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Everything posted by cj0e
Whelp, just did my taxes, and assuming everything goes well on the federal side... :x: I'm in!
I've never hunted or ate morels as I'm not much for mushrooms in general. Last time I saw a similar thread, someone linked this site. Not sure how accurate it is, but I've tagged it as a resource should I ever need it.
Can confirm, Nolensville Rd during rush hour is ridiculous south of old hickory blvd. If they ever get around to widening to 4 lanes + turning lane -like the master plan indicates, it'll be much better. That just about makes Lenox Village impossible. My Sister and Brother in law bought in the Crieve Hall area, it's convenient to downtown (fast access to I65, backup via secondaries if 65 is jammed due to wrecks, etc). Their community is nice and quiet, granted not all are. What constitutes a "timely-manner" for your wife's on call status? 10 min? 15? 20? 30?
If you're just looking for crime statistics - Metro Nashville's county clerk has a neat map of criminal activity for the last 7 days - give it a look. Things tend to get more active as the weather warms up, so should be a neat watch for anyone that isn't familiar. For rent a little more expensive, but a generally calmer area - I'd look to Donelson. Antioch has a bad reputation, but it's not the worst area in the city (though it's probably in the top 5 worst and that's also highly dependant on which part you find yourself in as Antioch covers a large area). For the past couple of years Metro PD has stepped up their presence in the area, both marked and unmarked cars, and the past few years have seen a marked improvement. Still not good, but at least in my parent's corner - it feels like it's better than 2010. If I was picking, it wouldn't be my #1 option, but there are worse places in Davidson county.
Battleship is fun - like the game, you've got a target with your oponnents ship - take turns shooting. There are some pre-printed, and you could make one yourself. Set up a target at 50yds or so, and get the best grouping with 12ga slugs. (Also fun with .410, but more expensive) Cut playing cards in half with a .22, break match sticks, etc. Get a couple of the reactive ground targets (ball, star, box, etc) and see who can push them the farthest. A couple of bowling pins tied up with rope. Cut the rope! "HORSE" set up multiple similar targets. First person shoots, second person duplicates - have to call your shot. Write a word or draw a picture (smiliey face, LOL or something) 12 empty shotgun hulls (or other bright small item) set up on a 2x4 or similar. Set up like 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] First to knock theirs over wins. Get an old army man (green ones on flat plastic bases) staple to a 2x4, play hangman, IE guess letters/the word. Wrong letter guesses means someone takes a shot. Army man needs to be fairly good distance, and rifle should be .22 with iron sights. Need a spotter - keep guessing letters till the army man eats it. OR modify by having multiple army men and you have to lose the squad to lose at hangman. Tape some old paintballs on a board/cardboard and take shots at them - they're moderately reactive. Can be used on other things too, ie tape one to the X ring - run a turkey shoot. 20ga - whoever breaks the paintball moves to the next round. - repeat as needed. "Twister" get some cans of spraypaint (diff colors) and spray some large circles on boards like the twister game - red, yellow, green blue - attach clay pigeons in the colors. Call a color/position, first to shoot it wins - can be modified, IE shoot all blue - two green - one red, etc. There's lots of targets out there you can print off too - bowling, the flies - shoot the flies - "where's waldo!" Be creative!
Was out in California, driving along HWY 1. Found a lighthouse with some bluffs, decided it was time to look out at the ocean for a while. Lost track of time staring out there. Too bad their politics are so screwed up in Cali, the weather and landscape in norcal is incredible.
Those cufflinks under men's jewelry are pretty sweet!
Sounds like the optional "Auto start stop" system. I think it can be disabled, but I don't know how. Don't have one on my old 04' Merc with it's thirsty V8.
This young man's future is destroyed because of one thing...
cj0e replied to whitewolf001's topic in General Chat
Annnd I am stealing this pic. -
That's a good one, I like the "scary mary" clip. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T5_0AGdFic[/media]
That sink is the $#*?! Pretty neat sink, cool conservation concept, wash your hands with fresh water that's going to be used for waste later anyways.
