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Everything posted by cj0e

  1. cj0e

    Buyer Beware!

    From Ruger's website: features for the Ruger MKIII Hunter VS features for the Ruger MKIII Target Click on "Sighting System" for each.   MKIII target, Competition, and certain distributor exclusives show that the mount is included. The normal MKIII Hunter, model 10118, does not list it as included.
  2. I owned a 10.5" Stag 8HL for an AR pistol I built for about 6 months.   1. Piston systems are neat. Mine would eat anything, and made tons of noise. Recoil is... different feeling.   2. Gas block/piston block gets HOT. Know how your bolt gets uncomfortable to touch? Well, that big ol block is easy to grab on accident. Gloves or go home.   3. Cleaning - well, no, you don't have to clean out the receiver as much. Still get some nasty in it from extracting the case, but not as bad. You still need to lube it. That said, for the love of Hoppes, clean your piston. I bought the upper used, and it was a real pain to disassemble the piston system because of all the crud that had built up on it.   4. Carrier tilt is vilified as the bane of the AR15 piston setup.... It's extra wear, I didn't have any malfunctions. The wear was obviously present though.   5. I sold the piston upper. In the end, it was a novelty to me. I wanted a rail and didn't like the options that were "piston compatible" and I didn't want to have to mod the heck out of whatever other rail I chose. There are more piston compatible options now, so that might be a moot point.
  3. cj0e

    colt ?

    The quote from Jim March is a condensed version of his EXCELLENT revolver checkout guide.   This is Jim's posted google doc, Its been a great resource to me, and hopefully can help you as you purchase this (and any future) revolvers.   Indeed, revolvers are a more elegant weapons, for a more civilized age.
  4.   Mainboards are almost always proprietary, so ATX cases don't work. The PSU, however, is usually just a standard ATX power connection with a separate 4pin for the proc.   Drives are either sata or molex. DVD drives power connection can be wonky, though.   I've used a standard ATX PSU on a few slim dells the past couple years at work to test and make sure nothing except a bad PSU was preventing them from booting.   What model Dell do you have, btw?
  5. cj0e

    Honest people

    Thats awesome, it's always good to hear about honest people!
  6. Yeah, I'd wager you're right - just not updated on that page, as it only shows the next upcoming.   PDF of all RK shows in TN
  7. Sitting here... staring... trying to figure out what caliber this crazy thing is chambered in...   Man, that's a weird lanyard...   DOH!   :bowrofl:  Good one OP, you got me for a minute there.
  8.   I believe you're correct in the assumption that later senates could confirm this treaty, and makes sense that they would want to go ahead and sign so that if they win seats/influence they can shove it through.   See below on the second part.       It's been a while since my last poli-sci course, but the process by which a treaty is signed and ratified, iirc goes like this: Treaty is formed with input from the representative(s) of the United States during negotiating Representative(s) submit terms of treaty to office of the Secretary of State for approval. Secretary of State approves, then submits to the office of the President for approval. President approves, then submits to the Senate for confirmation by 2/3 majority vote. Treaty is confirmed, then resubmitted to office of the President for ratification. President ratifies, then treaty goes into force..
  9. Boro just had one, Sept 6-7 iirc. I'm not sure if it was RK, didn't make it out, had other plans all weekend.   Usually happen more than a couple months apart, let alone weeks ;)   EDIT:   Next one is Oct 26-27, see http://rkshows.com/index.php
  10. That looks slick. Almost makes me want an AK. Almost. ;)
  11. Are you expecting a package?   Have you ever had any dealings with either Danielle or Bennis?   Have you done a google search on the PH# to see if it has a history of abuse?   Personally, I'd ignore and carry on with my regular business, especially if I didn't know either person and wasn't expecting a package. If you do know one of the associated parties, then call them at your known number, and see if they need the info. Otherwise, ignore as spam/phishing/scam material.   My sister called back a number for a "package" that was coming to her, it was an international pay per minute number. They kept her on the line for 17 minutes. Amounted to a $US30 charge and a dispute opened with t-mobile. Not sure on outcome of the dispute, or if it's had one. Was only a couple weeks ago.
  12. Looks good! Glad you got it sorted. That sheath looks awesome too.   Is that sinew?
  13. Here's a review of the same model knife. Sounds about in line with general attitude from Mantis, not necessarily the gritty feeling though. That said, the OP in that review did kind of screw up during when taking his knife apart, so I understand Mantis' response there.
  14. cj0e

    Got Hired!!

