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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. [quote name='TMF' timestamp='1353356558' post='848318'] Meh. If your employer requires you to work in Thanksgiving, find a different job. I agree that family is important, and Thanksgiving serves as a day for the family to get together, but I've missed birthdays and every holiday there is when I served in the military. It sucked, but it was the profession I chose and I knew that it came with sacrifices such as that. [/quote]agree. I have missed any and everything. Not a big deal anymore.
  2. http://m.washingtonpost.com/opinions/dana-milbank-the-confederacy-of-takers/2012/11/13/d8adc7ee-2dd4-11e2-beb2-4b4cf5087636_story.html
  3. Lowa Zephyr GTX mids
  4. http://www.itstactical.com/skillcom/lock-picking/how-to-escape-from-zip-ties
  5. http://www.fisherhouse.org/about/ http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/denzel.asp
  6. Fisher House is where I suggest people donate their money.
  7. I doubt it.
  8. I wonder when our Austerity Measures are put in place. http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2012/11/austerity_protests.html
  9. ITS had a little online thing about this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1ZvEXcRE4BU
  10. Got a little Captain in them?
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/09/opinion/carville-buckwalter-poza-election/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 [b] Carville: GOP routed by reality[/b] [color=#666666][font=Arial, Helvetica, Utkal, sans-serif][size=3] [font=inherit] By [b]James Carville, [/b]CNN Contributor, and [b]Rebecca Buckwalter-Poza,[/b] Special to CNN[/font][font=arial][size=2] updated 10:24 AM EST, Sat November 10, 2012[/size][/font][/size][/font][/color][font=inherit] [img]http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/121110032808-carville-buckwalter-poza-election-story-top.jpg[/img][/font][color=#666666][font=inherit][size=2] [font=inherit] Carville and Buckwalter-Poza say the GOP has the diversifying and youthful population that helped re-elect Obama.[/font][/size][/font][/color][font=inherit] [font=inherit] [font=inherit] [b]STORY HIGHLIGHTS[/b][/font][list] [*]Writers predicted that diverse, liberal youth voters would secure Democratic majority [*]They say Tuesday election results proved them correct [*]They say GOP throws money at election, clings to culture war [*]Writers: Dems win with support of growing groups; GOP sees support of shrinking groups [/list][/font][font=arial][size=4] [i][b]Editor's note:[/b] James Carville is a CNN contributor and professor at Tulane University and Rebecca Buckwalter-Poza is a student at Yale Law School. They co-authored "40 More Years: How Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation." Buckwalter-Poza served as deputy national press secretary of the Democratic National Committee during the 2008 election.[/i][/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] [b](CNN)[/b] -- In 2009, we wrote a book, "40 More Years: How Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation." Building on Ruy Teixeira and John Judis' 2002 tour de force "The Emerging Democratic Majority" predicting the 2008 election, we argued that America's diversifying and increasingly liberal youth voters would secure a lasting Democratic majority.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] Our collaboration seemed appropriate then and is only more so now. On one half of the byline, you have James Carville, 68-year-old white man from Louisiana and professor at Tulane University. On the other side, you've got a 26-year-old second-generation Latina with a fiancée. Voters who look like James are on their way out; voters like Rebecca are our future.[/size][/font][font=inherit] [color=#666666][font=arial][size=2] [img]http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/110915015925-james-carville-left-tease.jpg[/img][font=inherit] James Carville[/font][/size][/font][/color][/font][font=arial][size=4] A few reviewers missed the point of our focus on demographics. Others, primarily young, entitled, progressive men, critiqued us for not recommending that Democrats focus on appealing to young, entitled, progressive men. To this, we plead guilty. Our book was about demographic diversity and the future of the Democratic Party.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] [url="http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/09/politics/election-new-america/index.html"]Politics: What the election teaches us about ourselves[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] After the midterm elections in 2010, we were mocked viciously. Our thesis was laughable, Republicans hooted, ignoring the book's careful caveat that midterm election turnout differs substantially from that of presidential elections.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] We would like to direct these critics to the Epistle of Jude, 1:10: "Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals—these are the very things that destroy them."[/size][/font][font=inherit] [font=inherit] [font=inherit] [b]Become a fan of CNNOpinion[/b][/font]Stay up to date on the latest opinion, analysis and conversations through social media. Join us at[b][url="https://www.facebook.com/CNNOpinion"]Facebook/CNNOpinion[/url][/b] and follow us [b][url="https://twitter.com/CNNOpinion"]@CNNOpinion on Twitter[/url][/b]. We welcome your ideas and comments. [/font][/font][font=arial][size=4] Tuesday night proved our 2009 selves could not have been more right. "Mid-20th century, white men made up half of the electorate," we wrote in 2009. "In 2008, white men made up only 36% of the electorate ... and their vote share is dropping by a percentage point a year."[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] Our only error was in slightly underestimating the rate at which white men's vote share is shrinking. White voters [url="http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/results/polls/#USP00p1"]were 74%[/url] of voters in 2008; they [url="http://www.cnn.com/election/2012/results/race/president"]were 72%[/url] this year. White men comprised just 34% of the electorate on Tuesday.