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Everything posted by cj0e

  1. Since you like cornbread along side - I'll throw in a "simple sweet yellow cornbread" recipe:       Options: Can "spike" the cornbread by adding your choice of diced (fine) peppers. I like green chiles and chipotle, but Jalepeno works too.
  2. Look, a package! What's inside? Trash Bags! Woot! oh wait, there's stuff in them! Two 5.11 watch caps (awesome, because I needed a new winter hat, and it was cold today!) a sweet patch that I've already given to a friend of mine who is a Metro Officer, and has been gearing up for deployment to Afghanistan, and a 5.11 double mag pouch that attaches to MOLLE. All in all, not bad. Would I have bought the hats? Probably not, but they're useful. I was going to get a patch for my buddy anyway, so that's perfect, and a better patch than I probably would have bought him. The hats also have a bonus, they're reversible with loop backing opposite the 5.11 logo, I'll stick a patch on one, probably give the other to another friend of mine who is helping me with a small welding project.
  3. Nice find!
  4. UPS tracking link finally working and SNAP. My mystery bags are LIGHT.   1.1 lbs.
  5. My back-ordered mystery bags shipped today!
  6. /The gunpowder treason and plot/
  7. TN has a site for victims of ID theft, so does the Fed.
  8. cj0e

    Pocket Carry

    Smith and Wesson 442.   5rds of 38sp +p   It's a little thicker than other options, but pockets well for me with a good holster. I use a black hills leather holster.   Long smooth DA trigger, same every time - it's consistent and accurate.   :2cents:
  9. Lol, my bad then. Thought you might have, at 900. I probably would own it, at least for a while
  10. So much space gun in that thing. Ugly as it is, those are weird enough to be worth having.   Congrats!
  11. Statistics! Madness! Maths! Popcorn! :popcorn:   I got mine on order though! Here's to my odds, whatever they are :rofl:
  12.   Not really though, because the sample size is still 500, reduced to 499 for the second bag (since you reduced it by one, with the first bag) If you lose on the first bag, the second is independent of the first.
  13.   Assuming only one good thing in each bag, and assuming only one watch, and only looking at the odds on the watch, then you'd have a 1:500 chance on the first, and a 1:499 on the second, assuming the first didn't contain the watch.   If the first contains the watch, the second would then have a 0:499, for the watch only.   For any item, non-hat and non-cheapknife, then your odds go up to 1:125 on the first bag, and 1:124.75 on the second.   If the first contains an item of value (one of the 4 pictured!) then odds on the second bag containing an item of value (one of the three remaining items!) at 1:166.3   Each bag has it's own statistical chance of "winning", only affected by the number of items available to "win" remaining, and the overall max sample.   EDIT:   PS: this is all based on my understanding of statistics, from taking one college course on it. So, I could be off a bit.
  14. I've got a few different stoves, used almost exclusively when backpacking.   First, oldest, and most faithful no matter the environment is my Coleman Dual Fuel 533. I've run it on Coleman Fuel, Kero, and pump Gasoline. Works with all of em. Pro: Works. Altidute isn't an issue. Ever. Con: Heavy. Bulky, have to carry liquid fuel bottle/s. Pumping sucks when you want food/hot water. Shouldn't use a windscreen.   Second stove was/is a "canister" stove. Ha! Took it backpacking once, because a buddy bought  A coleman single burner Propane stove. Runs on the 1lb canisters. Heavy, Bulky, Ridiculous... but it's still nice when car camping if I need a small burner for keeping something small warmed off to the side and I need my main cooking stoves for the main work. Pro: Lots of heat, easy to light/use. No priming/pumping. Con: Weight. Jeez it's heavy. Bulk is nuts! Tips easily, especially when tank gets low.   Third stove, was a gift: MSR Superfly, wanted a canister stove for a trip to Philmont and for backpacking. I'm sick of pumping the 533. I use it almost exclusively when cooking for me and maybe one other when backpacking. Pro: Light. Compact. Easy to light. Connects to almost any canister you can get in North America, really quickly. Easily serviced. Con: Canister. Can be unstable - buy or build a base for the canister- helps. Just be careful. Can't use a windscreen. Canisters are $$   Fourth, is an MSR WindPro II. Bought it to take to Philmont. Was used exclusively for cooking dinners for 12. Pro: Light. Compact. Very stable. Can use a windscreen / heat reflector! - it comes with one too! Has a generator, so you can run with an inverted canister for high altitude! Con: Canisters are $$. It's an expensive stove. Servicing isn't too hard, but isn't as easy as some. Practice before you need to do it on the trail. A clogged jet will ruin your day... usually won't have that problem unless you run inverted on an old canister. Just be aware. My personal fav - the MSR Superfly. For just me, it's the jam. For more than 2, i'm bringing the windpro. I've heard great things about Kovea - they make stoves for some other manufacturers, and seem to have a good product. Support might be iffy, they're based in Korea.   Someday, I'll save up and buy an MSR Reactor.   Stoves I've used/have and don't like:   Coleman Propane single burner.... yeah. it was silly. I use it in camp, but thats as far as it goes. Not trailworthy. MSR pocket rocket and other similar varieties - hot spot in your pot. Its good for boiling... and thats it. It's really unstable. Alcohol stoves - slow, easy to tip and then you've got the crazydangerfire everywhere.   Finally... the MSR Whisperlite. People love it. And it's cousins. I just can't get into it. Remote white gas laid on the side... The old pumps we had in scouts leaked, this should be resolved with the newer pumps/bottles. The possibility of crazydangerfire is too high for me with these even with the new designs. They're good stoves, I just don't like em for backpacking.
  15. Buds did blow it. He ordered SKU: 163638, which comes with a full underlug.   He would have done better if he had rejected the delivery, as it was wrong.   Buds would look better if they had taken the revolver back.   He should learn to expand his vocabulary. Ranting, spitting, and slamming product around (as you hear him toss the revovler into the case with some force) doesn't bode well for you getting your way.   We probably shouldn't worry much about it, but simply take it as a reminder to check what comes in the box against what we ordered. This video is from 2011.
  16. cj0e

