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About -boatman-

  • Birthday 02/28/1956

Profile Information

  • Location
    Bell Buckle TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    boating, rock crawling
  • Occupation


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    S&W M&P40
  • Carry Weapon #2
    S&W M&P40c, PF9

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  1. Same here. Probably the first gun I ever shot that was not wood stocked. My mothers sister gave it to him for Christmas.
  2. Only two inches in Bedford County. I'm really disappointed.
  3. Congratulations! There is nothing like grandkids.
  4. Are the stops and trails along the way marked or is that something needing research before the trip?
  5. Truer words have never been spoken.
  6. So sorry. I know what your feeling very well.
  7. Very true.
  8. Were they all bought at the same time and how old are they? I'd probably put all four on, especially if you do any highway/interstate driving.
  9. If it looks to be going in Trumps favor I will watch her some later on hoping to see her melt down.
  10. I've tried any different brands but always come back to timberland mainly because they are all leather. They just seem to last longer for me but I'm rough on them. They do take a little time to break in but once they are I'm good all day in them.
  11. I worked with a guy like that back in the 1980's. He worked eight days a week if he could get it while his wife sat at home and shopped with credit cards. He had 15k in credit card debt back then. The craziest thing was after he fell off his house and broke his leg his wife came to worke and asked if there was any work he could do with his broke leg. He should have cut the cards up and told her to get a job long before it got to that point.
  12. It appears your wife and mine may be related.
  13. I didn't see anything but a neighbor got great pictures. Maybe I was looking at the wrong time.


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