Ahh, I'm just playing. Most knife guys are safe with theirs. That, and it's a small nick. That your pinky finger? I've caught mine during a couple quick folds on frame/linerlocks that were new. Especially likely for me on ones that are significantly different from what I'm used to carrying. Case in point, my ZT0350. Was used to much smaller/lighter blades, heft got the best of me and my finger. A dab of secondskin and it was all but forgotten, and hasn't happened since! Must be sharp as hell to give you a nick and not have you know about it!
Part of me wants to harp on knife safety... the rest of me laughs because "it's not really your knife till it's drawn it's share of your blood." Nice knives, they look pretty sweet.
Whelp, in for 2 again. Didn't see a limit this go around either, but I'm not as brave as wileecoyote!
For those that don't know how to deal with Cholera: http://www.who.int/cholera/technical/en/ Always begin treatment immediately, preferrably with safe water. If water is potentially unsafe - rehydration takes precendence.
Roger, I'm giving the Crossman Premier a try, just picked up a tin of their HP pellets. I've used the Gamo Red Fire pellets in another rifle, they seem accurate enough in my Gamo, but my Pumpmaster 760 didn't get along with them. Spent all day today painting, hopefully get some time tomroow!
Is there a Tandy Leather shop near you? They should have one - I'd call first. Home Depot or Lowes should carry a grommet setter, not sure how different that would be from the eyelet setter.
Picked up a Ruger Air Hawk this past weekend, it had seen a little bit of neglect - rust speckling on the exterior. Cleaned all of that up with some CLP and 0000 steel wool, looks sharp now! I'm loving the heavier weight of this little air rifle. It didn't have the scope with it, and I don't want to tear up any of my normal scopes on this air rifle. Any suggestions for a decent but sub $70 air rifle scope? I'm also trying to figure out what weight pellets to use without buying a bunch of different overweight pellets that I know I can't use in any of my other airguns. Anyone had one and know what they "generally" seem to like? I've got some 7.9gr wadcutter and hollow points laying around. Hope to get some time this weekend with it while it's nice out with this little guy and maybe some others.
Well, if it's like the kid then "she was so upset by his actions that she could neither look at him nor talk to him." Mission accomplished? :rofl:
Man, this is ridiculous. When I was in elementary school, we brought nerf and waterguns to school for show and tell and for school sponsored days! When it wasn't one of those days everything on the playground could be a gun for cops and robbers/cowboys and indians - everything from a "finger gun" to a stick, to a branch became a gun or a rifle. Heck, if you could tote a big enough limb you were Captain America with a bazooka. One of my favorite games was in PE, coach called it "SCUD". It was loosely based off the gulf war, everyone would be positioned on sides of the gym, seated. The rear line had bike tire inner tubes we used to launch bean bags across at the opposing sides as "scud missiles". Everyone else had either foam balls to throw as shorter range projectiles, or lob as "grenades". Not sure what the object was anymore, since no one ever seemed to be "out". It was general mayhem and a lot of fun.
Fake Gibson Geetars Being Sold Around Nashville
cj0e replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in General Chat
If he pawned all seven, at multiple shops.... Seems like whoever did it thought he knew what he was doing. -
2A Legal Symposium - UT College of Law
cj0e replied to midtennchip's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Thanks for posting the video, it'll make a good watch when I've got the time. -
New evidence suggests officers at fault, not suspect.
cj0e replied to whitewolf001's topic in General Chat
The ABC source is better coverage than the abridged version at guns.com Basically, Bloomfield's internal affairs dept didn't see any problems, but the officers have been indicted separately. One has already plead guilty to tampering and has retired. The other two are indicted for tampering, one of those two is also charged with assault. You can watch the clip at ABC's site, couldn't get it to play at Guns.com -
My favorite bigfoot jump: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTlwvm1m5No[/media] I'd like to see the Mars rover try that! ;) Granted, the amount of time these rovers keep going is still pretty phenomenal. Not to mention the incredible jump from Earth to Mars... and beyond for some of our probes. Pretty sweet.
Everything with an audience is an opportunity to push an agenda.