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Everything posted by Caster
Negative Reputation Points - Disabled. Feel free to discuss here.
Caster replied to TGO David's topic in Feedback and Support
Personally I like to be able agree or disagree with a post with a click of a mouse instead of sucking up bandwidth with post of "+1" or "Me too" or "I think you're full of crap" Maybe if the positives and negatives didn't accumulate and give a person a defining number that other, less than understanding types, might misinterpret as "this is a bad guy" it would be better???? The fact that I don't care if Gary Johnson is elected supreme chancellor of the united federation of planets doesn't mean squat to ArmyVeterans personal reputation. The guy is cool and done nothing wrong. -
I did too! I sat there looking at it thinking, "Wait a minute, they didn't have smokeless powder in 1869! The idea of a cartridge round was a new concept." Took me a second and a half too.
Just ASK them. I do. It's perfectly acceptable to ask "Have you been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor domestic violence charge?" It's also perfectly acceptable to take a man's word in good faith.
Why? It's not a date obviously! It's the Serial# you goober!
MAN!!! This thing has the smoothest action of any rifle I have ever cycled. I mean ANY rifle, not just mil-surps! THis one would give Browning or Weatherby a run for the money on smooth. The old saying "smooth as a krag" is well deserved. Seriously though, Talk to me, I know nothing about these and (1) I hate googling anything (2) I didn't find much when I did.
Looky here what my daddy in law bought me today! It has 1869 on the side of the receiver and barrel and 1914 in the receiver bridge. I know it's a Norwegian Krag in 6.5x55 but that's about it. Too bad bubba chopped the stock up, but I'm on the hunt to restore this one. This one certainly deserves some time and money spent on it to put it back the way it's supposed to be. BTW!!! If any of you have a stock, I'm interested!!!!!!! Send me a PM.
Bounty hunter shot in Bristol, he was a felon
Caster replied to Patton's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Bounty hunter shot in Bristol, he was a felon
Caster replied to Patton's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Episode I would have been exponentially better had he ran into Maul first instead of Qui-gonn. -
Suggestion. When I was in Boy Scouts, we had a three day survival camp out. Unbeknownst to us BTW! We were gathered together for what we were told was a "little outing" and told not to bring a pack or anything. THen we were driven to an undisclosed location and, "Here you go." The ONLY supervision/intervention by the leaders allowed themselves to do was be there for emergency support. I had the time of my life, but many of the other boys did not. There in a circle around a roaring fire were half a dozen scout leaders, laughing drinking coffee and eating hot dogs and marshmallows. We were not allowed within 25' of the fire. They kept a close eye on us and were prepared to render aid if we got in trouble but nothing else. The previous day were sat through Emergency Preparedness and they went over a great many things. Funny, I still recall being told that "Only a fool would EVER be caught without a knife and a firebuilding intrument." At the time I was going through a Batman phase so I had a Korean surplus web belt that I wore everywhere but to school. It had my knife, a mini canteen my grandmother bought in the mountains, and two M16 magazine pouches that I kept a bunch of goodies in. My lean-to shelter was pathetic but I did manage a roof over my head that held a bit of heat in from my little fire. It took me three hours to get a small redeye out of the creek nearby and he was about the size of the palm of my hand. Damn, it was good though! I cooked it on a stick like roasting a hotdog. I went without the second day. THe third and last day, I am neither proud nor ashamed of, it is what is, SURVIVAL. One of the boys had cut his hand trying to break some cedar branches in half and when the leaders went to tend to him, I stole three oatmeal creme pies and an opened pack of hot dogs. I 'fessed up to it but wasn't chastised. RUles for respectable and honorable behavior get modified in a survival situation. Wow, didn't realize I had typed a boring story here, didn't mean to! My point is, why not have a campout with one rule, if it don't fit in your pockets, you can't bring it! One day is really easy. That belly starts rumbling on the second or third and things change quick.
Bounty hunter shot in Bristol, he was a felon
Caster replied to Patton's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Someone hasn't read have they? Boba is basically a trillionaire. All money from his work. He has people just give up and turn themselves in when they find out he's looking for them. He's also responsible for rebuilding the Mandalorian people, their planet and economy. For what it's worth, business is very slow in winter months and I love to read. During Nov, Dec & Jan I will knock out a paper back novel about every three business days. -
Negative Reputation Points - Disabled. Feel free to discuss here.
Caster replied to TGO David's topic in Feedback and Support
Yeah because I'm fairly certain all my 1911 bashing deserves a -1 per post. -
\Baahhh!!! If you want the best, there's only ONE brand of ammo. Too bad it ain't for sale!
Bounty hunter shot in Bristol, he was a felon
Caster replied to Patton's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
THe movies aren't so good once you've started reading all the books of the expanded universe. I don't remember how many I've got but there's over 200. -
Bounty hunter shot in Bristol, he was a felon
Caster replied to Patton's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Ya'll people suck! Jango is technically the DNA donor on which Boba was cloned. Boba was not genetically modified for growth acceleration or behavioral modification and was raised by Jango as his son for all intents and purposes. -
oooo, for shame.
Great show. David was there taking care of us TGO'ers like always. Thank you David. Met Jcoosi and helped carry a box 'er two.
Thanks guys. That cover bothers me too. MIrror image and the people putting it together just don't know any better.
Bounty hunter shot in Bristol, he was a felon
Caster replied to Patton's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Wow, that's screwed up. I hate bounty hunters. All a bunch Jango Fett wannabes. I'm sorry, if you ain't a got a badge and a uniform, we fight to the death. -
Spelll chek is awtomatic on thid compwotir.
IF you just want a toy, get one, but that's all they are. You'll get more mileage from something like a G19.
Yep, there's also a a note of how the sling is not attached in the traditional sense. More of an expedient repair. IMFDB was my first stop.
Yeah that delves off into the territory of "FU" Never understood someone saying "FU" in a negative connotation. "FU" Well, no thanks, but I certainly appreciate the offer.
Does anyone know what kind of M38 Tania Chernova has in this movie? I don't know much about Mosins as far different models are concerned. I can't seem to get a still frame where I can see if it's a round or hex receiver.
I've already said more than my share of profanity, I can see this one getting out of hand guys so let's keep it together, cool?