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Everything posted by cj0e

  1. Was a camp counselor, showed up one day wearing a camo boonie and camo trousers, got nicknamed "commandojoe" by the other counselors.   cj0e is the shortening of that, and has turned into my gaming handle for a while.
  2. Ever thought about getting a simply rugged holster and the chesty puller harness?   Good luck!
  3.   Could be. Pic is too blurry for me to tell from here though!
  4. Did a little more digging, your serials are off.   Ye old blue book reports Colt Baby Dragoon Type V production ended ~15,500. Your serial looks like 18,XXX; Also, frame serial doesn't match parts, 12,700.   Good eye on the font, Garufa!
  5. Preface: I'm not a black powder master, or the most knowledgeable, but I did some research of my own after buying a repro 1860 Army a few years back.   To my knowledge, Colt made very few brass framed revolvers, mostly for the confederacy during the civil war, and were pretty much all 1851 Navy's in 36 cal.   That appears to be a brass framed 1849 Colt Pocket revolver copy, likely Italian made. Aside from being the wrong material (AFAIK- all 1848 baby dragoons and 1849 pocket revolvers have case hardened steel receivers!), having "COLTS PATENT" inscribed on the frame would indicate that it was manufactured under a license to use colt's patent/design.   If you want an interesting box and neat looking revolver, might be worth buying if it's on the cheap (sub $100), no rust, and timing is still good.   I wouldn't spend much though, and I also wouldn't shoot it much, and only very light loads or blank charges when I did.
  6. Smith, if there are any left, I'll get in touch with my sister and brother-in-law. They just bought a house and were thinking about getting a dog for when my brother-in-law travels for work.   I'll see them tomorrow afternoon, we're helping them paint walls before their move-in.
  7. Mmm. Love some Fat Mo's.   Mo is currently running the new shop in Smyrna. So good.
  8. Unless you need/want to reduce flash on your 716, I'd say keep the brake on. It probably makes the rifle more pleasant for you to shoot, and shooters nearby can adjust.   When someone's "too loud" I usually just double up plugs and muffs for the next round. I would have moved a couple seats over if the line wasn't full. Even so, I got over it(the wind/noise) and got my work done.
  9. Yeah, they're in Sumner. When I was younger while my dad was still building houses, we were playing in a wooded area of a subdivision in Hendersonville. One of the workers held one up, dead, on a shovel, to let us know we should be careful.   Used to find their skins shed all over the woods near my childhood home in Antioch, most of that area has since been developed, but I'm sure there are still a few around.
  10.   Absolutely. Knowing officers who work these checkpoints, and having driven through a couple as well, this has been my normal experience. Never been subjected to a breathalyzer,field sobriety test, etc. I don't drink and drive and therefore don't appear impaired at the checkpoint... it also helps that I don't smell like a cheap bottle of scotch or a skunked beer.   Also, checkpoints can be more than just sobriety checks; some are seat belt (yeah, I don't think it should be the law, but it is), others are DL/"zee papers".   Links / PDF WARNING on both:   Here's August 2013 checkpoints   and September 2013   As far as "zee papers" yeah, I get that it feels moderately gestapo to set up stops just to check for papers. Unlike the gestapo, however, these are published stops, best make your way around these locations if you intend to break "zee law". My family has had enough trouble from wrecks/etc from people driving without insurance etc that I don't mind em checking.
  11.   Got placed next to a Scar 17(s?) last weekend at the TWRA range on Hobson Pk ... The wind and noise out of the fella's muzzle break was extremely loud and distracting, almost made it impossible to try and zero my new scope.   I finished up my course of shooting a bit early, so an RSO came by to check if my rifles were clear as it was only a couple minutes before they were going cold for a target check/change. Poor guy just about jumped out of his shoes when my "neighbor" took his next shot.
  12. Ahh lucky guy! I've been looking for some P37 web gear. Got a buddy that found a British Para reenacting unit and asked me to join up. Nice kit, looks smart!
