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chances R

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Everything posted by chances R

  1. THIS : "If a reasonable person would be in fear of their life or serious bodily harm (or the same for another person) then lethal force can lawfully be used in TN."  In addition one's automobile comes in under the Castle Doctrine.  Not to mention the attacker, whether armed or unarmed, now turned their attention towards the one who interrupted his initial attack.  Nothing says that an attacker has to be armed to kill/harm another.  Looks like 3 good reasons to get shot IMO.
  2. It is not a declining part of town.....actually far from it with several new businesses in the area, the new UT sports complex, West HS in the immediate area and the most popular greenway by far.  There are other greenways where crime has occurred, possibly many that aren't publicized.  But still an area, as are all greenways, where one needs to be alert.  Hence the reason that it IS important that the greenway bill was passed.  Need more proof :shrug:
  3. Pretty much happens to interesting threads.......drifts off topic.  Not that the AR is not a super HD weapon, but the OP pointed out he lives in an apartment.  Still maintain shotgun with #4 shot is very effective and much less a threat to the neighbors.
  4. Like musicman I have a stable of various models of M&Ps and never.......never any trouble.  I've shot several thousand rounds out of my Pro.  Personally would never recommend other brands.  Not that there aren't some very good guns of other makes, but like said before, stuff breaks.
  5. Tactical Advantage Corp. in Knoxville is owned by husband/wife. Both are generally there daily. Plus have several female employees and instructors.
  6. Saw one in Powell several years ago. Have been abundant in West TN for years. On a positive note I have heard they will eat fireants.
  7. Have 5 M&P pistols with no issues. Both very accurate guns. Try the 124gr bullets, but honestly never had issue with any wt bullet. Might let one of your "dead-eye" buddies take it for a spin.
  8. I have the Dawson FO on a M&P pro 9mm which I shoot often. No problems. In fact, I think it is a much brighter FO than a couple of other brands I have.
  9. OC in the park will be a great p-r move....not! No use to rub anyones nose in it. To me it is same as having to watch a gay pride parade. Neither illegal, to each their own, but I don't think it helps your cause.
  10. Hope I never have to try that out.....with any gun for that matter. That is why I keep electronic muffs with my flashlight; plus gives me the tactical hearing advantage if there is time to put them on. If not, better deaf than dead.
  11. I have shot shotguns my entire life. Numerous car bodies and appliances when not shooting clays and game. I can assure you that sheet metal is tougher than skin. Big difference in standard birdshot loads vs turkey loads. I will always bet on them in home defense vs a handgun load especially when considering shoot thru penetration. I did go to the sight you referred. Good stuff for sure, but the same type of ineffective shootings can be found with any weapon or caliber.
  12. Keep in mind anyone can still bring a suit. Paragraph b notes restitution if the plaintiff loses. Remember you still will have to defend yourself and the scumbag you shot or his family, probably are not rich. My point is that you can't get blood from a turnip.
  13. IMO home defense is much different than military/police purposes. In many civilian uses shoot-thru is a major consideration which has to be balanced with effective stopping power. I contend that 450+ grains of lead is pretty effective at a reasonable inside the home distance of generally 10yds or less. I trust a load of #4 shot at that distance to stop most anything.
  14. Yes when i can buy shot <$30 /bag. Usually from someone who quit reloading.
  15. This is a perfect example of politics and piecemeal legislation. A well-written initial carry law would have solved all of these issues. Tennessee is certainly no pioneer or innovator in this issue. Example after example have proven that TN HCP holders are some of the most vetted and law-abiding citizens but yet are demonized at every turn. Hopefully some of our newly elected officials will figure this out, but I am sure it will take a lot more time, even if they can deal with the 'in-house' political pressures.
  16. loading a quality Precision Delta CMJ HP 124gr. and buying bulk Win SPP and WSF powder my cost is 5.74/bx/50.  Plus I have the enjoyment of reloading.  If you don't enjoy reloading, don't do it.  Also if you are not one to pay attention to details, don't do it.  Blowing up guns and/or associated medical costs really runs up the price per box.
  17. While the new law for 'any lawful person' to possess a firearm in their auto is in play, I think one has to have a permit to have said firearm in their car while on school grounds.
  18. You got the best result in the end. But having a gun should not change your behavior/response other than making you less aggressive and more tolerant. If you carry you must check your ego and understand pulling a gun is the last option. On this occasion glad you didn't have one.
  19. I can come up with $50 a lot easier than $750.  Bill is a waste of time IMO for that kind of money.
  20. M&P Shield
  21. Been very pleased with a Samsung Chromebook.  Cheap and fast
  22. Trying out as many guns as one can takes a lot of the guess work out of the purchase.  TAC in Knoxville, Gunny's in Maryville, and Bud's in Kodak all have rental guns and indoor ranges.  I instruct and would have no problem showing her some guns at TAC is she wanted to meet.  I would do it for a fellow TGO'er  at no cost .... except for rental by the store.  Ammo price is usually reasonable so that is a wash, gun rental at TAC is about $10 and unlimited to the number of guns you shoot in a session.  If interested just give me a PM.
  23. Also note that you are not covered by reciprocity without a permit. The carry class is designed to cover TN firearm laws....not teach you to shoot. Most of these laws/situations should be covered in a HCP class.
  24.   Yep, I am sure you are already on missile lock from an orbiting drone as we type..... :surrender:


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