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Everything posted by Caster
Yuck! That is nasty! I've eat there many times and never had any issues. Well, not with the food. There are certain times when I would not want to eat there but if I say much more ill be labeled a racist so ill leave that alone. No, seriously though, me and the wife ate there all the time and the only time the food ever made me sick always had something to do with three or four steaks, half a dozen rolls, plate load of sides and something that my wife finds disgusting; a cobbler/cake mix topped with ice cream. Yeah, I know I deserved to get sick. ........it's a good sick though.
.........Golden Coral in Cool Springs is closed. Someone needs to suffer for this. All I'm sayin'. :rant: :stick: :censored: :censored: :mad: :bat:
What should you do if someone is calling for help?
Caster replied to jgradyc's topic in General Chat
There's a good point. Knowing the facts first. No one wants to get involved in a marital dispute and god forbid you get in between two brothers fighting or something. Now, if you happen to be there when poop goes down, might be different but even still. Find cover, call 911 get your wife out safe. I've told the wife in conversations about active shooters, my handgun is for one purpose and one purpose only. To get YOU in my truck alive and the heck outta dodge. Plowing over bushes and spinning a main bearing if I have to. Cars are easily replaced and mine have full coverage insurance and factory warranties so pour it to it. -
Yeah, I had me one of them wow moments earlier this year. For the longest time, I loaded 9mm like the world was about to end, the dead had starting walking and the skies were falling. Well, I got on a high horse once and took me twenty (50) round factory boxes, painted them and then loaded 1K rounds of Win brass, all trimmed, meticulously monitored powder charges and I weight matched the cast boolits to +/- .5g which is much closer than a 9mm Glock ever needs to be. I made little labels for the boxes and managed to get them all in a fifty caliber ammo can. My Redneck match grade ammo. The load was one that shoots extremely well in my G19 but every time I'd go to get a box to carry to the range, I'd say to myself "Nah, I'll shot this other first". Well, time passes and I forgot about it. It got pushed to the back corner of the shop. I was ATTEMPTING to straighten things up one weekend. Some cold Strohs and some good tunes you know. I say to myself, what the heck is this can here? Woot! Jackpot! Funny, I still ain't shot it. Lol!!!
I don't wanna sound like a snob or one of them guys who brags "hey look what I got!" But I've found it just ain't worth loading anything unless you have at least 250-500 pcs of brass to work. Unless of course you're in the load development stages. The ill go 20-50. I prefer to cry now as opposed to cry later. I try to load "proven loads" in let's of 500-1000 if at all possible. It's tiresome in the moment but sure frees up my time later.
Kitty litter buckets are great aren't they? I use the heckuva of em. They stack so well. Nice set up there. My reloading shop is a dump. I've tried multiple times to organize but I gave up. Besides, I get more out than I can shoot so I must be somewhat productive. AND, don't you love the elation from pulling out a box and saying HOLY £][IT! I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD ANY OF THESE LEFT !!!
What should you do if someone is calling for help?
Caster replied to jgradyc's topic in General Chat
There's no set in stone procedure for this. It's a case by case kinda thing. ANY amount of injury or threat of lawsuit is worth enduring to prevent someone from hurting a child. On the flip side, I ain't getting in between two grown men. I'd say the majority of the time, ole Caster will be walking and dialing the cell phone. I hate to say that, but I have people who depend on me just like the rest of you gentlemen. It's an absolutely atrocious attitude on my part, but better them than me. There IS a line though. I wouldn't stand by while some guy beats down a woman half his size. I wouldn't walk away from a child in danger. It sucks to be this way but the filthy Godless subhumans that make up a large percentage of our society have forced this policy upon us. Chivalry is dead, not because the gentleman is extinct but because the gentleman has been persecuted and chased into hiding. -
I used an old truck rack. I used two strips of oak screwed into the wall and then wedge the two racks into them just as you would the back window of your truck.
I know the rain is hurting regular gardens but mine is loving it. It's the benefit of a raised bed garden. It drains fast and tolerates cold and water better than the traditional garden. Remind me to tell you in the August draught the bad thing about raised beds. LOL They suck down the water and can get too hot in the summer.
I just pulled my green beans. (Bush beans). I know they'll keep bearing but I like to plant late tomatos where they are. I have a 20'x40' raised bed and I planted three (40') rows of green beans. I planted them about 60 days ago and the yield was about (5) five gallon buckets full. I find it easier to harvest them standing up anyway so I pull bush and all and pick the beans on the bench. The leftover bushes get fed to my buddies live stock. Goats will nibble anything. I'm canning these beans right now. I am convinced that a good green bush bean is one of the very best garden items for SHTF/survival living. The turn around time and yield is excellent. They require almost zero maintenance. Green beans may get old after a while but they are very good for you and will keep you strong while you track down a piece of meat to add to the plate. I went on a gardening vacation for a few years but I'm back on it. I've got about forty or fifty tomatos on the vine and just planted a dozen or so more plants this morning.
