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About smokndav

  • Birthday 08/20/1948

Profile Information

  • Location
    E tennessee
  • Gender
  • Interests
    vintage motorcycles, guns
  • Occupation
    machine tech


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    KelTek 380
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Makarov 9x18

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smokndav's Achievements

Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started (2/5)



  1. Very nice Swede's. Mine is a 1905 M96 Gustafs and one of my most prized rifles.
  2. seems they are asking $800.00 but its been there a long time and I know they are flexable on prices. It is still the original caliber.
  3. There is a very nice MAS 49/56 in a pawn shop near me here in E tn. near Knoxville. Seems over priced to me but you never know what a pawn shop will do. I snagged the MAS 45 trainer they had. Sevier Pawn & Loan 865-579-1026
  4. I have a very nice German k98 without import marks, non matching for $650.00. PM me if interested. Some ammo
  5. somewhat off topic but interesting. I was at a local gun shop today and they had 3 22TCM rifles in stock. Looked ok but nothing special. One of them had much better looking wood than the others. $389.00. Might have to spring for one.
  6. Just found some good load info in Shooting Times magazine, February 15 issue. 10 different loads tried and charted. The best was Hornady 35gr Vmax, W296 @ 11.5 grns, 2180fps, 1.25 group @ 25yds
  7. I have 2 Romanian's and they both shoot very good. No FTF or FTE using surplus ammo. Also have the Chinese, Yugo and Polish. The Yugo must have a 15lb trigger pull,my gauge  does not go high enough to measure it and every time somebody shoots it they think the safety is on.  :pleased:  I am a sucker for a relic and have been happy with my Toks. :usa:
  8. Just got an e-mail from Widners in Johnson City that says they have very nice m44 and 91/30s in stock. I thought kinda pricy.
  9. I have 2 of them and both tricked out with Harrington Products firing pin kits, rollers, etc. Trigger pull is now a very nice 4 to 4.5 pds. Reasonably accurate and a lot of fun to shoot.  
  10. The commander did not come with a 9mm barrel. 
  11.   about 400 rds thru the commander and 50 thru the target. Just got the target and just one trip to the indoor range with limited time. The target seems to group much better than the commander but both are a hoot to shoot. My arthritic hands love the low recoil and I love the big bang with light show. The target came with the 9mm barrel which I did not expect.Fred installed the fiber optic front sight and did a trigger job. 2 3/4 pd trigger pull.
  12. another pic
  13. Not sure if this will work but trying to show my RIA 22TCMs. a commander and a target version. Got the commander from Bill's Outpost in maryville and the target from Fred Craig. Have Para grips on both of them. The black ones from Fred, pre fitted and the black/gray from VZ that I had to fit.
  14. awesome video. Makes me want to go shoot my Mosins.
  15. beautiful wood


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