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Everything posted by Deerbnb

  1. adamsholsters.com his name is Luke Adams. Totally professional in all aspects of the transaction.
  2. exactly ! if his RIGHTS are restored then they are just that, RESTORED. like it or not its the right thing
  3. Been waiting a while on these. I bit the bullet and ordered a custom job for my EDC. I am so impressed with the crafstmanship. Luke Adams is an artist. 100_0602 by deerbnb, on Flickr 100_0603 by deerbnb, on Flickr the bottom part is sharkskin with a VERY gripy surface
  4. Has been shipped and is in transit. Luke Adams @Adam's holsters was kind enough to send me a pic of my new companion before is even arrives. brian-d-bg380 by deerbnb, on Flickr should be here Monday
  5. thats awesome, I too have had the pleasure of taking a back bear and boy was it a great time. Enjoy the moment. I took mine with a gun and have bowhunted for them but have never gotten another one in range.
  6. yep, only I have to go about 100 yards to the creek
  7. One of my uncles who lived next door to us when I was a kid passed away about 8 years ago. His daughter in law decided I should have an old gun that was his. I remember from 30 odd years ago him having a .22 pistol. She brought it to me zipped up in a rug. Wow A+ shape like brand new Hi-Standard Super Citation mod 104 with bull barrel. I was more than tickled. A few weeks later while she was cleaning she found the box in came in like a previous poster said no real extra value but some major cool points. In the box the hang tag from 1975 price 105.00 at Western Auto. Along with all manuals and exploded parts diagram was a 70's hunting guide (pocket size from MO.) My Uncle Morris was a hoot and I think of him everytime I handle or shoot that pistol.
  8. the 2nd amendment FB page reported that Ruby Tuesday were going to post their stores company wide. They also listed the e-mail address of several of the corp management team. I politely but firmly expressed my views on the subject. I had recently eaten at a location in Clarksville and saw no sign as of yet. Anyone who has the time to surf these pages could at least politely pester the corp offices of some of these folks who think they are doing the public a favor
  9. I guess you could say thats why I'm shopping. A fine fellow was nice enough to invite me to the Zombie match AND bring me a gun it was an XD. I had a great time but being mainly a longgunner and wheelgunner most of my life I didn't have the appropriate equipment. After fondling a bunch of different weapons the M&P feels better in my hand. So that trip is gonna cost me bigtime LOL. My wife came along for the zombie killin as a spectator and has since decided she needs a new Beretta FS so she can "play" also. So being the good husband I am (brownnoser) I told her we would get "her" gun first. She is going tomorrow to shoot one and make sure that is what she wants before chunkin down the money. Then after a breif stint locked up in "lay-a-way" and she has "hers" I can once again go gun shopping
  10. ya'll are a great help. This place is a wealth of information. Thanks.
  11. ok, been looking at one. any input from the crowd. Is it worth the extra money for the pro series ? I like the slightly better trigger pull and the front sight. I have not shot an M & P at all but it feels good in my hand. I have an opportunity to shoot a M & P this coming weekend so I am gonna try at least the standard model 1st before I get to diggin in my checkbook.
  12. I too thank you for your service. Welcome. I haven't hunted Ft Cambell in a long time but used to love to. Creep down those fire breaks never know what you will run into.
  13. new Walgreens under construction in Ashand City TN (not one here previously) this is a great community with a small town feel (because it is) and within 30 minutes to downtown Nashville. I love this area. Site work almost complete but have not started on building yet.
  14. In my younger days everyone just carried thier rifle and/or shotgun in the back window of thier trucks. We even went to high school that way. Now I guess I am considered old and from the sticks but that was a normal and acceptable practice. And no it wasn't that long ago, 1980's.
  15. I too had a great time, this was my first expereience in anything like this. HOGNUT, thank you so much my wife also enjoyed the spectacle. I have NO doubt we will get geared up a bit and come see you fine folks some more. Kindly turn the heat down next time...I come home humbled to the point that in the event of zombie attack I will cower and whimper like a little girl while the rest of ya'll save me. I very much enjoyed meeting everyone I shot with.
  16. I love to hear about a GREAT day and about someone not only reaching for thier dream but steadily gaining on it. Thanks for sharing. I wish you well.
  17. Hopkins county KY Aug 2011 by deerbnb, on Flickr got this this week in my old homeland Hopkins county KY
  18. maybe WE construction types need the "plumber" shirt
  19. After a long wait I am finally "up" on the list to get my custom pocket holster and pocket mag/flashlight holder. I am super excited. I placed the order back in May with the reply that when I was next in line they would request payment and ask me to ship my flashlight for a custon fit. Payment and flashlight have been shipped now the other part of the wait begins. This guy makes some great looking stuff. Has anyone else used them for anything ? Adams Holsters
  20. take up turkey hunting, I kill more coyotes while turkey hunting that any other time. I must sound like a turkey in "distress" when I call. I have had many coyotes come sneaking into my turkey decoy(s). #4 copperplated turkey loads make good coyote medicine. I did get a really nice one last year in KY while deer hunting though.
  21. you're bringing back memories. I took my nephew squirrel hunting when he was about 10 and he killed a black fox squirrel. I told him I was gonna eat it and took it home with the others. I had it mounted and gave it to him for Christmas. It still looks great and my nephew is 32 now. Some of my best times in the woods were with kids I have taken hunting,
  22. i thought so too. thats hardcore.
  23. this is my wife and our 1st line of defense, after that lead flies 35628_182086688477490_100000284810776_579510_5706170_n by deerbnb, on Flickr
  24. JohhnyFox, check the TWRA website and check up on the Wildlife Management Areas in your area. I used to hunt alot at Catoosa WMA which is outside of Crossville. I very much enjoyed hunting there. It is a beautiful and large property that is a public area. There are a couple of designated camping areas and it's pretty easy to pull up a chair to a campfire meet new people. I remember seeing the same folks for several years in a row and swapping stories. We even managed to pull a few deer and turkeys out of there. I have a pretty full plate with my youngest for a few more years til he "leaves the nest" but I wish you well sir. I was taught to shoot by my father but he was not a hunter and I was bitten by the bug at an early age. So I had to be self-taught. But back in those days the info you really need wasn't shared as easily as today in the information age hahaha. Don't let being alone hold you back, just be safe and let someone know where you will be and when you should return. Get out and enjoy this world God has put us in and all its wonders. From meager beginnings of squirrel hunting on my own as a 10 yr old I have hunted from south Texas to Northern Canada and "guided" 5 kids to thier first deer and 3 to thier first turkeys (and my wife) It is a grand adventure and it takes different turns all the time. If you are still spinning your wheels in a few years get back to me, my youngest is a freshman in high school and we hunt TN and KY during deer season and this year he is in the marching band which will cut our father son time down as far as hunting goes so I am selfishly hunting with him only til he goes his own way. Most true hunters are pretty choosy about whom they take afield, most of us would sooner have an arranged marriage as to take on a hunting partner like a blind date. So do a little footwork on your butt, obviously you know how to use the computer. Then take to the woods. AFTER completing the TWRA hunter safety course. They are offered all over the state in Sept and Oct. PM me with your progress and if I can help you in any other way from here let me know.
  25. WHAT a rig !


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