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Everything posted by TNRobocop

  1. Hermitage here also. Welcome.
  2. That and also there are some soft primers out there but I can't remember the brand I had heard about that are not suppossed to be used with AR type rifles.
  3. It's because of the floating firing pin. Seen it on thousands of rounds. Not an issue with almost any factory or reloaded ammo with standard primers. "I" have never seen it go off, but have "heard" of it happening. Almost always attributed to reloads.
  4. I was at a gun shop here in Pensacola today and they said that their background checks go through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) who charges $5 for the check. They also said that handguns are subject to the wait without a permit, but yes that handguns may be picked up immediately after background check approval with a permit.
  5. When I did my form for a p2p transfer I called and they said to put my FFL/SOT dealer #'s on it even though I wasn't doing it as a dealer. Still took three months, yet as a sole proprietor dealer I get them from the factory in under a month. Go figure.
  6. Not quite . Barrel moves as part of the operation cycle, barrel is under the tubes instead of above them, method of feeding/ejecting is totally different, and construction is made of plastic instead of metal like the kel-tec. It is kinda similar in cosmetic appearance, but otherwise nothing like the KSG.
  7. I saw those in an email ad I received and checked them out. I have seen ugly before, but those looks like a pig butt tied up with a grape knot to quote a buddy of mine.
  8. Got the call from the guy I am getting my Scattergun Technologies (Nashville, TN) 11-87 SBS from. The tax stamp arrived today at his house. I sent it in the second or third week of November. Went pending 15 Dec 10. I had to fax in a new citizenship certification on 23 Jan 11, was approved 25 Jan 11. About 2.5 months for a non-dealer transfer from one individual to another within the same state. And that is with me being a FFL/SOT. Go figure.
  9. It seems that David gave the procedure for removing the front sight base assembly from the barrel, rather than just the gas tube. I have only this bit of advice. Do not try to remove the gas tube. Just replace it since it is cheap and will be a PITA and a source of never ending frustration to try to remove a carbon encrusted, dissimilar metal bonded, filthy gas tube without causing damage. The original assembly w/ tube will be useful for use on a future build or you can sell it.
  10. An AOW is made from a shotgun that never had a buttstock installed. Pistol grip type only. An SBS is made from shotguns that had a buttstock from the factory. If you want one, you are much better off getting one already built. It saves the $200 fee. If you use a 870 or 500 model, than register it as is. IIRC, you can use a shorter barrel like you do a rifle, you just have to have the original barrel in order to put it in the original configuration.
  11. The early universals were built with all or most USGI parts except for the receivers. Midway through the 80's I think is when they went to crappy parts and sloppy builds. Value is about 1/3 of a USGI from what I have seen.
  12. Sad to say, but it is true that a pistol is a status/back-up item rather than an actual main offensive weapon. Military police only carry it as a primary because it scares the stateside sheep to see rifles carried around base. Maybe in spec ops the pistol has more use such as for CQB and such, but even there the long gun is primary and a pistol is for back-up. The pistol is only for fighting until you can make it to a rifle.
  13. From the updates I get from GunsAmerica, not a whole lot of anything is great about Shot this year. Yes the KSG, which I have already posted about, and some odds and ends here and there, but no new innovations otherwise.
  14. Funny since lots of regions and 5/3 banks have been robbed in the last couple of months also.
  15. Eject now. It will not get better. Kick her to the curb. Do not marry. Down the road it will cost much more financially and emotionally, especially if kids get involved.
  16. Very nice, but that stock looks too long to make the ATF happy for very long. Now then you need to find a Firefly ship to complete the package.
  17. Try to find a Supertuck for that weapon....
  18. How much are their lowers?
  19. Shoot me a PM if you still need some. I have a couple of bandoliers of it.
  20. From what I gather, the going pending is when the average three month wait begins.
  21. How about you stuff your attitude as well. These questions get asked over and over again and it is a simple thing to look up the answer or do a little search here on the site to find your own answer.
