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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    Ok maybe I'm dumb

    to make it sit at an angle.
  2. depends on teh unit. my reserve unit still has it. hell we have alice packs.NG units and active duty units wont but it can still be in the inventory. also on the camo pattern, those vests have a cordura outer shell and the inserts which give the protection can be removed and put into a new shell.
  3. well i think i can beat this one. we get home and a kid loans his truck to a friend of his that sells drugs. the friend goes to buy from his guy and sees a cop and gets spooked. takes off, leaves the truck. his supplier gets into the truck and drives off. kid from my company who was a rehab transfer from another company for ****ing up already, starts telling people the guy stole his truck and hes going to get him. a few days later the kid breaks into dudes apt and shoots him in the head in the middle of the day grabs his keys and takes off in his truck. he drives back to post and says to a guy in my company to say if anyone asks that hes been with him all morning. well come to find out he had reported his truck stolen and neighbors had heard a shot and saw a yellow truck ( i think it was yellow) leaving and a description of dude. cid shows up to cq who then go and find teh guy in the barracks and haul him off to jail. needless to say we had him back in the company area a few days later in leg irons and cuffs before he was transported to knox for court martial or something. not sure how that works since it was an off post murder of a civilian. i got out shortly there after.
  4. hey, I serve my country not steal from it.
  5. http://www.golsn.com/listings/outdoor_adventure/firearms/491650.html this ad makes me think someone took their vest home.
  6. I was out there this afternoon... I have to work saturday but sunday i can probably get out there again.
  7. wow, i really like both.
  8. I think we should have taken the christian holiday of christmas and replaced it.
  9. Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up . . . we'll all get up . . . it'll be anarchy!
  10. wow.
  11. The should amend their laws and remove both parallel courts powers.
  12. aint that the truth. ive built so many houses with engineer tapes its ridiculous.
  13. 03-04 in iraq. I really identified with his urge to get out and see what there is to see. Experience things.
  14. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=63%C2%B0%2051%E2%80%B2%2036.13%E2%80%B3%20N%2C%20149%C2%B0%2024%E2%80%B2%2050.62%E2%80%B3%20W&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&sa=N&tab=wl
  15. I read "into the wild" recently. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Into_the_Wild The book begins with the discovery of McCandless's body inside an abandoned bus (location 63°51′36.13″N, 149°24′50.62″W)
  16. Did you go to the magic bus on the stampede trail?
  17. Daniel


    Doesnt gas get old and go bad?
  18. I came home with my wife last night and two were across the back yard. large for coyotes.
  19. He didnt care about my car then lol
  20. I knew it was otis also though.
  21. I was my BN CSMs driver. His nickname for me was sleepy. Id fall asleep driving all the time. I was on 40/75 in knox heading west, past papermill dr exit awake but flagging. got to the west hills exit 1 mile sign and woke up under the west hills exit sign. I had been in the middle lane, at dusk, in traffic, for a mile, at christmas time, by the mall. Hit no one and came away with no injuries. I dont think it was a miracle just lucky.


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