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Everything posted by TNRobocop

  1. Great pics. Where were you at for the overhead one? In a different bird or a taller building?
  2. You pretty much have it correct. Just send in the forms to BATFE about the change of residency/location of the items and you are GTG.
  3. Chaffin's Barn is owned by the father of a guy in my ANG unit. Good guy and his dad is squared away too. We do our unit christmas party there. Need to take the alpha unit out to dinner there again.
  4. I do all of Oleg's tranfers so I got this in for him last week. Neat gun, seems to balance well. Looks like a FN 5.7, and could probably be chambered very easily in that caliber. Dunndw saw it also, he might chime in with his impressions.
  5. The bolt is a DPMS, almost impossible to tell a flattop from just the few markings available. The keyhole marking that is on it probably is generic to several brands. The only real way to tell a Colt upper is on the full-carry handle ones for the most part. It looks like it should have a tear-drop shaped forward assist in the picture, so it might be Colt but unsure. It looks like it should have a dust cover on it since it looks like the holes are there for the retaining pin, but hard to tell from the picture. The barrel is a post-ban Colt barrel. I have never seen a Colt factory gun with a free float tube or that type of gas block. The upper in short is a frankengun mixmaster. Worth about $165-$195 without the BCG/CH & the dust cover assembly, add $100 if you include the BCG/CH.
  6. Saw it all week and caught all the episodes. I want it on DVD now.
  7. The law as it was written was f*cking stupid. It needs to be passed where restaurant owners have no say in it , just like the banning of smoking in restaurants. The state has the right to regulate carrying/wearing of weapons with an eye towards public safety or something to that effect. That should mean that the state can say where and when, no some petty owner of dive.
  8. Hell they just opened the one in La Vergne...haha. I just renew my DL online anyways.
  9. Maybe I should have clarified about the picture I was referring to about the guy and selling his bike. It is on the front page of The Tennesseean, dated Wednesday, 16 Nov 09. The guy is named Fred Phifer and has been unemployed since 2006 and had his last extended unemployment benefit check mailed last Friday. He is waiting to hear on his eligibility for the newset round of extension. Apparently this guy was laid off from GE when they closed the plant three years ago. Come on. Three years of sucking on the .gov teat? Even if you take into account that he was maybe union and those benefits and stuff, maybe he should do some Dave Ramsey stuff and knuckle down. Putting a guy sitting on his Harley on the front page complaining about getting an extension on his unemployment checks sounds FUBAR. But that just me I guess...
  10. Fine. I see your point about a motorcycle being cheaper on gas than a car. So....... Sell the "toy", buy a scooter or a cheap jap bike, use the rest of the money from the "dick on two wheels" to pay bills. It's hard for me to sympathize with someone needing money when they are sitting on what looks like a customized motorcycle.
  11. I am always saying to my wife, "We are one missed welfare check away from anarchy in this country." Barbarians were paid off by the Romans in ancient times to keep them from raiding and looting. Same thing with the new deal programs during the great depression. That's why you don't see people lined up at soup kitchens and such. The money is sent to their house and keeps them out of the public eye. One another note, there was a picture of a guy with I think his Harley in Murfressboro. He has been unemployed since 2006 and the article was about unemployment benefits. I would think the guy would have sold his toy to help pay bills, but I guess he likes for us to pay his bills better instead.
  12. WTF is a whistlepig?
  13. I know that I have a machine gun in the safe awaiting transfer that is registered as .45 AND 9mm. I would let the ATF know in writing about a caliber adaption.
  14. TNRobocop

    black scar

    Yeah whatever. No way.
  15. Alot cheaper than AAC or Gemtech. My opinion is that alot of the BS in the suppressor business is hype. As far as maintenance goes, there really isn't any. Maybe some hi-temp anti-seize stuff on the threads, carb/brake cleaner after shooting followed by a bristle brush and alot of hoppe's. Finish with some more spray in cleaner, light coat of oil and put away.
  16. For the money, you can't beat YHM cans.
  17. There is a thread on ARFCOM that Old Painless restored/refinished/repaired as shooters three of them. The bore was so rusty and horrible that he cleaned out the barrel first with Naval Jelly a bunch of times then he cleaned it like normal. He cleaned the stocks up with Easy-Off oven cleaner and used mineral spirits to clean the metal pieces. Repainted the metal pieces with spray paint and the wood he stained. Something to think about. They turned out really nice.
  18. I know I checked with my distributors and they are all out of it. No idea when they will get another one.
  19. I get transfers in all the time from Bud's just to use your example. I get my $35 transfer/TICS fee. That's it. I do not collect taxes on a FFL transfer.
  20. Bull:poop:. It most certainly does need to be more like ARFCOM. The bigger we get, the more out of control the site tends to get. Need to nip it in the bud now.
  21. No problem. Now you need to post some complete pictures of the whole rifle. Nice to meet you also.
  22. I know on AR15.Com they have a rule that you cannot bump a thread except every 72 hours. If someone has a question, then you answer it in the original posting or through an instant message. This keeps other ads from being bumped to the bottom. If you do bump it somehow within that 72 hours, then the thread is locked initially for 72 hours, then if you do it again it gets deleted. Can we do something like that here. It gets aggravating to see other postings keep getting bumped up and yours knocked down because of BS comments or answers within the thread. Also the testing the waters, thinking about selling, etc. needs to stop. It's a mess in the trading forums and needs some tightening up of the rules... Here are their rules: Just some ideas on how to clean up the trading post.
  23. I think that a certain troll needs to be gone... His input is not only worthless, but tends to be argumentative and childish in EVERYTHING he posts. What a load of .
  24. OR just leave the wife period over that hideous


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