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Everything posted by Deerbnb

  1. SO true JohnnyFox, it's called UNconditional. well said sir.
  2. Hi, Brian & Buffy here. 45447_150125598340266_100000284810776_384574_1545307_n by deerbnb, on Flickr My youngest, Tad with his 2nd Tennessee gobbler and his expert turkey guide Bear by deerbnb, on Flickrhttp://farm7.static.flickr.com/6066/6072018120_446d6e947e_m.jpg[/img][/url] 26852_117521828267310_100000284810776_222775_5248477_n by deerbnb, on Flickr and Bear. the other member of our household, 2 have "flown the coop".
  3. very nice
  4. Deerbnb


    We have it for our 14 yr old son. That kid was plating games that were bought new in about a week he said he "beat them" and "needed" a new one every week or so. Bam. GAMEFLY. great solution. They don't turn them around quite as quickly as Netflix but darn near. He's happy and we're happy.
  5. I hunt western KY during the rut most years I'm fortunate enough to take a nice buck. If I am having a really great year I might have already gotten a decent buck in TN by then if not when I get back to TN if its brown its down. We eat em.
  6. but it looks as if you have a BOARhog living in a tree wd-40. (sorry couldn't resist)
  7. this ALL sounds so familar.. I too pay ALL the household bills. She pays for the groceries and gas. She has "her" money and I have "my money. Touble is "hers" runs out first hahahah. But we basically have EVERYTHING we NEED and alot of things we want. She has more shoes than any one person should ever need and I have more guns than MOST people would ever need. This doesn't stop her from getting more shoes and doesn't stop me from picking up a gun once in a while. I just have to be reasonable about it. When we are trying to find extra monies to make a major purchase or a home inprovement I have the good sense not to mention any new guns or complain about the cost of my out of state hunting licenses. Lay-a-way is my friend
  8. web-site says it's a NO-NO, but the entranches are NOT posted.
  9. I've got a small pack with lots of pockets my wife bought me years ago and dubbed it my "man purse" cause I carried so much stuff around with me. I have had it for about 10 years a.nd it goes from vehicle to vehicle whatever I'm in or near its got all the regular stuff that I don't want to lug around in pockets but may or may not need on any given day like an EXTRA flashlight (I carry one in my pocket always) some extra batteries, additional ammo for my EDC weapon, a roll of quarters, TP, assorted sizes of ziplock bags including one large enough to put the whole pack in (in case I have to swim my way to get home ) fire starting stuff, sharpie,whistle,multi tool,para cord, a small pry bar, gloves, emnergency blanket,poncho, small saw and an extra knife. I also have a few snacks that get rotated out regularly when I am running late getting home and have the hunger pains LOL. I also keep a 2-way radio with batteries also one in the wifes vehicle in case of no cell service but we get close enough for them to work. In the winter time I stuff in an extra beanie and a few chemical heat packs. .I also keep a few first aid supplies handy. She used to make fun of me for grabbin an armload of stuff out of my vehicle when we were going somewhere in hers, but she asks for things from my "man purse" once in a while now and has been glad I could quickly hand her a band aid or some other item on lots of occasions.
  10. I carry most all the time, my work takes me to a few places that are "gun free" so i leave in in the vehicle then.
  11. be safe, and be aware. Miricle said it better than I can.
  12. I used to buy nothing but Rockies, however about 10 years ago i had several pairs in a row meet a pre-mature demise with the soles de-laminating. I switched to LaCrosse and love em. they hold up very well and they are the most comfortable boot I have found. I have a pair of LaCrosse Wellingtons also for work. Gander Mountain usually has the best prices that I have found on the LaCrosse.
  13. i have been lucky enough to be in south Texas on business 3 years in a row on opening day of dove season. Day leases are very reasonable and easy to find there(just pick up a sunday paper) wow what fun. but alas I don't have that client any longer and am back to my old haunts. but it sure was fun and I am thankful for the great times. I have benn on some pretty good shoots in the past at Percy Preist but haven't been there in a few years. May give that a whirl.
  14. My father taught me to shoot when I was very young. He was not a hunter but I had the bug at an early age. My dad owned a service station and always employed some high shcool boys to pump gas. They were always taking me squirrel hunting to brown nose the boss. When I was 14 my brother decided to take up deer hunting(1979) they were not quite so plentiful at that time but he took me and when I saw my first deer from a stand that WE built I was hooked for life. I managed to squarely miss three different deer with a borrowed Sweet 16 smoothbore and decided I needed a rifle. One of my neighbors had a .30-.30 and said he would sell it to me if it was ok with my parents so at 15 I pumped alot of gas and washed alot of windshields to pay for a Marlin 336T that put a bunch of western KY deer in the freezer before moving to Tennesse and after. I am so thankful that I grew up with opportunities to pursue my dreams of hunting. When I saw my first wild turkey in the woods I was hooked all over again LOL. It still has a stranglehold on my life and there is NO known cure.
  15. I like mine very much, carry it every day. They had some problems out of the chute but have them corrected now from what I can see and have heard. I have about 500 rounds thru mine without ANY problems. It is an EAJ-***** serial number. From what I've heard stay away from EAA-**** especially. So if you ae buying a "new" one on a shelf somewhere now you should be good.
  16. yep, what he said. I might add that next Saturday (1st sat in Aug) there is a public drawing for waterfowl blinds at the reserve and you WILL choke on the gravel road dust from 1000+ people driving down that gravel road. Steer clear then unless (like me) you want to hunt ducks there in the fall and winter. People are usually ok there, you get the occasional goober like anywhere else. take hiway 49 W in front of the courthouse about 3 miles and turn left onto Petway rd (hiway250) go approx 5 miles turn left into the Cheatham WMA range is on the lef. You can purchase a day use permit at that store on the corner.
  17. Robert, check out a whitewater rafting trip down the Ocoee river fun fun. We have used Adventures Unlimited for several day trips you can do a guided trip for 1/2 day and its LOADS of fun and beautiful. note: if you hear banjo music paddle faster I have the displeasure of working in Memphis from time to time you can have it. Nashville is great. And like the others have said the Smokies are beautiful but small in comparison to the mountains of your area. You can visit Nashville then head to Chattanooga and swing thru to the Ocoee and head towards east Tennessee. What ever you decide have a great trip to the area.
  18. my wife got hers about 3 weeks ago exactly 14 days from fingerprinting to mailbox
  19. #2 lead pencil LOL, really. or you can buy a dowel rod at Home Depot or someplace similar and cut it to fit. I once but one from a tree on a dove shoot when I realized the plug was out of my mossberg from turkey season. I was in south Texas and flew there so I didn't want to take my old Browning and be kickin aroud with it and leaving it in a hotel room.
  20. where do these people come from ? You can't fix stupid !
  21. Deerbnb

    2011 NFL Season

    Season tickets should be in the mail next week. I have had seats at that stadium since the very first game there. But this year is pretty unique. Talk about a re-building season WOW it might be a long one. We'll see shortly. GO TITANS
  22. Welcome sigbear, I am right down hiway 49 from ya. I love this area, hope you enjoy it here.
  23. Welcome Sir !


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