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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Not the model 3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/9/22/21450916/tesla-battery-pack-elon-musk-price-kilowatt-hour-ev-cost-tabless
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_coal-fired_power_stations_in_the_United_States "In 2019 there were 241 coal powered units across the United States[1] which generated 23% of the United States electricity in 2019,[2] an amount of electricity similar to that from renewable energy or nuclear power[3][4] but about half of the amount natural gas generates. Installed capacity was about 236 GW.[5] Coal plants have been closing at a fast rate since the 2010s due to cheaper and cleaner natural gas and renewables, however, some remain profitable because costs to other people due to the health and environmental impact of the coal industry (estimated to average 5 cents per kWh[6][7]) is not priced into the cost of generation. Some coal plants are considering only operating during periods of higher electricity demand, from December to February (winter) and from June to August (summer).[8]"
  3. Ok so individually we dont have a huge impact. Like one guy writing a letter, BUT get a whole group writing letters and you start to see a change. If you and I buy a car that pollutes less the next time we get a new car what is that hurting? Tesla (as an example) with their newest model created a passenger car that is on par price wise with a typical mid or small sized car. Let's say a corolla or sentra. Now you may not buy one of those cars but there is undoubtedly a #### load of those models on the road. So if as time goes on people switch to a car that does not require the burning of fossil fuels to go from point A to B yet costs the same up front as one that does burn that fuel and releases carbon... why not? Planes do release carbon. They have been improving their fuel efficiency for decades though. Do you know why? Because the government said they have to do so. Al Gore's carbon footprint is probably large compared to your's because he most likely has a larger home and travels more maybe. Warren Buffet and Mark Zuckerberg are probably in similar situations as Al Gore. What does that matter though? If your neighbor dumps his trash in his yard does that mean you should? Clearly that last example is small scale. Scale the idea up though. Just because China or India are currently deficient doesnt mean we shouldnt get our house in order. I thought we were leaders? I thought we do the hard right over the easy wrong? It's much easier to peer pressure someone or somewhere into doing the right thing when we are doing the right thing ourselves.
  4. I’m for those. Why can’t we enjoy cars yet want them to have less impact on the environment?
  5. So I have to admit that I stopped keeping up with gun regulations right after the pistol braces were deemed ok by ATF. They always seemed sketchy to me legally speaking because no one used them as an arm brace but instead shouldered them. My neighbor also told me about the gun “cleaning traps” or something that was a suppressor in everything but name... is this a thing? How has that passed when the barrel shroud on the GSG-9 was deemed NFA?
  6. We tried that like 12 years ago didn’t we?
  7. I need to remember this. I’ll admit I did troll a few in the politics sub. I’ll do better in the future.
  8. This is on my list to get to. I have been going through Trump, INCs backlog.
  9. Now I'm afraid to try posting...
  10. Oh man, I blocked him the other day so missed out on this lol. glad someone quoted it.
  11. As a native of Knoxville who lives in the Nashville area... These guys have nothing on UT fandom back home. The radio barely mentions us and I dont get near enough "Go Vols" from random strangers here. Knoxville in the Fall is a great place to be.
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/27/us/california-youth-basketball-tournaments-coronavirus/index.html
  13. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6937e3.htm https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/pediatric-hcp.html Incidence of COVID-19 in Children In the United States and globally, fewer cases of COVID-19 have been reported in children (age 0-17 years) compared with adults.1,2 While children comprise 22% of the US population,3 recent data show that 7.3% of all cases of COVID-19 in the United States reported to CDC were among children (as of August 3rd, 2020).4 The number and rate of cases in children in the United States have been steadily increasing from March to July 2020. The true incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children is not known due to lack of widespread testing and the prioritization of testing for adults and those with severe illness. Hospitalization rates in children are significantly lower than hospitalization rates in adults with COVID-19, suggesting that children may have less severe illness from COVID-19 compared to adults.5, 6 Visit CDC’s Cases, Data, and Surveillance page for current CDC data. Infections and Transmission Among Children It is unclear whether children are as susceptible to infection by SARS-CoV-2 compared with adults and whether they can transmit the virus as effectively as adults. Recent evidence suggests that children likely have the same or higher viral loads in their nasopharynx compared with adults7 and that children can spread the virus effectively in households and camp settings.8,9 Due to community mitigation measures and school closures, transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to and among children may have been reduced in the United States during the pandemic in the spring and early summer of 2020. This may explain the low incidence in children compared with adults. Comparing trends in pediatric infections before and after the return to in-person school and other activities may provide additional understanding about infections in children. Symptoms and Severity of COVID-19 in Children Clinical Presentation The incubation period of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be about the same for children as in adults, at 2-14 days with an average of 6 days.10 Silent Spreaders? Children may play a larger role in community spread of COVID-19 than previously thought By MGH NEWS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS August 20, 2020 Research https://hms.harvard.edu/news/silent-spreaders
  14. Are you mental? Why do you think this AlTeRs your DNA? And if it did so how the #### would it be temporary?
  15. You seem to mistake who wont be taking it lol. What negotiating happened with the FDA might I ask?
  16. This is the real unknown. Tens of thousands of people took this vaccine as part of the trials. I know at least two who participated. One who thinks she got the placebo and her mother who they think got the actual vaccine because she had one of the small side effects at the injection site.
  17. That was 40-50 years ago at this point. Time flies.
  18. They arent immune. They are getting and spreading Covid-19.
  19. In that case you mean people who will get it again and again and again because the antibodies dont last.
  20. I have my own opinion about it but I wanted to ask you. Why didnt the first lockdown work? Why was that not successful? Rather why after it did work did it then begin to not be enough to ultimately be successful?
  21. You see a lot fewer of them in WilCo than Davidson unless something has changed in the last week while I have been and still am in Maryland.
  22. "#### your friends they were almost dead anyway. Sorry about your friends being dead."
  23. Thus the past tense "knew." =D
  24. Wish I knew about this.
  25. I met him at a book signing in 2004 or 2005. It was for this book  In the Company of Soldiers: A Chronicle of Combat http://www.amazon.com/In-Company-Soldiers-Chronicle-Combat/dp/0805077731


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