I purchased a Leatherman Super Tool 200 back in 2001. I took it to Iraq and used it frequently on things I shouldn't have including an attempt to hot wire a brand new Chevy truck labeled as a government port patrol vehicle in karbala (hundreds of miles from basra the only port im aware of), breaking off a tip of the needle nose pliers, cutting wire to thick for it, dulling the blades and completely trashing the serrated one. It had several burrs also from drops and such.
I had left my leatherman sitting around since my return as we had been issued Gerber multitools towards the end of the deployment. I hadn't been required to turn the Gerber in, as it wasn't on our books, so I used it once I got home.
I had periodically thought of sending my old one in for repair per their 25 year guarantee and figured they wouldn't do anything since it was more my misuse than failure of the tool. Another reason not to send it back was that Im a little sentimental about things and wanted to be able to hand it down and say I had used it "in the war". I figured it was to far gone and they would replace it with a newer model.
Anyway, I finally sent it in about a week ago and today on my porch was a small envelope from L.T.G. Inside was my original tool. They replaced the pliers/wire cutters, sharpened the blades, replaced the smallest flat head screwdriver as it was twisted and removed the burrs. An enclosed card said who it had been repaired by.
I just wanted to post since I was so pleased with their service.