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] [url="http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/09/politics/demographic-political-power/index.html"]Politics: The new American electorate has arrived[/url][/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] In 2009, we also commented on the Republicans' reliance on the far right and evangelical voters: "The shrinking Christian right leaves a void in the Republicans' collection of base groups—and they can't look to any growing groups to replace those votes."[/size][/font][/url][font=inherit] [img]http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/121109120002-sylvester-minority-vote-00004022-story-body.jpg[/img][color=#FFFFFF][font=inherit][size=2]How minorities affected the election[/size][/font][/color][/font][url=""][font=inherit] [img]http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/120925120350-gay-marriage-flags-story-body.jpg[/img][color=#FFFFFF][font=inherit][size=2]What's next for same-sex marriage?[/size][/font][/color][/font][/url][font=inherit] [img]http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/121108020131-ac-minority-and-women-voters-00005026-story-body.jpg[/img][color=#FFFFFF][font=inherit][size=2]Minorities, women helped Obama win[/size][/font][/color][/font][font=arial][size=4] Mitt Romney outperformed Sen. John McCain, the 2008 GOP presidential candidate, by 5 points with both white voters overall (59%) and white men (62%). He also bested McCain's margin among Republicans, winning 93% of self-identified Republicans as compared to McCain's 90%, and white <a href="http://www.pewforum.org/Politics-and-Elections/How-the-Faithful-Voted-2012-Preliminary-Exit-Poll-Analysis.aspx" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; text-decoration: initial; color: rgb(0, 66, 118); outline: 0px;" target="_blank">evangelical voters, 79% compared with McCain's 73%. Romney lost by relying on a tapped-out, ever-shrinking group of voters.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] By way of contrast, Latinos now make up a greater share of the electorate than they did four years ago: 10% of all voters. Obama [url="http://www.cnn.com/election/2012/results/race/president?hpt=po_t1#exit-polls"]won 71% of Latinos,[/url] reflecting an increase in support of 4%. Similarly, the proportion of the electorate identifying as Asian increased from 2% to 3%, and Obama's support among Asian voters rose 11 points, from 62% to 73%.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] There's an entire chapter in "40 More Years" on the importance of youth voters. Four years ago, 18% of the electorate was between 18 and 29. Now, youth are 19% of voters. We highlighted a critical trend within the youth vote: "Back in 1972, almost nine in 10 youth voters (87%) were white. By 2004, only 62% of youth said they were white." This year, about 58% of voters 18-29 identified as white; 42.1% of youth self-reported as African-American, Latino, or otherwise nonwhite.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] [url="http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/09/opinion/navarrette-latino-vote/index.html"]Opinion: How GOP can attract Latino voters[/url][/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] We also predicted the implosion of Republicans' culture war strategy. Our conclusion was that "[w]hat Bush started in 2000 was a two-election trick that had met its natural and timely death by 2008." Our critics tried to answer our claim by citing the success of culture-war tactics in 2004 and their state-level effects in 2008. We ignored them.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] As we said, "The consequence of Republicans' lingering preoccupation with the culture war is that it has led them to become a party of ridiculous positions." Republicans would "have to be certifiable," our sage selves circa 2009 warned, to ever try a culture war strategy again.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] We could not be more delighted that Maine, Maryland and Washington became the first states in the country to pass same-sex marriage by popular vote on Tuesday. What we're downright thrilled about, however, is the fact that Mitt Romney got fewer votes than "traditional" marriage in every one of those states.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] The Republicans did their damnedest to use the specter of homosexual marital bliss to incite their base voters to vote for Mitt Romney. In the past, that has worked. This time, the best they could do with millions of dollars and overt hate mongering—their favorite weapons—was mobilize a conservative minority that voted for "traditional marriage" but rejected Romney.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] Some analyses have tried to make 2012 about single women or educated white women or some other narrow slice of the electorate. They're thinking small. The big picture is this: Democrats are continuing to win big with the demographic groups that are growing; Republicans are still struggling to increase support with shrinking base voter groups.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] Republicans made critical, unforced errors in 2008 and 2012. Our present hope is that Republicans continue to mock rather than read "40 More Years," and that Democrats take heed. It's not that we like saying we told you so. It's just that we wrote an entire book telling you so.[/size][/font][font=arial][size=4] [url="http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/09/opinion/martin-black-vote/index.html"]Opinion: GOP voter suppression fueled black turnout[/url][/size][/font][/font]
  12. He was my Commanding General in the 101st. Now you can imagine that I as a PVT through SPC didn't have a lot of contact with him but I did meet him on several occasions. The worst thing I have ever heard someone say about him, that knew him at all, was that he was not someone that likes to be told something can't be done.