  13. Here's a couple videos I used when shopping for a bow of my own   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElNIXcSymcg   http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_358816&feature=iv&src_vid=gGReUrgdKao&v=nzmIB5r_r6o   I ended up with a Bear Instinct, it's a little older as bows go, but was built with good current tech for its time/price.   For $200 I got: Bow w/ drop away rest (replacing this season with a whisker biscuit) and cheap single pin fiber optic sight (replaced after the mount broke with a Trophy Ridge Pursuit) All cams for adjusting draw length Wrist sling STS dampening system w/ stabilizer Side mount quiver 20 carbon express arrows, 12 were brand new 3 bloodrunner broadheads  3 muzzy broadheads 12 field tips, handful of nocks and screw in inserts mechanical wrist release Allen soft case w/ arrow tube compartment Things I've done: as stated, bought a new sight - $80 had shop install a new string $45 (cables were in great condition - still supple, string had bad wear at the string stop where it didn't have serving) arrows cut down - free, new inserts: cheap, had a bunch already draw length shortened - free (mine came with the adjustments for the cams - not all do, so be careful buying used, these can be hard to find on older/used models) peep sight installed $5 Things I'll be doing this season: replace drop away rest with a whisker biscuit or similar new broadheads to replace the muzzys - they're a bit worn (were well "loved" when I got em) and I'm not much for sharpening these.
  14.   Yep. All those + crow.   Small Game seasons: http://www.tn.gov/twra/smallgamehunt.html
  15. It is ineeded Walmart policy, but some stores sell anyway. Antioch Walmart won't sell, neither will Murfreesboro. I've bought at Cool Springs multiple times after 10 though.
  16. Here's a youtube video of another style "trivet" or camp grate.   If I were to use your grate I'd want some manner of upturned points or flats made so that you don't have to balance on the center pivot. Your trivet might be ok for the frying pan/mess kit with a handle, but an odd shaped pot or container, or a shift in contents could send your food/water spilling easily.   EDIT: the changes would make yours look like this dutch oven lid trivet.
  17. So, your original question has been answered, but what handgun are you looking for? Have you checked with the TGO Vendors?
  18. I'd bet a DD Omega Piston rail would work. Shoot Daniel Defense an email, they should know.
  19.   Lever action for sure. Lots of options. I love my Browning B92 in .44mag. It's a blast, and holds 11 in the tube, and weighs somewhere around 5lbs. Fun, light, and plenty of power. It doesn't like cast boolits (micro-groove!) but is darn accurate with jacketed bullets.
  20.   After going to games at Neyland for five years, and with friends who went to away games at each school - This. Absolutely. FL fans are beyond obnoxious, they're borderline dangerous. LSU fans not so much dangerous, but definitely #2 on the obnoxious scale. I've never had an issue with Bama fans - mostly they seem to appreciate the long rivalry. I'd have no problem sitting down in a bar and having a drink next to most Bama fans while watching a game.
  21. I don't have one, but what I've read is that sometimes it's fine, other times it's spotty at best. Largely depends on how well your pistol gets along with the magazines you have.   38 super is longer, has a larger case head diameter, and slightly larger bell diameter.   Me, I'd just give it a try at the range. Worst case scenario: you get extra range time with some feed problems, get to practice FTF drills, then go buy some 9mm magazines.
  22. Cool. Keep the vids coming! (And good luck getting it repaired quickly, iirc I've seen the same issue a couple of times over at KTOG - mostly KT just ships the pin straight to you).
  23. Mine's been getting better as the round count has gone up, it's very ammo picky as well. Any ammo where the case wall dents/deforms during loading jams every 5 rounds. When the cases stay in shape, it's better, though not perfect. I think I might have some issues with the magazines.   Still a -lot- of fun, and one of my favorites. I can't keep 22mag around because of it.
  24.   1st, I am not a lawyer... however, using Handgunlaw.us  as a resource, and checking up using the links to each state's website: TN has a formal, signed reciprocity agreement with PA.   See: http://www.tn.gov/safety/handgun/reciprocity.shtml   and http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/crime.aspx?id=184   and the actual agreement http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/uploadedFiles/Crime/Signed%20Tennessee%20Agreement.pdf   What info do you have that shows we don't accept PA permits in TN?
  25. I don't have an EDC bag, so much as an EDC belt pouch/case. It's a nite-ize pock-its belt clip holster. I keep a flashlight, sog powerlock, two husky small parts screwdrivers, some sharpies a notepad and a small plastic bag with stuff for cuts n scrapes.   I've got a "go-bag" that has more gear, but it stays in my car.


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