I thought it was good. Guns scare me, anyway.
JK It was exactly what I expected..........liberal, one-sided, biased Diane Sawyer horse - complete with skewed scenarios, misplaced emotional pleas, and a staggering absence of documented instances where people who did have a gun made a positive difference. (Pearl MS high school shooting, Trolley Square mall shooting, and the Church shooting in Colorado are 3 off the top of my head.)
I say letting ABC Corporate know of our displeasure will only embolden them to press the fight - whereas communicating with 20/20's sponsors might be the more prudent course of action.
And BTW, I was disappointed that (apparently) nobody from the NRA would be interviewed. I understand that it would have been a confrontational interview and edited heavily for the intended spin, but I think we've got to be out there at least. Where was Wayne La Pierre ?