  13. Im really tired of hearing about Reagan.
  14. [quote name='Razz' timestamp='1352476684' post='842475'] [b]Here's a news flash that I would REALLY like to see some attention paid: There are a ton of moderate and left-leaning dems that are pro 2A. The NRA is such a right-wing institution that these folks avoid it like the plague. Sites like TGO have so many loudmouth conservative spouting downright hateful speech about dems that you'll rarely have the opportunity to have a discussion about protecting 2A with people who actually have the ability to sway other moderate dems.[/b] [b]2A is NOT the property of conservatives and yet that is EXACTLY how many republicans act. The thing is, I don't think many conservatives really care about PROTECTING 2A as much as COMPLAINING about liberals.[/b] I make it a point to have one positive discussion per day with an open minded democrat. We don't often see eye-to-eye when the conversation is over but I know they leave with a little bit more knowledge than they started with. What I DON'T do is belittle them about their political affiliation and speak of their alleged inferiority. (if your response is that you don't know any open-minded dems, please don't bother responding at all. You're part of the problem but too stupid to realize it) I'm tiring of firearm enthusiast websites who's front page of recent posts are over 50% political whining without some objective thinking. I want to be a part of this community but my patience is wearing thin with a lot of you. I'm hear to learn and share experiences but my willingness to be a positive participant at TGO is almost gone. Edit: My repsonce here could have just as easily been posted in any of the recent rash of anti-liberal, reactionary threads of late. It is not directed at BrazilNuts or any one person in particular. [/quote] I struggle with this as well. I am obviously not going anywhere but we used to have several Pro 2A Democrats and a moderator who was active locally but none come here anymore as they are badgered for having an opposing view. I try to stay light and not take a lot of this stuff seriously.
  15. I don't know... sometimes the Holy Spirit takes over. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T99fUvuuYOg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T99fUvuuYOg[/url]
  16. [url="http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/09/navy-seals-busted-for-giving-secrets-to-make-video-game-more-real/?hpt=hp_t3"]http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/09/navy-seals-busted-for-giving-secrets-to-make-video-game-more-real/?hpt=hp_t3[/url] [b] [url="http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/09/navy-seals-busted-for-giving-secrets-to-make-video-game-more-real/"]Navy SEALs punished for revealing secrets to video game maker[/url][/b] By Mike Mount Seven U.S. Navy SEALs have been reprimanded for giving up classified information connected to their tradecraft so a video game could seem more realistic, according to a navy official. The seven were charged with the unauthorized showing of their official combat gear and dereliction of duty for disclosing classified material after an investigation found the seven to have worked as paid consultants for two days with the video game company Electronic Arts, according to a U.S. Navy official familiar with the investigation. The work, done around the late spring and early summer, was unauthorized by their commanders and against military regulations according to the Navy official. All seven are active duty members of SEAL Team 6, considered the most elite of the Navy’s SEAL community. CBS News, which first reported this story, says at least one of the members was on the raid that killed Osama bin Laden last year. The seven, all senior enlisted sailors, received their punishment Thursday at their base in Virginia. All seven were given a letter of reprimand and their pay taken for two months. The move essentially prevents their chances for promotion and ends their military careers. Four other SEALs who have since transferred to west coast SEAL teams are still under investigation, according to the official. The seven members were consulting with Electronic Arts on the game “Medal of Honor: Warfighter,” according to the official. The game touts that it is developed with the help of former and active duty commandos. "Naval Special Warfare (NSW) takes all allegations of misconduct seriously and conducts investigations to determine the facts. We likewise take seriously the Non-Disclosure Agreements signed by Sailors and adherence to the articles of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice,” said Rear Adm. Garry Bonelli, Deputy Commander of the Naval Special Warfare Center in a statement given to Security Clearance. "We do not tolerate deviations from the policies that govern who we are and what we do as Sailors in the United States Navy. The non-judicial punishment decisions made today send a clear message throughout our Force that we are and will be held to a high standard of accountability,” Bonelli, said. The disclosure of the extra curricular activities of the SEALs comes on the heels of recently retired SEAL who was on the bin Laden raid and wrote a book about the operation. The publication of the book released a firestorm of complaints toward the author by the Pentagon which said the book revealed secret information about how the SEALs operate. Pentagon officials threatened the author with legal action if the book was published. To date there has been no further action toward the author Matt Bissonette, who wrote the book under the name Mark Owen. Post by: [url="http://security.blogs.cnn.com/tag/by-cnn-senior-national-security-producer-mike-mount/"]By CNN Senior National Security Producer Mike Mount[/url] Filed under: [url="http://security.blogs.cnn.com/category/military/navy-seals/"]Navy SEALs[/url]
