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Everything posted by Deerbnb

  1. Congrats to the proud parents AND to the fine young man for a very big commitment. Our youngest has announced that he plans on joing the Air Force after high school. BTW Tulip haha on your signature I shared with my wife and she said your fine looking son obviously has one smart mom.....
  2. My wife makes the jerky in the family and it doesn't last long haha. I used to get her to make 2 batches at a time 1 with a little extra kick in the cayenne dept. That way dad could still have some for a few days cause the kids ate it SO fast. It doesn't work anymore our youngest eating machine likes it hot too now. We usually let the boned out muscles firm up overnight in the fridge then wifie poo slices it thin with an el cheapo bread slicer. Makes it fairly easy. We have a few days off this week together I think we need to do a batch, the one a few weeks ago lasted about 3 days. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  3. I take it your talking the "Marine Corp Model" i have one and love it but as you said kinda big. I saw at Bass Pro a smaller version I think the called it a "Air Force Pilot's Model" it was awesome. Not sure if Amazon has it. but check it out.
  4. Yep, Santa even visits our church to hand out gifts to the kids on the night of our Christmas program. I might add he visits AFTER the entire program that is centered around the true meaning of Christmas. I have enjoyed reading all responses, what a can of worms someone opened hahaha. JESUS is the reason for the season. But there is room to fit in tradition in MY FAMILY Christmas. Merry Christmas to all.... Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  5. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  6. I have a freezer full now I just love to hunt and still looking for Bullwinkle. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  7. In a rush this morning about 4 am headed deer hunting. I topped a rise in Pleasant View and saw a couple of deputies parked and of course slowed down while looking at my speedometer.You know what happens next.... 55 in a 35. While searching sure my current insurance card I ask if he wants my :hcp also. He says no and asks if I'm packing. Yep.. Then he asks what and if I like it etc. Then we talk deer hunting while I continue to search for current proof of insurance. He finally says he's getting a lil chilly and tells me I better hurry to the woods. (never did find insurance card) thank you sir. I guess he decided I wasn't a huge threat to society. As it turned out I wasnt a huge threat to the deer population either. I did see 17 deer altogether on this chilly morning. All in all a great day. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  8. PICT0127-3_(2) by deerbnb, on Flickr this is the buck earlier in season before his girlfriends kept him out after daylight. notice one tine was broken off since then but it was clean and smooth hardly noticeable.. No but was taken on the same property. We do have pics of this buck from earlier in the year, I'll try to post later. In September he had another kicker off his left main beam but it was broken off smooth and made him a typical 10 Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  9. No but was taken on the same property. We do have pics of this buck from earlier in the year, I'll try to post later. In September he had another kicker off his left main beam but it was broken off smooth and made him a typical 10 Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  10. 379509_311261158893375_100000284810776_1192061_1780711957_n by deerbnb, on Flickr My good friend Dave, we were hunting together this past saturday and he took this magnificent Dickson County buck.
  11. Glad to hear you finally got out there, enjoy ! Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  12. My 14 yr old son took this nice buck while we were hunting together this past weekend. He will tello you his daddy is the best hunting guide ever hahaha (he better) Tad KY 2011-1 by deerbnb, on Flickr
  13. Scrapes showing up everywhere now...
  14. My old trusty companion is a Knight MK85 .50 cal. Topped with a Redfield 1.75X5 wide angle scope. 240 gr .44 cal bullets with sabots.
  15. My 14 yr old took a fat forkhorn on our own place sunday. I had a wonderful dat, that was just the icing on the cake. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  16. Stole this from a friends Facebook page. 301305_1970355108586_1534238192_31529297_87920876_n by deerbnb, on Flickr:D
  17. Had a wonderful hunting trip to the wilds of Canada years ago and was lucky enough to bring home a bear. It has graced our home as a full body mount for a long time. My wife has now suggested that we find a new home for it. I must say I almost agree. We have a smaller home and it takes up some room that quite frankly we don't have to spare. Just kinda like giving up part of the family LOL. I know taxidermy doesn't store well in the shed and if it leaves the living room it most likely won't make a return trip. It is a sow and weighed 240 lbs field dressed so it's not huge but its quite the conversation piece. Tough decision on my part. Maybe the solution is to find a store owner that might like to have it in a gun store or other outdoor shop. Or a school with a fitting mascot name..... Any suggestions ? Haven't fully jumped on board with the Mrs but I am entertaining the thought. I have friends who have some wonderful mounts and to please the wife they are hanging in the garage, that it not the case here. In fact we have lots of other critters in the house.
  18. Had a wonderful day today, spent about 7 hours an the side of a big hickory tree with a teenager. Saw 1 small buck and lots of does some pretty dang close (pic) Mr "Bone Collector" holding for horns hahhaha. Will have some more time shortly. 320546_282315271787964_100000284810776_1090830_638274432_n by deerbnb, on Flickr 298298_282484528437705_100000284810776_1091600_1170066882_n by deerbnb, on Flickr
  19. wow, what a great perk to a job. I used to travel alot for work and got to visit some very cool places. ALL which fail by comparison. Thanks for sharing.
  20. I am always excited to take the kids. KY juvenile hunt this coming weekend taking my youngest he is 14 I spend all the time in the woods with him I can. A few more years and he may not be hanging with dear old dad that much LOL. We were blessed last year with a nice buck for him in TN and KY and Dad managed to get a nice one too. Our freezer is now almost empty. My wife is gonna make jerky out of the remaining few cuts this weekend while we are gone to re-up. Happy Hunting and be SAFE everyone BTW if you have an available place in KY to hunt the JR hunt and fish combo license with deer tag is a bargain 25$
  21. one of the best items I've come across. about 10 yrs ago I got a "tree umbrella" that screws into the tree and wraps around partway. I love that thing. It also can be used as a ground blind type cover. i carry it to my tree stands in case it rains and I also take it turkey hunting If I set up on a turkey and it starts to rain NO problem.... plus the other regular stuff the OP mentioned and a good folding saw and pruners.
  22. hahaha What does ?
  23. Don't underestimate the power of the rut, from about Nov 5th to the 15th I see more bucks moving during daylight hours than I do the entire rest of deer season. Get in the woods during this period ANY time you can. Early late and in between. My job requires me to drive all over within about 130 mi radius of Nashville alot and I see bucks all the time and at all times of day during this period. So I am not a terribly happy camper when my creditors dictate that I don't get to take off the entire time to go hunting (allthough I get my share in LOL) I am by no means an expert but after 30 plus years of deer hunting this is the most predictable part of deer activity to me. And remember where there's smoke there's fire. When your hunting buddies complain that they are giving up a certain spot because "all they see are does" volunteer to go there during this period LOL. Most importantly get off the couch and actually GO hunting. Even if your time and hunting areas are not what some consider ideal things happen when and where you don't really expect sometimes.
  24. VERY nice, if thats your first attempt I can't eait to see what you could do with some practice.
  25. CHAIR.. one of the most important things you can bring is a comfy campfire chair. Also those jumbo marshmellows are a big hit.


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