Quick, random thoughts regarding this proposal:
1) I really do not believe a picket (no matter how well organized, calm, articulate, etc. it might be) is going to produce any positive PR results for pro-restaurant carry supporters. Somehow, someway...it will have the MSM's spin on it because it's "Guns in Bars".
2) I think a boycott, rather than a picket, of certain businesses would be more effective and give the anti 2A groups less propoganda to use against us.
3) I resent the assertion that if you don't support this particular action, then you're "surrendering" altogether.
4) I like the idea of the "No Guns=No Money" cards......calm, articulate, logical. Put the TGO logo on them. I'd buy a volume of them and deposit them at posted businesses and pass them out to HCP students.
5) I support the business owner's right to post, even if I may not agree with it. I don't want this to be percieved as intimidation of a small businessman. IMO, a better answer is simple - they post, I go next door to his competitor to eat, buy, whatever.
6) Write and call your General Assembly members. Ask them to override the veto. More meaningful and effective than 70 seconds on WKRN that will get twisted against us anyway.
My . YMMV.