EPA wants to control how cold you keep your beer!
Caster replied to cannoncocker's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Somebody may have to bleed over this. -
Gee Caster, I dunno why you love God but hate organized religion. Off kilter pastors are more common than one might think. And the sheep of their flock are subject to their influence. Some of us might look down on congregation members for being so easily led but the truth is, the sway of ones conscience is powerful and if a believer thinks .......well you see where I'm going with this. This guy has obviously never grown up and is still acting like a child. Well, Foolishness dwells in the heart of a child but the rod of correction will drive it far from him. Sounds to me like a divine mandate to whoop this guys behind. Trip to the woodshed people!
I did that this year. I built an A frame for several topsey turvys. It's been a disaster. The plants are struggling to survive. At first I thought I was watering them too much so I backed off. Nope. I plants these weeks before the ones I put in the ground. The ones in the ground are three times as big now. I don't know what I did wrong. Maybe too much sun, not sure. I know I won't be doing it again next year.
A half dozen select rifles with several replacement parts each. Take the time to develop the perfect load for each then load about 5K for each. Enough reloading supplies to do it all over again. Enough tools, supplies and gear to fill a very large shipping container. An eighteen wheeler trailer would work. Hand tools, solar arrays, hardware and sealed canisters of heirloom seeds. Several fishing rods and a small hoard of tackle. Lots of last century hand tools and sharpening tools/stones. I'd buy Dick Proenneke's old cabin in northern Alaska. Rental on a CH-54B Skyhook. That should consume no more than half of it by the time I pay a good price for everything and pay gratuity to people who solve logistical problems. I'd divide the remainder into thirds. St. Jude, the NRA and the JPFO can divvy up those goods. Caster would never be seen again. Not in this life anywho.
Yep, I been taking that mag for years. It's awesome!
These are all great ideas and the food is a wonderful investment BUT, can you replace it when the grid goes down? I picked a 5gal bucket of green beans yesterday. A soon as the rain is done I have about five more(buckets full!) to pick. It will fill more mason jars than I have on hand. I would like to (I don't know if I can take it or not) to try my pressure canner over an open fire. That would be good to know that I can do it. This is on top of a mountain of cucumbers and two dozen tomato plants and a few herbs; all packed into a 20'x40' raised bed garden. I would quickly get tired of eating green beans but they will keep you strong.
Scope looks really high, but its not. It's very comfortable. If you never shot a 6,5mm swede you are missing out. They really are sweet and smooth.
No, I have to disagree. Fairview used to be a nice place. Now it's full of yuppies and wannabes that can't afford Brentwood. Fairview would be a great place, of it wasn't for fairview. Some of the people are great, too bad the only thing running the city is a bunch of douche bags. Do yourself a favor, stay out of Williamson county and its richy rich snob attitude. .....if I EVER get out of here.........
There is WAAAAAY too much camo, too many head ache racks, bone collector stickers in the back window, and rebel flags in Dickson for it to be a democrat stronghold.
Try just west of Dickson. McEwen ain't bad. The area between the two towns ain't bad at all. Burns is decent. The Pond area is pretty nice. It's out Yellow Ceek road.
There are some VERY good people out that way. There's also some of the dumbest white trash east of the Mississippi river. What dickson really needs is a gun store. I cannot believe they don't have much of anything with all them rednecks! You got the Dickson Sportsmans store. It's fair ....at best. They're high priced. All the old pawn shops are gone.
Not to be argumentative but I just don't see that. If what you say is true they are getting screwed. I know I eat more in a day than a lethal dose of potassium chloride costs.
Well, the only thing sad I can see is the fact that these men wasted their lives in the pursuit of evil ways. Society being shed of them isn't really all that sad IMO. Society is better off without them as well as taxpayers. There are 500 people on just that list. Multiply that by how much they cost to imprison and I imagine the number would be quite shocking. Now that money is free to serve the good citizens of that state. You don't have to enjoy something, to do it. Some things just need to be done.
Naw, them eggs are down on Dickerson road.
Not just family, to anyone. I wouldn't care if I were a billionaire. I don't want some poor soul to have to wipe my rear because my body is spent but I'm still a 'cling-on'. This can lead to a very dark place with the type people we have running the world right now, remember this. While I fully support the freedom to do on MY choice, how easy it would be one day for it to be mandatory and the decision be made by someone else. Death with dignity I support, but this can lead to euthanasia very quickly as the morality of the world continues to slide off into the toilet.