    Chicken Survey

  17. PSA www.palmettostatearmory.com - Expect a long shipping wait, even for in stock items. Generally good/decent quality. Customer service, I've never had any problems. But during the madness there were some stories.... Prices are good.   DSG www.dsgarms.com - good deals, lots of options. Can be difficult to discern quickly what is and isn't in stock - gotta click on stuff to find out.   Primary Arms www.primaryarms.com - if you need a budget optic (aimpoint clone) theirs is awesome. I've got their 3x Compact, it's been great for a couple of years now. They've got some sweet sales from time to time as well. Jump on deals quick, they don't last long. They've also got top end optics, uppers and parts.   Joe Bob www.joeboboutfitters.com - we should all know em, they're a vendor! Great deals and service. Check their sale/closeout bin. Free shipping over $90. Don't forget to grab a vinyl sticker with your order! (check the JoeBobGear page)   SlickGuns www.slickguns.com - not really a retailer, it's a site where people post deals. Similar to Slick Deals, etc. Some are deals, some aren't. Read the comments on the deals. Fairly active and involved community.   PK Firearms www.pkfirearms.com - parts, uppers, etc. They didn't gouge during the madness, they did restrict orders. If it's on the site, it's pretty much a sure bet it's in stock.   ARPARTSFINDER - http://www.arpartsfinder.com/ - crawler that searches whole bunches of places for in stock parts, etc. Was developed during the madness. I used this with success to buy a BCM upper during the insanity - was just trying to finish a build. bingo. done. Has some lag from when items go in stock and when the site catches them.
  18. I can hardly wait. And I, for one, am glad the finger grooves are left off. Wish I could have swung for the uppers, but had some other expenses that prevented that purchase at this time. Two lowers will have to do for now.
  19. S30v is very wear resistant, so be patient.   I use wet dry sandpaper, wrapped around a round dowel to hit the recurve. Once I'm out of that, the rest is business as usual. I don't keep it "hair popping sharp" but with a few moments work I can keep a slicing sharp edge on it that's satisfactory for the use I put the knife through.   I've heard the paper wheels do a good job on it as well, but I don't have a set.   Just take your time, work up your grit, and try to never let it get truly dull.   PS: I don't keep a perfect pristine finish on my knives, this method has worn some of the dlc off. I don't mind, it's no different than me using it. But be warned.
  20. I think the answer is fairly obvious.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LN6-pMBXsg
  21. I've always said it was a bad idea to make cheese in large factories. Should've stayed a cottage industry.
  22. cj0e

    Lever rifle question

    This what you were after? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hHw2qwImiQ
  23.   Yarp. Here's the scoop, old one, but a good one to revisit.   http://www.itstactical.com/warcom/firearms/safety-warning-worn-leather-holsters-can-cause-accidental-discharges/
  24. I don't have a problem with sponsorships in parks, but they need to be tasteful.   Have specific rules for signage size, shape, and fonts. Company Logos can be used, limit size on signage, limit color palette available (eg white on forest green/etc whatever would match other city signage).   So, the dog crap mitts would have their normal sign for usage, with another just below where you get the mitts indicating the sponsor.   Benches sponsored by a company could have a small sign on the back where you lean letting you know who sponsored the bench - similar to how many service projects will have a sign indicating who sponsored the bench/garbage bins, batboxes, tree identification project, etc.   If it turns into a bunch of MTA billboard benches and giant flashy signs on every last fixture in the park, I'd be ticked. But if done right, it could be a good thing, for the businesses and the park.   I know I take time to read the signage on service project and sponsored park fixtures, if it's a person/civic group its fine. If it's a business that's fine too. It just has to be tasteful.
  25. I owned one for about a year, sold it to a guy a couple months back. Was super accurate. Mine was a 93vss. whats up?


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