  22. HCP does NOT allow carry of a NFA item as a handgun. Per the BATFE, this is from their FAQ on the legality and process of adding a VFG to a handgun and how it makes it a AOW, therefore it is no longer a handgun and would be subject to arrest for an individual carrying a handgun with a VFG and not in possession of proper paperwork from the BATFE. They could also be arrested for carrying it loaded as a "handgun" on their HCP. And for christ's sake people, do a little research on your own on the BATFE's website before asking asinine questions..... ATF Online - Firearms - Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is it legal to attach a vertical fore grip to a handgun? “Handgun†is defined under Federal law to mean, in part, “a firearm which has a short stock and is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand…†Gun Control Act of 1968, 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(29). Under an implementing regulation of the National Firearms Act (NFA), 27 C.F.R. § 479.11, “pistol†is defined as: … a weapon originally designed, made, and intended to fire a projectile (bullet) from one or more barrels when held in one hand, and having (a) a chamber(s) as an integral part(s) of, or permanently aligned with, the bore(s); and ( a short stock designed to be gripped by one hand and at an angle to and extending below the line of the bore(s). The NFA further defines the term “any other weapon†(AOW) in 26 U.S.C. § 5845(e) as: … any weapon or device capable of being concealed on the person from which a shot can be discharged through the energy of an explosive, a pistol or revolver having a barrel with a smooth bore designed or redesigned to fire a fixed shotgun shell, weapons with combination shotgun and rifle barrels 12 inches or more, less than 18 inches in length, from which only a single discharge can be made from either barrel without manual reloading, and shall include any such weapon which may be readily restored to fire. Such term shall not include a pistol or revolver having a rifled bore, or rifled bores, or weapons designed, made, or intended to be fired from the shoulder and not capable of firing fixed ammunition. ATF has long held that by installing a vertical fore grip on a handgun, the handgun is no longer designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand. Therefore, if individuals install a vertical fore grip on a handgun, they are “making†a firearm requiring registration with ATF’s NFA Branch. Making an unregistered “AOW†is punishable by a fine and 10 years’ imprisonment. Additionally, possession of an unregistered “AOW†is also punishable by fine and 10 years’ imprisonment. To lawfully add a vertical fore grip to a handgun, a person must make an appropriate application on ATF Form 1 (5320.1), “Application to Make and Register a Firearm.†The applicant must submit the completed form, along with a fingerprint card bearing the applicant’s fingerprints; a photograph; and $200.00. The application will be reviewed by the NFA Branch. If the applicant is not prohibited from possessing a firearm under Federal, State, or local law, and possession of an “AOW†is not prohibited in the applicant’s State of residence, the form will be approved. Only then may the person add a vertical fore grip to the designated handgun. A person may also send the handgun to a person licensed to manufacture NFA weapons. The manufacturer will install the fore grip on the firearm and register the firearm on an ATF Form 2 (5320.2). The manufacturer can then transfer the firearm back to the individual on an ATF Form 4 (5320.4), which results in a $5.00 transfer tax. If the manufacturer is out of State, the NFA Branch will need a clarification letter submitted with the ATF Form 4 so that the NFA Branch Examiner will know the circumstances of the transfer. Questions can be directed to the NFA Branch or the Firearms Technology Branch.
  23. Nope we ran it only with the VFG. I personally hate the AFG, plus I would be worried about my hand slipping forward in front of the muzzle. The handguard is wide and has a rail on it, which while it is plastic could tear your hands up. Now if it had a SP89 style VFG/hand protector that might be GTG. On youtube are some pictures of Kel-Tec employees shooting it on the range without a foregrip, but they don't seem very comfortable or smooth using the forearm. In my shooting of it, the VFG works quite well. A Surefire VFG/Light combo would be ok also.
  24. Bzzz...nope wrong answer. The ejected case hung on the lift gate. The misfeeds are from the gun. Being it is a prototype, there are some tweaks it needs. We had several misfeeds/extraction problems with it. There needs to be some redesign to the lift gate mechanism and the chamber needs to be chamfered so the rounds feed easier from the tubes to the chamber for starters. It looks like it kicks alot, but actually it was quite controllable and follow up was pretty quick. My shoulder doesn't feel anything like it does from running an 870 or 500. The large rubber endpiece was great for absorbing recoil. Part of the problem with it feeding "might" have been from the temperature. The plastic was hard from the cold on the first batch of rounds we shot since they had been in the trunk of the patrol car all day. Later on in the session the ammo can was in the sunlight and the rounds had warmed up some. We probably shot around 100 or so rounds through it. We are putting together a AAR for submission to the company for suggested improvements.
  25. Well we got it out on the range yesterday. Here is a link to another officer and myself on video Oleg posted...


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