  17. [quote name='cardcutter' timestamp='1352399129' post='841907'] Hvy I think perhaps polarizing may be a better choice of words. However the country is divided in ideology, vision for the future,the direction our country is going, and the way our government is being run. Divisive yes. there is almost no middle ground. GW did reach out. He did work with dems. O hasn't and the dems in the Senate have absolutely refused to try. So yes I will stand by the term divisive [/quote] You say this because you werent divided. You were on the side that the president was on. This time the shoe is on the other foot so of course you think he's divisive.
  18. The youngest voters, the ones who will have to live with teh consequences are the ones making their bed. Let them lie in it already. It is the people with the least time left, no offense, who have the strongest feelings against the President.
  19. The popular vote went to President Obama.
  20. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img690/5030/29736544687067579811115.jpg[/img] Poppy and Marijuana in the field at the base of this hill.
  21. 500 LBS of freedom. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img690/5030/29736544687067579811115.jpg[/img] Kandahar Airfield has a thriving graffiti scene lol. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img835/6154/58219843918715971501481.jpg[/img] [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img818/699/42427831888654027479996.jpg[/img] [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img443/2784/42816231888786030774948.jpg[/img] Briefings are exciting. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img812/3056/57495939700117709182361.jpg[/img] The best group of [s]killers[/s] men I know. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img72/8403/fuckingpimps.jpg[/img] Getting our CIBs. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img62/5890/iraq060.jpg[/img] 1st Platoon B Co, 2/502nd Infantry, 101st ABN, April 20 2003 Baghdad Iraq. I am third from the right seated in the front row. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img854/4131/iraq063.jpg[/img] [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img209/2022/iraq068.jpg[/img] They look kinda like nuns no? [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img641/1433/iraq099.jpg[/img] I actually got DCU gortex [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img252/7360/iraq10.jpg[/img] The second SAW gunner and I getting our pictures taken with a local and his daughter. PFC Robinson was from Martin, TN. Small world. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img221/9045/scan0008d.jpg[/img] Even sleeping was hot. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img822/6843/sleepingmat.jpg[/img] PVT Costner taken sometime Sept or early Oct 2001 Ft. Benning, GA. Luckily I didn't die or this would have been the picture of me released to the media. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img440/8897/iraq001.jpg[/img]
  22. The Civil Affairs team's MATV that had been blown up the day before we arrived in Panjwai, Afghanistan. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img192/2204/img0372vw.jpg[/img] [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img3/2923/img0371qao.jpg[/img] [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img823/6103/img0368nd.jpg[/img] [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img843/8624/img0364he.jpg[/img] My team's Maxx Pro [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img210/8521/56418637836045108531866.jpg[/img] I got bored and wanted to drive. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img37/4769/57730039747679298194140.jpg[/img] My preferred method of travel. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img204/2984/img0017vy.jpg[/img] [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img231/4719/img1226s.jpg[/img] Someone is a Jungle Recon fan from Action Figure Therapy. [img]http://imageshack.us/a/img202/1415/img1224nl.jpg[/img]
  23. [quote name='dou44' timestamp='1351894873' post='837982'] i like to restore chevys and old coke machines. this is my 55 i finished acouple of years ago. [img]http://www.hunt101.com/data/500/medium/coke_012.jpg[/img] [/quote] My FiL has this car. He has a 45 player under the dash.


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