Judgement passed. All my 45's with the exception of my Taurus [Wife bought it for me before we married] are now gone. As soon as they sell [consignment] I'll likely buy another 9mm.
Since I first got into pistols about 13 years ago, I was the biggest supporter of 45's. I have come to this now, and my reason is undeniable. A 9mm on target beats a 45 that misses the target, ANY day. I can't say I am totally happy with it, but I'm tired of wasting money and time feeding a dog that doesn't hunt when my other "dog" will not only hunt, but eats less too.
I can almost cast 2 9mm bullets for one 45. Not as much difference in powder but it does show up eventually. My Xd is 18+1 and that is a lot of dead zombies.
I will lament it for a while. Sometimes the right decision is a painful one.