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Everything posted by TNRobocop

  1. TNRobocop

    HERA Arms?

    If enough people want this, I can deal with Spike's Tactical for a group buy. They said if I can get 5-10 systems, retail price will be $450 each. SBR only. The non-SBR version is not out yet, but is in production, but the rep did not know when it would be available.
  2. TNRobocop

    HERA Arms?

    Same thing, but would have a 16" barrel.
  3. TNRobocop

    HERA Arms?

    It looks like they make a non-sbr version. Granted it takes away some of the cool factor though. If somebody wants one though of either version I can check with them and find out what I can get them for.
  4. Give me a ring tomorrow morning. I live in Hermitage and have a box of various left over pins and crap. I should be able to find one I think. 414-5891.
  5. Kinda looks like a amswer to a problem that didn't really exist. If you like it good on ya. However, that's just something hanging in the way that could cause problems or could break easily or cause something else to break. Just my opinion, I have been running AR platforms for uncle sugar for 20+ years and been building my own for about 9 years, so your mileage may vary.
  6. That's about right. I was looking at dealer cost yesterday and they are a bit more than a PMAG on DC also.
  7. I agree with the $800. It is a steal for a Poly or Norinco. $800 used to be high end about two years ago. Now you can't touch them anywhere for less than 1K like was said. Last two I have sold over the last year went for around $1150 each.
  8. It's been about a month since we ordered Paletiger's sights. I went back and looked at my dealer price stuff. If you order a "set", price averages about $45-50. Individually, price is around $55-60 each for the rear. Go figure.
  9. The eagles look like Weimar Republic stamps, so if that is what they are, the gun was made prior to Hitler coming to power. The anchor mark might mean it was a Kreigsmarine (German Navy) issue. The holster has a swastika marking so that is probably not the original issue holster. Check all the places including the magazines. All original Lugers had matching serial #'s for their parts, including the magazine(s). Hope this helps, even though I am not a Luger expert by any means.
  10. Good god, the inaccuracies in this thread is legendary. Guns cannot cross state lines for sale except to or through a FFL. No ID swapping is required by law, either federal or TN state. Other states might be different. You are violating federal law if you do. You may only purchase face to face between residents of the same state. You want a gun from a resident of another state, it has to be either shipped to a FFL in your own state, or the seller beings it with them to a FFL in the buyers state, give it to the FFL who then logs it in. The FFL dealer then transfers it to the buyer on a 4473, does the background check, and then transfers it to the buyer after successful completion of the background check. This information is on the ATF website under the FAQ section. Check that area first before advocating people to violate federal law.
  11. Never heard of it. They "do" come from the factory with a bronze colored type of anti-seize stuff on the inside of the slide for initial break-in which goes away after awhile. Sounds like the guy might have had some issues with the gun and that was his fix. Who knows?
  12. $40-45 each is average everywhere.
  13. The round is only subject to the $200 stamp if it has over a certain amount of explosive in it. Guys that have howitzers and recoilless rifles, and such usually make solid shot rounds or make them out of black powder such as for mortars. The propellant usually doesn't count against the total. The 40mm practice rounds use a orange talcum powder type marker that is encased in a blue plastic egg that it "suppossed" to break upon impact. The case for those rounds is white.
  14. Got it, thanks.
  15. The Hooters in Hermitage is full of skanks anyways. Basically the chicks at most of the Hooters here in Nashville are washed up whores that don't qualify to work at the sleaziest strip clubs. Last time I was there me and Paletiger waited around 30 mins for a server but never got one so we left. We haven't been back there yet, plus the wings sucks ass. Plus if you watch them get dropped off, they are usually with their boyfriends in a 1989 Ford Thunderbird just like what you see get dropped off at the lower class strip clubs. Seen that happen once there also.
  16. I zeroed one for Oleg Volk at the Hero Gear shoot. I put about 40 rounds through it. Not a bad rifle, just not an efficient design for shooting with a scope. I was using my ACOG TA-01NSN and it was recoiling back into my shooting glassed almost every shot because of the short eye relief. An Aimpoint or Eo-Tech would be acceptable for this package, but not anything that required you to get up close and personal with it. Recoil wasn't horrible, but wasn't soft in the least. The trigger sucked actually using it. Dry firing it felt okay, but live firing it had a ton of creep and felt like I was dragging it through gravel, along with the being unable to really feel when it would break. Somewhere around 8-10 lbs is what the pull felt like when the hammer dropped. I wanted one until I shot it. Not anymore, think I will pass.
  17. I sell the same one for $60.
  18. Alot of time when I am shooting, especially rapid fire, I wrap my left hand around the magwell instead of the handguard and can reach it with the middle finger of my left hand. But I usually use my right hand middle finger, but that is without any arthritis problems. Hope this helps.
  19. If it is who I think it is, they are a security company. The light bars are actually purple, but look blue when they are not on. They "seem" to work the higher crime area security gigs in the Nashville area. But they are not and have not been local PD. The owner was at one time I believe was with Coopertown Police. Bunch of wannabees based on what I know about them and what fellow officers have told me. The main group of them work for the Davidson County Sheriff's Office, but are licensed armed security guards. There is a thread on officer.com http://forums.officer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=116249&page=1 about these posers, including a rebuttal rant by some chick that is a LT with them that is married to a MNPD officer. Here is her myspace page that was posted in the thread on officer.com : http://www.myspace.com/454814826 Below are these squirrels myspace page also... http://www.myspace.com/443775948
  20. I quit ordering stuff from Spike's Tactical after their pricing fiasco. The day of the election they jacked the price. I only order from them if someone almost begs me to. I won't do it on my own. I usually order from YHM as they kep decent pricing on their lowers and can deliver on time.
  21. Your brother needs a smack in the head, or the nuts, or both.
  22. During Desert Storm in Iraq we took the small soup cans, put some small vent holes in them, filled them with sand, soaked the sand with diesel, and burned that to heat up our canteen cups of coffe, ramen, etc.
  23. I have heard that on the Mustang that is where they hid them at. Will be stripping the interior this week. Will advise.
  24. Put some new pics up.


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