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Everything posted by TNRobocop

  1. Well a group buy would involve a FFL to receive them for you. You would have to find one that would be willing to transfer you all of the ones you are getting for one transfer fee also, and not add a multiple firearms fee or something like that too.
  2. Uh okay.... Irrational fear and loathing. Must have your tinfoil on too tight.
  3. Except they have been out of them for about the last month...
  4. Most people, especially servicemembers, prefer peace to war. However, the whole "peace movement", whether from the Vietnam War all the way to today, was and is run by a bunch of idiots. The movement in the 60's was encouraged and run by communist agents that infiltrated into them. The ones today are naive, anti-Republican, or just plain f*cktards. Anybody who sticks their head in the sand thinking we can all sing kumbya and the whole world will love us is seriously deranged. The only true way to ensure peace is to prepare for war. There is no such thing as a peace dividend. Someone out there is always after what someone else has, even if it is your life. Peace symbols and such nonsense as Ben and Jerrys are no more than marketing tools nowadays to sell chinese crap and ice cream to idiot liberals and ignorant fashionistas.
  5. IIRC it's a mountain goat or sheep being shot.
  6. Appreciate the offer. I will see how I like the finish, but might redo it in the future. Get a chance give me ring and come by and see it.
  7. Web site shows restaurants, bars where guns are, aren't allowed | tennessean.com | The Tennessean A new web site lets diners know which Nashville restaurants and bars allow guns inside and which ones prohibit them. The site, www.gunfreediningtennessee.org, launched Friday in response to a new state <NOBR id=itxt_nobr_2_0 style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 100%; COLOR: #2b65b0; FONT-FAMILY: inherit">law</NOBR> that allows gun carry permit holders to take their guns into any establishment that serves alcohol unless the owner specifically bans them. Ray Friedman, a Vanderbilt University management professor, and his daughter, Toni, started the site. "Since most Tennesseans do not want guns and alcohol to mix, we believe that letting customers know which restaurants allow guns will put pressure on restaurants to post No-Gun signs (which they can do under the new law)," Friedman wrote in an email to supporters Friday night. "We want to use the free-market to limit the effects of the new gun law. Also, we hope that this will be an organizing model that can be used in other parts of the U.S., not just Tennessee." The site currently shows about 20 establishments that allow guns and about 85 that don't. Will Cheek, an attorney working with Friedman, said the site will expand to include more Nashville restaurants and bars, as well as establishments in Tennessee's other major cities, once "street teams" of volunteers are assembled to canvass them. "There are a number of websites with incomplete and sometimes dated information about where you can and cannot carry your gun," Cheek said. "The founders of Gun Free Dining Tennessee want their website to be the go to source for reliable gun-free dining information."
  8. Super Sniper 10x42 w/GG&G Rings, Medium I think. This one is for sale in the Gear Classifieds. Not that anything is wrong with it, just thinking about go another direction with it. I have the same scope on my DPMS TAC-20 also.
  9. Started out as two drill rifle projects about 4 years ago. The stock came from a complete converted gun and the receiver was one that had been stripped. The scope might not be 100% correct, but will work for the project. I got it off of Ebay for around $25. It is the post & line reticle type. Jeff Walle @ G&L installed a NIW (5/44) barrel, and drilled/tapped/installed the Redfield base and rings which a guy on another board was kind enough to donate. Then it went to Mid-Tenn Gunsmithing for the bolt handle turn down and repark. I stained it with a combo stain/polyurethane stain. Turned out too bright, but oh well, it is a shooter, not for collecting. Haven't shot it yet, but should in the next two weeks or so. This is the one that came from Bud's Police Supply in KY about three weeks ago for $563 delivered. Then I sent in the $40 rebate coupon so it will end up $523. I added a mag extender, Bell & Carlson A-3 Lightweight Tactical Stock, Brownells Scope Rail, Blackhawk cheek piece, Turner biothane 1907 sling, and a Harris bipod. Shot right at 1/2 MOA out at Owl Hollow with both 168gr GMM and 175gr Georgia Arms and Ammo.
  10. Very true, but 1.5 is set stupidly light. 3-4lbs is much better.
  11. Ninth Circus. Big surprise.
  12. TNRobocop


    Why would you choose a AR-10 over a DPMS LR-308? I have one and two of my friends have one each and I know other people with them with no problems at all.
  13. I got my new SPS out to the range today. Very nice .50 MOA groups @ 100 yds w/ 168gr GMM and also 175gr Georgia Arms and Ammo Match Ammo. Need to take some pics soon of my setup. I also sent out my rebate coupon so that put the rifle at an even better deal.
  14. No thanks. No desire to support a company owned by a guy who supported Mitt Romney and when callled on it said he was better than all other gun owners and knew better than the rest of us and put that info on his website.
  15. Yep 35% and we carry electronic tint meters. Not that I cite for it hardly at all, but it is PC for a stop or an add-on charge if there are other violations.
  16. Remington 700 SPS Tactical from Bud's Gun Shop in Kentucky. Run you under $575 including transfer fees and such. Super Sniper 10x42 30mm scope $300 from SWFA.Com. With rings, bases, and bipod, whole package right at or under $1K.
  17. Best deal out there is the CMMG bargain bin AR rifles. Around $600 and every one I have transferred actually look brand new.
  18. Can you please change the TPS -TNRobocop to just TNRobocop... Thanks.
  19. Wonder how much money they are losing now as oppossed to a bank robbery? Frak them and their stupid ass green bicycle. They can put the bike and their sign up the ass sideways. I don't bank with them and never will.
  20. Yep it has been around two years. I finally got off my butt and got the barrel and rings/bases installed. The stock I stripped the other night. Just have to do a small repair to it, then stain it. I went up to Springfield to Mid-Tenn and dropped off the rifle and assorted parts/pieces for him to do the bolt convert and parkerize all of the metal, both the gun and the metal stock pieces. Should be all done by next weekend.
  21. First off, cutting it from 26" to 16" shouldn't make a difference really. However, the adjustable gas block might be your problem. I have had a MSAR STG and a FAL do what yours is doing first time I shot them. Turns out the setting was wrong on the gas plug. Try that first. He might have had it set on the wrong one when you got it.
  22. Sig P220 or HK Tactical in .45.
  23. I like the pattern, just the color is horrible. Reminds me of ACU. That scheme doesn't blend with anything. But nice job on the finish though.
  24. Just transferred a F/A Uzi. Got it in Apr., sent paperwork to buyer, he sent it off and the stamp came back last week. About 4 months.


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