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chances R

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Everything posted by chances R

  1. Assume you are referring to 9mm. 1.130 is generally good to go. Your taper crimp should be around .377 - .378
  2. It use to be that there was a 6 month grace period to renew an expired permit. I believe that is why in 2015 you had to redo the course, etc. About 2017 that changed to an 8 yr period before having to do the course, thus your dad's situation was more favorable. To go along with the current topic, one has to be a TN resident to have a TN permit unless on active duty. However, having tried to help someone on active duty, it is not an easy process. I would recommend talking with the Nashville office. It would not surprise me if they give a inactive status, but again I am trying to make sense of the situation.
  3. Wonder if trigger is sticking on frame?
  4. Good prices and rebates on M&Ps plus multiple aftermarket equipment.
  5. Unfortunate and just bad luck. Doesn’t sound like Mason did anything to cause this. Burns are terrible injuries but so much can be done now to improve outcomes, especially at burn centers such as Vandy. Prayers and all the best to the family to deal with this.
  6. Nothing hard at all about the 380 EZ, almost anyone can load the mag and manipulate the slide. Once loaded, flip the safety and fire away. Cap of 10 + 1. All bullets will penetrate walls, 9mm as much as a .223. If proficient with the EZ, may not need much else. If I had to look at a long gun, would be an inexpensive Valdiz at Academy. 20ga holds 5 +1, easy to practice with field loads; slugs and 000 buck readily available. However, this is a heavier gun, awkward to use in CQ and heavy loads may be a little much even in the 20 ga. Not a fan of revolvers for most women of little experience.
  7. Have seen them off Weisgarber Road for over 20 yrs. Springtime they really cut up a ruckus in the evenings.
  8. They all look great!
  9. depending on how much you intend to shoot/load, nothing wrong with starting with one of the progressive presses and load one round at a time. this will save a little money and make it easy to progress as your comfort level increases. I am getting my money's worth out of the Hornady LNL. If you can find someone that has a pet load and especially if you can get one on one time with them, simply copy them as a starting point.
  10. Dave guess we will just have to disagree. Branca is the leading defensive attorney in the country in regard to carry law. Sought out by all major 2nd Amendment media for opinion and appearances for his expertise. I have followed him for several years as well as attending his live course. No one person has kept the gun crowd as informed as he. If you read his notice completely, or followed his blogs you would know that he is a life member of the NRA as well as a donor. Given his position with the available insurance carriers, it is not hard to believe he would be privy to some advance info and notice.
  11. NRA carry guard now history. Not renewing or writing policies. https://lawofselfdefense.com/nra-carry-guard-cancelled/
  12. In the strictest sense Castle Doctrine questionably applicable. But having a gun pointed at you is sufficient.
  13. Welcome. For a 1st post/question, yours is a doozy. Lots of variables and situations which brings up a lot of 'depends'. As you pointed out, your best option in most all situations is to leave the area. Once you sense something is going wrong, it is always best to leave before things go bad. As far as your car is concerned with regard to the castle doctrine, basically your passenger compartment has to be violated as far as impact weapons, kicking windows out, or opening your door. Simply beating on your car is not enough to warrant deadly force on your part. Circumstances can vary this response. Being outside your vehicle, returning to retrieve a firearm always will raise some questions and may weaken a SD argument. One of the reasons it is best to obtain a carry permit, have the gun on you in case you need it for an imminent threat.
  14. Basically WRONG as usual by the press. "Stand your ground" basically relieves one of the duty to retreat, or as Branca would explain the element of avoidance. One's defense of habitation, which I presume would be the home would come under the castle doctrine. The home would be highly defensible property, but that's about the limit of property protection. The simple fact that they were assaulted by a group, armed no less, and shots fired would seem to make this an open and shut case of self-defense, justifiable homicide IMO, barring any other circumstances. https://lawofselfdefense.com/final-score-homeowner-3-armed-robbers-0/
  15. Bottom line, they are all a private business and have the right to post. I am happy they are simply posting for CC only.... could have been much worse. OC is not a preventative tactic, in fact it is ignorant and reckless and sets up an opportunity for someone to steal and or shoot a place up. What I am opposed to is the political posturing of these companies.
  16. Many in E TN for years.
  17. Have always been against OC, does not help our cause. Tactically a bad idea. I believe it simply alienates those who may be neutral. Good article by Greg Ellifritz. https://www.activeresponsetraining.net/friends-dont-let-friends-open-carry
  18. Tight chokes on super hard shot can have the opposite effect on pattern density. That is why a quality choke with long parallel section gives a better pattern as a rule. Of course it is always preferred to do your own testing or contact your choke maker. May not be a lot of info with the TSS shot.
  19. If you get a chance at crane, make the most of it with TSS shot. You won't be shooting that much anyway. Generally a quality choke in IC or lite mod will work well.
  20. Myself and one friend use to shoot indoors a lot at an old range. Both of us had elevated levels that went down once our indoor time decreased.
  21. I have a compact 22. Great shooter for function and acceptable accuracy. Not as accurate as the Ruger 22/45 and I would bet the Victory is better as well. Don't expect any better out of the SR22. I use both the SR and compact a lot in my HCP classes. Much prefer the Compact. If you get a compact, once the sights are set, lock-tite or nail polish the windage bar....the have a habit of falling out if you don't.
  22. TN already mentions Concealed carry only signs in the permit course.
  23. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi-8vvCmbXkAhViRN8KHdZ4CLMQzPwBegQIARAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wsj.com%2Farticles%2Fwalmart-to-stop-selling-ammunition-for-assault-style-weapons-11567530289&psig=AOvVaw1QphazOn3lZE1YxOxQgcfE&ust=1567618875430340
  24. The broadcast didn’t specify. Gave name. Also noted phone call. Work issue, fired.


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