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chances R

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Everything posted by chances R

  1. Open carry is like a Joe Biden for president T -shirt; everyone notices but they won’t talk to you.
  2. I don’t. It’s like playing high stakes poker and showing your cards before placing your bets
  3. Problem is I can’t find a list.
  4. The pianist. Based on the autobiography.
  5. The bad thing is that the only thing in the news that comes close to the truth anymore is the weather.
  6. Posted 2 minutes ago I favor having a permit. Reciprocity and respect when dealing with LEO as it at least shows some minimal training. It is also comes with more privilege in TN, being permitted to carry in parks, be it local or national. Also some jobs may allow carry with pemit. Regardless of your choice, one must familiarize yourself with the laws regarding deadly force. It doesn't do you much good winning a gunfight only to spend 20 yrs in jail as well as spending a hundred plus thousands of dollars in your defense.
  7. 10/22 hard to beat, but like my M&P 15-22 . Got the 25 rd mags + a 100 round drum.
  8. well. personally, I haven't lost anything there......
  9. I’m not too worried about it. I don’t know of any schools located on a college campus. Not a felony charge by statute.
  10. The main intent of this bill clearly states that the institution SHALL NOT prohibit....... the exception would be K-12 grades on a college campus. Seems pretty exceptional to me. It also does not state how that prohibition is to be accomplished and if violated, no penalty is given. Pretty vague to me and specifically seems to contradict the primary intent of the law.
  11. Wasn't aware of the passage of this: https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/113/Bill/HB1909.pdf
  12. Back to your grip issue. Talon grips make different covers custom to your gun. Check out their website
  13. Collectively……a true statement. No offense to the blue intended. I also agree with more training and expanded carry with the ECP.
  14. Thought of Aqil Qudar but was concerned about the drive..but you're right it would be worth it. Aquil is a Tom Givens/RangeMaster instructor and really has a passion for new shooters. http://www.citizenssafety.com
  15. Unless nothing else is available, no one should be choosing to shoot target ammo for self- defense anyway. Unless of course you place little value on your life.
  16. Purpose? While versatile, trying to make one gun do everything well is a compromise.
  17. Check with Royal Range. They host RangeMaster classes and I would think they have RangeMaster trained Instructors
  18. Another important reason to carry HP ammo is reducing the likelihood of over penetration and causing injury or death to others. Which is exactly why FMJ is generally frowned upon. AFAIK, there are no documented 'shoot-throughs' in Police of SD shootings using quality HP ammo. Examples/history to the contrary appreciated.
  19. If one already has a permit, it will cost $200 to convert to lifetime. Renewal for 8 yrs is $50. So......near time of renewal essentially for an additional $150 it could be converted to a lifetime. Background check is done every 5 yrs automatically with the lifetime.
  20. Plate rack and dueling tree simple and durable
  21. FIRE! 5 Best Defensive Bullets for the .357 Magnum (msn.com)
  22. One of the reasons is reciprocity with other states. 13 states do not recognize the TN permit. Another reason is the TN ECP does a decent job in the applicable laws and emphasis on safety. One cannot carry a handgun in any Park in TN without a valid permit. Training does not have an endpoint.


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