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chances R

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Everything posted by chances R

  1. chances R

    1911 Help

    boy, talk about apples and oranges. Not fair showing a pic of a WC and then talking about an entry level 1911.
  2. And this is what really rubs me when justices are there to interpret the Constitution, not make law. As Justice Thomas points out the 1st and 4th Amendments have been reviewed numerous times while the 2nd has been virtually ignored with the exception of Heller.
  3. out of all of my handguns, the M&P 45 is my fav/go to handgun. Reliable, doesn't need special care. I would drop an Apex duty kit in it and you are set.
  4. IMO not a big deal. Out of millions of rounds of ammo made something will happen. It didn't blow your gun up so load up and fire away. You shoot enough rounds from any manufacturer and there will be an imperfect round.
  5. And American eagle is in 40 round boxes
  6. Has anyone tested, or has seen a report on expansion of the PD HP bullets?
  7. One of Knoxville's own teenagers featured in article: Sydney Rockwell https://www.ssusa.org/articles/2017/6/19/top-50-women-in-competitive-shooting/ https://www.sydneyrockwell.com/about
  8. Sounds completely justified as presented. What would one question?
  9. While complicated but not, these are perfect examples of modifying and controlling yourself/platform to give one the best trigger pull. To me the missing or elusive component was being lazy with my support hand. Maximize weak hand grip and 'tuck' in left elbow. Left shots back to center.
  10. Not really. I hate it if my gun goes off without my deliberate intention, ie. pulling the trigger.
  11. It looks like NRA insurance is based on reimbursement. Seems a little like a conflict of interest for them to work their butt off to have you acquitted, ie. it costs them money at that point. Plus a good attorney initially paid and on your side from the start may actually keep charges from being filed. My understanding is that USCCA is there from the start with the cash for bail and retainers.
  12. For me, hard to beat the M&P line. Tried others, keep coming back. Also, while sexy, historic, and classic, just cannot make myself rely on 1911's. As far as 45's go, my M&P full size 45 is 99.99% reliable.
  13. Welcome to the M&P world. Even crow tastes better sandwiched between M and a P.
  14. US you beat me to it lol. I bought a CPX2 several weeks ago and have put 140 rounds thru it. Very satisfied for what it is. Some folks simply are not 'gun guys' or don't want to tie up a lot of money to lay on a shelf or keep on a car. I paid 206 out the door. My main interests were would it hold up and could one with weak arthritic hands manipulate it. The slide lock is large and simple and a 75 yo women worked it much better than any other auto she tried other than a 22 compact. So as of now I would recommend it for non- shooters that want an inexpensive gun. It does shoot accurately with good simple sights, long double-action only trigger with 2nd strike capability. And oh yes, great color selection
  15. That is hard as hell to do without touching it ! I prefer long-distance solutions.
  16. best video I have seen on this...thanks. Now I would recommend this as a sticky under the gunsmith threads. I will need it someday.
  17. Good, well, and proper as it should be. However you have her untrained and uneducated friends to deal with at home and elsewhere . As she gets older then the influence of at least lipstick and gasoline. Education / training is essential but proper storage is insurance and peace of mind.
  18. I could save my premium for 10 years and it doesn't come close to bail money. Lots of good reports on the USCCA.....I will take my chances in the unlikely event I need them. Many nationally known trainers are more endorsing them, including Andrew Branca.
  19. I have asked my insurance co. about self- defense shootings. I can't pin my down for a solid answer . " it depends" is about as far as it goes . Ask yours
  20. Not me, hope I never do. And certainly no one has used the NRA ins. yet either. Reference my earlier posting on training. Ran across this by Dave Spaulding which I think is relevant regarding training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of81h8Iclnw
  21. http://www.alloutdoor.com/2017/04/25/nra-carry-guard-insurance/
  22. Is it just me, or do I detect a speck of bias here? (hint: avatar)
  23. http://www.gunsafes.com/SnapSafe-Titan-Closet-Vault.html One of the best fire ratings. Looks like a good option when moving a full size safe into difficult areas. Could piece it together in closet, etc.
  24. I guess that would not surprise me. Look at the advisors for the NRA, all special forces types. It always grinds at me a little that a lot of folks simply do not understand the differences between military, police, and civilian firearm uses and 'rules of engagement'. Same thing in the political arena. Waving training for LEO and military, especially in our state when knowing the TN law is a very important part of carrying a gun in this state. And before anyone yells it is about the money, my preference is that one should complete an online test about those laws, much like hunter safety. Does no one any good to survive the gunfight and have to spend 20 in the big house because you couldn't survive the legal fight.
  25. Just out of curiosity, what was the gun-free zone, especially where a lock would make the difference? Red, not all kids in a household may be old enough to address firearms with certainty. Also some may be visitors to a house that require additional measures of storage/safety; there are varying circumstances, some which may be unique. I understand that most are simply trying to make the point that a gun should be loaded and ready for immediate use if it is primary defensive weapon. However everyone has to make a judgement call on how that gun is stored and who can access the weapon. Loaded weapons with easy access by the wrong people have made headlines numerous times, we don't need anymore. Be safe.


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