      Incorrect. .gif or the dance didn't happen.   Will settle for youtube, but honestly prefer a gif.   No, I won't add writing to the different frames or anything else like that which could potentially be embarrasing.   Promse.   Really.   But in all seriousness, Coingrats!
  15.   But the Mosin does the club better! And cheaper! xD
  16. Walmart in Smyrna has had these cases for a while now. They're not moving. I'm pretty sure they're 62gn, but didn't check if they were XM855 or not.
  17. It's hard to beat a .22LR for accurately punching paper, regularly, on the cheap. Even with ammo being semi-short supply right now, it's coming back. Match .22lr is available, and is still cheaper than match grade loadings of any other caliber I know of.   If the cost of ammo isn't a big issue, I love 6.5x55. Although it's not the easiest to find factory loaded match ammo. And match target rifles are even less common. Start loading your own though, things get fun.   A clean K31 and some Swiss mil surp match 7.5x55 is a great rifle for punching paper, accurately, on the cheap (relatively!). If a more powerful rifle is what you're after, this is what I'd probably choose. A 480 rd case of swiss ammo runs about 270ish+shipping.
  18. In for two lowers!   Interested in uppers as well, but gotta know pricing ;)   Been looking forward to this since the April Poll! Stoked!
  19. If you're serious about swapping out cable/dish for antenna broadcast TV, you should check out antennaweb.org
  20. I'm confused, are you missing system fonts after a fresh install? Do you need a specific font? What options are appearing for you?   I've found Calibri as the default font in every Win 7 system I've used: Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Enterprise N.
  21. cj0e

    Another bullpup

    Woohoo! Guessed it right!   Grats man! Hope you got a good deal, only ones I've seen since november have been 1.5 to 2 x msrp, so I'm content to just look and handle them from time to time!
  22. cj0e

    Another bullpup

    Sounds to me like a KSG, but the capacity is off. Hmm. UTS-15? EDIT: blearrggh.... capacity on the UTS-15 is off too. Unless your 3" indication is for capacity of 12. In that case, it's either! All that aside...
  23. For a low cost budget 3-9x40, I've been very happy with my Vortex Crossfire II. I chose the plain "V-Plex" reticle. It's held zero well enough for me. Glass is very clear and bright, field of view isn't terribly constricted at 9x.   For less than half the cost of a similarly specced Leupold, I'm happy, and moderately comforted by the "VIP" warranty.   If you want a "budget" Leupold for the 3-9x40 option, buy a Redfield. Made in the USA, same factory as Leupolds, just no fancy gold ring to worry about B)   I don't have super expensive scopes on my 22's, they wear BSA Sweet 22's, I've been pretty happy with em.
  24. Most pop ups are made with similar materials and appliances, though underlying build quality will vary.   Eg: wood vs steel for the dinette area, slide out pole supports that are attached, vs slid under mattress for storage (don't want to lose these!), lift system.   Oh, yeah, Lift System! Make sure it's solid! If it goes out on you, good luck. Many lift systems are warrantied for life, but usually to the original owner. Check if it's transferrable.   Roof! If it leaks, your experience will be terrible! We had an awful time with the canvas slide outs on our starcraft. They were poorly joined to the main body of the camper, as a resulf the edges of the slide outs always got wet during a good rain.   Besides the lift system and a solid roof, things that would determine pop up purchases for me in the future:   Floorplan, Do you want a large/small/convertible dinette? Do you need a slide out for more space? A powder room/toilet? Closet space? Does it come with AC? Heat? Ours didn't, we just opened up with a fan in the summer and had a small heater for the winter. Does it have a retractable awning? Outdoor grill hookup/stand/etc? Mini Fridge? Interior and or exterior cooler storage space that's accessible, but out of the way? Conveniently mounted fire extinguisher   Theres my :2cents: , good luck!
  25. I don't know if it's been said... but prime AFTER you've loaded your powder and seated your patch/ball or slug


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