I wasn't indoctrinated with specific prejudices against other groups and as such agree with Len on teh fact that children by default see nothing wrong with people different than themselves. I see this with racism in that my daughter thinks nothing different about Blacks, whites, Asians, Hispanics or any one else as my wife and I have not taught her that there is a difference.
I used to know a lot of gay people male and female as I had a friend that was a dj at the underground and the closet in Knoxville and I would attend on most days of the week. If you aren't familiar the closet is a gay bar/nightclub but i was not the only straight person by far as well as I was involved in the music scene in Knoxville when I was growing up. From frequenting music events and night clubs I met and became friends with lots of people of both sexes and persuasions but never did i feel that I was going to start to become gay even though I was friends with gays. Just as they didn't become straight from hanging out with me. If being gay is a choice. You are essentially saying that you could choose to be gay yourself. Personally I could not have sex with a man. I'm pretty happy I'm not religious for reasons such as this. I don't dislike Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, or any group just based on their religion or personal beliefs being different than mine.