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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I hate that he feels that way as I used to read SOFREP all the time.
  2. Yes to gel cups.
  3. Mine are used rain or shine and predominately outdoors. The more expensive are generally waterproof or very resistant.
  4. i got mine on eBay from a surplus store outside ft Bragg for much less than retail and they were brand new.
  5. i thought he might not get it. I didn't want to explain.
  6. PIG pc in MC. I have kevlar backers and training plates for home use as they issue ESAPI when I would need them. I have the elastic cummerbund on since I am not going to be wearing side plates for anything outside of centcom. 3 2xmag Tactical Tailor Fight Light Mag carriers. HSGI bleeder pouch with an ITS Trauma kit. A SOF T tourniquet in a Tourniquest Now strap. On the back is a 2L hydration system. I do not recall the MBITR pouch maker. The not worn cummerbund is for the side plates. I have a horizontal Tactial Tailor Accessory Pouch where as on the belt I am using a vertical one. HSGI belt with cobra riggers belt. Safari holster I forget the particular model but it is for the M9 as that was what I was carrying. Tactical Tailor Accessory Pouch and a couple of Flashbang / Smoke pouches that I cant identify at teh moment. I also have a BFG Ten-Speed double pistol mag pouch. I think that is everything.
  7. Ill update to what they are tomorrow... I am up a little late.
  8. This. I changed mine out and didnt stake. Until My stock twisted sideways anyway. Tightening a castle nut while out on amission without the wrench is not an easy task.
  9. I have differing views on the CIB. I earned mine but we did have guys that showed up on the last replacement flight that never went on a mission and possibly only heard SAF that were awarded the CIB for showing up. They arent called the See I Been there for no reason. The trip I took to Afghanistan exposed me to guys that couldnt go 100 meters outside of COP Zangabad without getting in a TIC. This is SAF and IDF. They had so many single, double, & triple amputations, not to mention deaths, those guys should have gotten a V device on any end of tour award they received. They definately did more to earn their CIB than I did.
  10. I have two pair. One Peltor Com tac set which wasnt listed on any hand receipt when we went to turn in equipment and a pair of MSA/Sordin Supreme Pro that I bought. Both are good. Neither appear to go to that NRR level. I prefer the Supremes.
  11. I just saw this. Ill post some of my stuff tonight or tomorrow. Im at work ATM.
  12. He has only done Django and Inglorious Basterds since the two Kill Bills. I liked Django more than IB and KB 2 more than 1. Pulp Fiction is my favorite.
  13. Will have to drop in over the weekend or next week. Out of town for work.
  14. The only film of his I dont like is Jackie Brown.
  15. 44 hours and 48 minutes. I probably had more hours in the beta... I just havent had time lately. Stats taken from Battlelog: MULTIPLAYER SCORE Assault score 28,240 Engineer score 2,576 Support score 6,089 Recon score 361,824 Commander Score 2,995 Squad score 53,784 Vehicle score 177,176 Award score 337,750 Unlock Score 15,200 Total score 931,849   GENERAL Kills 1,687 Deaths 1,132 Kill assists 99 K/D ratio 1.49 Wins 66 Losses 67 Shots fired 87,144 Shots hit 6,155 Accuracy 7.06%   GAME MODES Conquest 184,225 Rush 17,480 Death Match 3,100 Domination 6,360 Obliteration 23,830 Defuse 0   TEAM Repairs 5 Revives 14 Heals 108 Resupplies 9 Avenger kills 114 Savior kills 42 Suppression Assists 46 Quits 14.74%   EXTRA Dogtags Taken 49 Vehicles Destroyed 204 Vehicle Damage 199 Headshots 241 Longest Headshot 231.79 Highest Kill Streak 29 Nemesis Kills 29 Highest Nemesis Streak 9   GAME MODE EXTRA Flags captured 289 Flags defended 205  
  16. LOL. everyone always hates on Recon class. 
  17. You dont get hit markers on Hardcore servers.
  18. John Wayne was never in the military.
  19. My first combat patch, the one I wear, is from the 101st. I was a member of B Co 2/502nd INF REG. ___________________________________________ I also have combat patches from these units.
  20. The FDA regulates all kinds of products you can and cannot consume.
  21. Tim Kennedy would have been nice to meet.
  22. TDM is for you.  To your complaint, the size of the maps is a plus in my opinion. When you have 48-64 players you wont have 5 minutes with no contact.
  23. Most of the weapons are pretty lame until you get the attachments unlocked.
  24. Auto NDs are something I hope to never see again. I personally know 2 people who have done so. One a guy almost shot a SSG who had moved up to drag the C-wire from our gate as we went out on a mission. The gunner on the pedestal loaded up and fired as he grabbed the grip. For those not familiar, the M249 cant be put on safe until it has been charged because it fires from the open bolt position. Three rounds went right in front of his Squad Leader. The other, a 12 year old Iraqi boy was killed. I wasn't there for that one but the guy got off by saying it was a runaway gun. Makes no sense though since only 3 or 4 rounds were fired.   I've seen a CSM fire not 1 but 2 rounds into a clearing barrel after he failed to drop the mag after the first ND. He got escorted to the Brigade TOC where our CSM had said to bring anyone who had an ND so they received punishment from him directly. Instead he just sent him back to his unit with no consequences.   A fellow soldier and I were at the clearing barrels in our compound with a couple others and he fired one into the barrel. We waited a few seconds and no one reacted or came to see WTF so he just turned and walked away and we all pretended it never happend.   The last one was when my FiL handed me an "empty" Beretta Tomcat. I dropped the loaded mag and charged it and found a round chambered. When I told him it was loaded he assured me it wasnt unitl I showed him the full mag and round that was stuck in the barrel. The extracter was not extracting it for some reason. He asked for it and tried charging it a few times. I told him I would go get a cleaning rod. As I turned to go inside he NDed into the ground at our feet.


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