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Everything posted by bobmack

  1. bobmack


    hi, now that's a good looking gun. i've been toying with the idea of a .45 myself. but i'll probably have to trade off or sell something else to make the deal. good luck with your quest, bob
  2. hi, well, i guess when you have money you can have that kind of collection too. i'll never know. unless i hit the 'big one'
  3. bobmack


    hi, i like both. for sheer firepower and intimidation, -- it's hard to beat a semi. but, the wheel guns are a lot of fun to shoot especially when you have the time and are just enjoying a liesurely day at the range. while i carry a semi, [usually a 9mm or a .40] --- my backup and night stand guns are 'j' frame snubies in .38spl. to each his own. bob
  4. the right words are impossible to come by in times like this. i can only offer my deepest sympathy for your loss. god bless, bob
  5. hi, very nice article. --- i really enjoyed it. i have a little S&W 'j' frame [model 49] which i've had for at least 25 years. i'll probably have it till i die and pass it on to one of my kids. even though i have about 15 other handguns [mostly automatics], i keep IT in my night stand, mainly because i know that when i pull the trigger and it goes 'click' --- it also goes 'BANG'. and that is security. thanks for a fine article, bob
  6. hi, i usually go to the V.A. clinic and when i do, i normally leave it locked in the trunk or glove box of my vehicle. if you've ever been to the V.A. you know you don't need to stir anything up. it's hard enough to get an appointment. with private practice i usually do the same ---but then i don't live in nashville or memphis either.
  7. JUST AWESOME ! it's alive ! --- it's alive !
  8. hi, i vote another 'thumbs up' on the bmw 3 series from about '96 up. good performance and gas mileage[25/ 27 mpg]. and lots of classic styling and comfort. also, you won't see yourself coming and going on every street corner. take one for a test ride before you count it out. some of the late 80's / early 90's vettes are a good buy also if you're into the ego trip and don't mind riding on a 'buckboard'. just my opinion ----- good luck with your decision. bob
  9. touche' called 'gettin even'.
  10. javaguy, something i've been noticing as well. well put post. i guess we all tend to get a little careless at times.
  11. bobmack


    to coin a phrase --- "PRICELESS"
  12. hi, glad nobody was hurt. while it might be embarressing to admit this, i HOPE it will make everyone a little more careful. --- IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU. now go clean your shorts. regards, bob
  13. hi, i think the mod's are waiting for an even 200 posts before they put this thread to sleep. --- must be a new record maybe.
  14. hi, promags are O.K. for range mags but that is about it. i sure wouldn't trust them in my carry weapon. at $7. each -- you get what you pay for. i agree with the mecgar's. they make many of the oem mags for several makes including "SIG". there is always good used mags floating around the sig forum for sale at reasonable prices. bob
  15. hi, if a 'bigass' gun safe doesn't impress her, then puny trigger locks surely won't. congrats on getting your daughter back. -- do what it takes. bob
  16. hi well said 'davetn'. --- but some people won't give up pushing an issue. -- right or wrong. might be time to put this thread to rest. bob
  17. hi, sig 239 in 9mm most times --- but lately a cz rami in 9mm. i like the feel, size, and balance plus it shoots very well. accurate and dependable. bob
  18. hi, very good choice --excellent gun -- you won't go wrong. not all have a date stamp ---but condition is the most important. to my knowledge there were no problems or idiosyncrocies with any of them so year is not that big an issue. expect to pay $450. and up for a used and $650. up for new. if you get a .40 S&W you can always add the .357 sig barrel later. it's a direct drop in. not so with a 9mm. good luck, bob
  19. bobmack

    Bersa .380 Question

    hi, comfortable grip, dependable, accurate and reasonably priced. what else do you need ? i have one for a 'truck' gun. --- BUT, i carry a SIG or a CZ rami p. bob
  20. hi, a good gun shop will be there if you have a problem or want to trade 'up' later on. especially with a 'first' gun. also a familiar face tends to get more attention and maybe a little better deal. the gun show MAY be around next year. --- and MAY NOT. take that avenue after you gain more experience and know exactly what you're looking for. bob
  21. bobmack

    Keltec P-11

    hi, i've had 2 of them over the last few years and they're fine for their intended purpose as a self defense weapon. they are light and easily concealed. they are definitely not a range gun. the dao trigger pull is hard to get used to and if you shot it a lot you'll have a sore finger for sure. a 'fluff & buff' and a little mag 'tweeking' will go a long way toward making it more dependable. a nice feature is they will take the S&W 12 or 15 rd hi-caps mags for extra grip and firepower. don't have one any longer but a lot of people swear by them and they're relatively cheap. bob
  22. hi, seems to me if a property owner does not want weapons on their property and posts that in ANY way -- be it technically "legal" or not , their wishes should be respected. --- we, as legal carriers have the option of removing our weapons or going elsewhere to do our business. making a big issue of it defeats the purpose of 'concealed'. might as well carry a sign around your neck that says 'i've got a gun'. that way the bad guys know who to shoot first. some people need to grow up. my opinion and i'm sticking to it. bob
  23. hi, pardon my ignorance, but just where is owl hollow gc ? thanks, bob
  24. bobmack

    best .22 handgun

  25. hi, sigs catch phrase says it all "TO HELL AND BACK RELIABILITY" my personal choice, bob


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