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Everything posted by Deerbnb

  1. oops, thought i lost it sorry
  2. you can also check out Dewayne Hayes. He is out of White Bluff and runs Hayes Personal Protection Academy. Nice guy and has a web site. My wife and I took our HCP class with him and he offers other classes as well.
  3. Deerbnb

    S&W Bodyguard .380

    I have one on lay-a-way to be picked up next week, hope it's not a mistake. I have read alot of good and bad things from people who own these now. But looks like the problems seem to be showing up less and less. My wife has the BG 38 revolver and it has been a great addition to our family.
  4. I set a goal starting New Years day to lose 50 lbs by June 1st. Today is Feb 20 and I am pleased to say I am down 28 lbs so I am over half way there. I have been able to discipline myself to eating healthy with smaller portions but I have just been plain lazy when it comes to exercise. So I hope to improve on that greatly with the improvement in the weather. Congrats Murgatroy quitting smoking is a huge feat in itsself.
  5. I've got one of the biggies, which is tooooo big for much practical use for me. But I did see a smaller version at Bass Pro the other day the clerk said it was a pilots model. I want it for my regular deer knife. It's on my short list for new toys.
  6. I am not a lady either but have a suggestion, There are events in the area hosted by the Tennessee "Young Sportsman Foundation" contact Darren Rider with the Tenn Wildlife Resources Agency his # is 615- 781-6669. They make sure the kids have a great and SAFE time. (these events are usually in Cheatham and Robertson counties) I'm sure he will suggest the hunter safety program also. I'm sure you are a great Mom alot of folks won't go to this length to ensure their kids participation and safety in something they are unfamilar with.
  7. Hang in there Terry, you are not alone. I was fingerprinted on the 3rd and today is the 19th. Watchin out the window as I type this waiting on the mailman, could it be today ? hmmmm I'll let you know later.
  8. I think I know him TOO !
  9. My wife who is a petite size gal, uses that exact shotgun and has (so far) dropped every tom she has shot at. And our youngest son killed his first turkey with it last year. Don't EVER let that keep you from enjoying a hunt.
  10. Congrats, and enjoy !
  11. yep, hard to beat the Marlin in either .444 or 45/70. Then you have great black bear medicine also. (Now you have an excuse for another hunt)
  12. I have a Browning Stainless Stalker A-Bolt in .270, and I simply love it. It has been my pleasure to carry to the woods for about 18 years now. Never a problem with it at all. I have it topped with a Leopold 4 x 12 gold ring and its a straight shooter with low maintenence. I think I gave about $600 for it new back then. And the scope was about $400. I justified that with the thought that it would be my "last" deer rifle and by golly it might just be.
  13. I love my stainless Browning A-bolt. It has been with me through ALL sorts of weather and all sorts of game. I don't spoil it with greasy rags immiediately after a wet hunt and it still looks like it did he day I bought it (1992). It is the one in my pic ask that coyote if he saw the reflection. I think it looks no different from alot of sapplings I see in the woods. I have a SS Muzzle Loader too, I am a HUGE fan of that one. JMO
  14. I started mine out with a Rossi combo they have a rifle/shotgun combo in .20 gauge/.243 that is a great little gun. My youngest has taken 6 doves, 3 bucks and a turkey with his. (I know I should take him squirrel hunting. just hate cleanng the lil tree rats. I do like to eat them though)BTW that Rossi is priced VERY reasonable.
  15. ELK, tops my list.
  16. def woth a trip if you are a hunter, don't have to be a turkey hunter to enjoy that one.
  17. sounds like fun, even if ya don't kill any coyotes. Just a suggestion but are there any turkeys on the place ? I have killed more coyotes while turkey hunting than at any other time. The like to sneak up on my decoys and collect a load of #4's to the arse. (maybe my turkey callin sounds like a wounded and distressed bird). Now if you want to go turkey/coyote hunting I am def up for that one but you don't want as large a crowd.
  18. iI have been using Livingston's outside of Hopkinsville KY they do a fantastic job (not cheap) but if you truly enjoy eating your harvest I highly recommend them. They make all sorts of "extras" also summer sausage,slim jims ect. and everything is cleaned and vacum sealed wonderfully. Livingstons Custom Meat Processing hwy 107 Hopkinsville KY 270-269-BEEF full processing ran 75$ this past season but I usually spend the extra for summer sausage and the like also. They also on the spot cut off your antlers so you can take them with you. or will cape out for an extra charge. WORTH the DRIVE. especially if like me you hunt western KY alot.
  19. I have one and really like it, bought it for my wife but so far she has not taken the time to submit her permit app even though she has done the course. So for now it's all mine hahaha. I thought it shot well enough for a snubbie. She was un impressed by the recoil but got some wadcutters for target practice and they are sweet enough even for her. I have been happy with it and hope you are too if you go that route.
  20. I bought one of these primarily for my wife, but I love it. She didn't do well with the recoil of such a light gun but with wadcutters for range work it has helped alot. I am going to have to give it up when her permit comes in but then I might get a mate for it.
  21. My Henry survival rifle gave me fits for a while also. I cleaned it well and shot only copper jacketed ammo for a while and that took care of the problematic feeding til it got "broken in" the safety is not wanting to move properly now though. I spoke with Henry and they told me to send it on back and they will fix it or replace it. I actually got a call from a real live person WOW.
  22. In the part of the state where I live if you get out of your truck which has a four wheeler in the back and are wearing camoflage and or blaze orange clothing I assure you nobody is gonna look twice if you have a "Rambo sized" pig sticker on your side. Just my observations.
  23. Deerbnb

    S&W Bodyguard .380

    I have one of the Bodyguard 38's and am going to lose that one to my wife soon. Am thinking about the .380 been looking at several shops. Just about sold on it. I love the .38, I know alot of the more traditional Smith lovers are not fans at all. Oh well thats why they make chocalate AND vanilla. I have several larger handguns but am more looking for a smaller EDC when my mailman finally gets around to delivering my permit.
  24. Hey folks, Brian here from Charlotte nudging my way in amoungst a bunch of folks with at least one thing in common. Lifelong hunter and plinker mostly a longgunner by heart but recently bitten by the "carry bug". Have owned several handguns for years and years but they don'y get out much. Am developing a new mindset where that is concerned. I shoot mostly here on my own place but occasionally wander over to the range at the Cheatham WMA which is only abot 8 miles from home. Have jumped through the state required hoops for my carry permit and am waiting on the mail man (or should I say-person). Work ALL over the middle TN area on any given day so I get to see alot of God's country. Life is good, wish everybody thought so.


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